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  1. P

    ASK The EXPERTS..Bedding..and more Bedding??????

    Having the barrel bedded uphill will decrease the buttstock angle, nothing more. As long as it´s still within the rules, it doesn´t hurt. The barrel will always be pointed in the same direction given similar POI, so the only thing bedding uphill or downhill will affect is the buttstock angle.
  2. P

    Crosshairs moving up after the shot

    Came to think of one other thing as well. Make sure that your rear bag isn´t sliding forward on the bench upon recoil. Some bags can be quite slippery, and combined with a dusty bench and jumping rifle the bag might actually slide forward. Peter
  3. P

    Crosshairs moving up after the shot

    The base of the rear bag need to be packed firmly enough so that it doesn´t settle from the recoil force. The stock must compleatly bottom out between the ears as well, othervise your POA will climb from shot to shot. Height of the front rest or rear bag is not an issue. //Peter
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    High Pressure Pix

    Did you find out what the problem was? //Peter
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    Jewell trigger SAFETY test

    Don´t have a HVRTS trigger, but the BR triggers that I have tried wont cock(or pick up) the bolt when cyckeled upside down. Probably some design feature.
  6. P

    6PPC bullet wt Vs. tune

    Most likely. I guess it depends alot on the shape of the bullet. If they are made in the same die(and same jacket lenght) I guess it might be less sensitive, but if not I would expect it change.
  7. P

    Harrel email

    Call them, or send snail-mail..
  8. P


    I´m also located outside USA, and know the pain... It really isn´t as easy as just ordering new stuff when the old isn´t working. Anyways, even the best chamber reamer must be used togeather with a fitted FL die in order to take advatage of the reamer. Don´t fool yourself into ordering reamers...
  9. P

    stripping AcraGlas from steel.

    Sandpaper or heat. Don´t think there is anything out there that disolves hardened epoxi easily.
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    Bullet Making

    I hope it works... Tried to attach the old bullet making thread .pdf
  11. P

    USPS international deliveries to Australia

    USPS to Sweden works great! Normally, the package leaves the US within a couple of days. Out problem is that the Swedish postal service isn´t as good...
  12. P

    Identify Stock
  13. P

    Gold to Silver ratio?

    If you have to ask, it´s probably not the best idea to buy... ;)
  14. P

    New Carbon Fiber Stock for BR

    550g = 19.40oz
  15. P

    Shipping Abroad

    Simply put, No. You need a export license from eigther DDTC or DoC. DDTC for Mil-spec stuff, DoC for normal sporting scopes. I live outside US, but it I did live in the US I wouldn´t take the risk. The max penalty is a 250,000$ fine, 10years in prison, or both.
  16. P

    Why have a RB/LP/RE with no ejector???

    Can you show us one of those ads? All I can find from Jim Borden is a add for a RBLPRE action, and it for sure has a ejector even if he hasn´t written it. It´s kind of obvius.
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    Why have a RB/LP/RE with no ejector???

    How do you figure out it has no ejector?
  18. P

    Wilson 6ppc seater question

    I had to open my wilson 6PPC "custom" seater up a bit to avoid cases getting stuck...
  19. P

    Bat ppc/308 combi bolt face?

    You can get a replacement from Bat that will work 100% with PPC cases, but it might not work with BR cases. Guess you can make it work good with both if you put some time into it.
  20. P

    Bat ppc/308 combi bolt face?

    Thanks guys, Got hold of Bruce at Bat and he told me the same thing as Skeetlee wrote.