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  1. M

    Abbreviated Forum??

    'Benchrest dot Com' Why would anyone come here to discusss factory gun topics?
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    .223 Win outside neck diameter

    You're just gonna have to measure it. Anything else would be a guess
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    Barrel twist rate and # of groove question

    No formula for that.. What was your plan?
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    Sizing die to just remove spent primer

    I've used a Neil Jones 'decapper' for a long time now: When I get back from the range, I wipe the necks, pop the spent primers & drop the cases in a tumbler.
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    what spring weight??

    I got into a corner with firing pin travel once. I ended up trial & error for tightest grouping, as measured with a released pin tip from the boltface. I've got my finding logged & don't remember off hand. But there truly was a sweetspot that improved grouping beyond what the gun was shooting...
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    Sorting brass by water volume..HOW?

    You zero your scale with the empty plugged case. Then you eye drop fill it with water while it sets on the scale. I put water in a cup next to the scale and add a few drops of alcohol to it to reduce meniscus formation. I use a paper towel corner to bring water level at the mouths. For plugging...
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    fire lap

    Lefty, why do you think barrel life is shortened with a single application of firelapping? Your conclusion about engine wear is not as simple as assumption. Car makers DO pour abrasives into new engines -to break them in as quickly and controlled as possible. This does not shorten engine...
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    fire lap

    Butch I missed the "contrary to the other people's experience" part. I was just trying to help OP, and it sounds like he tried it & it didn't work. It was worth a shot based on his initial post & didn't hurt anything in doing so irregardless. Although I stand behind my post, having yet to...
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    fire lap

    It's yours to prove otherwise I guess. You could try it with a marginal shooting barrel before moving on to another. My contention is that it will not hurt performance. I don't even think it'll tear up a badly burnt throat as much as a bronze brush can.
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    fire lap

    Lefty o, I hope you recognize that abrasives were dragged through your barrels plenty before they were sent out to you, and that it's apparently not so with OPs barrel. So why wouldn't he do what he can about that? If he's copper fouling out he needs to lap it one way or another. Now he could...
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    fire lap

    For a barrel with a few hundred rounds through it, you probably won't need to use the coarse grits. Those are to cut away machining burrs. You just need a finer lapping to extend shooting before copper fouling out. Might also consider dry lub coating of bullets(assuming you reload).
  12. M

    Etched reticle Leupold?
  13. M

    6brx brass problem

    How much is your brass growing at the webs? What's your clearance near there?
  14. M

    30 wssm ?

    For hunting you would gain over a .308(~100fps), and better brass life. It would basically be the .308AI that Ackley didn't bother with, but Gibbs would have loved. If you improved it further, and used a big enough action, tight clearances, ran higher pressures, custom dies, you might discover a...
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    30 wssm ?

    To run pressures similar to a good shooting 30br, you'd need a large tenon action to get enough barrel steel around it. You would also need to turn the necks to something rational, or tension variances could get ugly. Any real purpose for it would be heavily tied to a niche 30cal bullet I'm...
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    Look what this guy uses to clean brass.

    Andy, I don't think carbon tetrachloride is the same thing as Trichloroethane. I believe the latter is a similar replacement, which would not so immediately kill you.
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    Ballistic Equations

    I don't see how ballistic prediction will help OP with further predictions of pressure wave position per time. The pressure wave would be bowed over the bullet nose at some unknown angles, constantly changing, during flight. Same would hold for other shockwaves generated at bearing and base...
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    Favorite Bullet Seating Depth tool?

    How did you create your touching -vs- jammed condition?
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    Favorite Bullet Seating Depth tool?

    No matter the tool used(if using one at all) to create max oal(bullet touching, casehead to tip), anyone would then need to take this to OgvOAL using a preferred comparator. They are different tools. You don't 'create' max oal with a comparator. You find OgvOAL with a comparator. I was just...
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    Favorite Bullet Seating Depth tool?

    caroby, I think the context of discussion so far has been 'methods of finding the lands' from which to reference seating depth settings. The sinclair/stoney point/Hornady tools referred to so far are for finding max oal. The nut works great, but it is only a comparator used with resp to a max...