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  1. G

    Another gone too soon - Todd Tyler

    Another, Passed Too Soon ! Man, I'm almost afraid to open this forum lately for fear that another of our benchrest friends has passed away. Todd Tyler was only 57. When I look in the mirror each morning, I am reminded of the price we pay for each day that passes---one less tomorrow. Todd...
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    I hate to report Arnold Jewell has left the range

    Kris, thanks for posting this. I was very saddened to learn of Arnold's passing. We go way back, even in the flying game before either of us became involved with benchrest. Arnold Jewell was indeed, 'One of a Kind !" I will sure miss him. It's also been a great pleasure and honor to get...
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    Jim, I wore a glove today.....

    Al, you're kidding; right? Using a leather glove around a mill or lathe is asking for trouble ! Promise me you will NEVER do that again. Your friend in West Texas Gene Beggs
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    Tony Boyer Status?

    Several years ago while driving in Phoenix, an ugly old, weather-beaten truck was ahead of me on the freeway. The following golden message in big bold letters was painted on the back of the home-made camper shell, "HANG UP THAT DAMN CELL PHONE AND PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR DRIVING' I will...
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    Tony Boyer Status?

    Plus one to Dr. Tim Yessir, Let us all pray that God will be with Tony Boyer as he recovers from his injuries received in that car wreck. Tony Boyer, a finer man I've never met ! Gene Beggs
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Aww,,,this is hilarious !
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    Making Your Own Bullets

    Best explanation I've heard about a very critical step [QUOTE=Mike Bryant, "I think a lot of what goes into a good bullet is in the core to jacket set up when seating the core. You want a core seating punch diameter that gives the least lead bleed by that you can get without scraping any...
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    220 Beggs rechamber from Lilja 22 Waldog

    Cecil Tucker (432-553-4692) does the gunsmithing. I have the sizing and seater dies in stock. Gene Beggs
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    The 'Lazy Leopard' lives.

    Al, it looks like you've got you a winner there. Nice work and terrific results. I never cease to be amazed by these thirties. They just SHOOT ! And they are not finicky. Easy to tune and even more important, easy to keep in tune. One day, several years ago, Ralph Stewart and I were...
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    Walt Berger Passes

    The words won't come that could adequately express how I came to appreciate Walt Berger during my years of involvement in benchrest. He was a man among men to say the least ! May God richly bless our friend Walt Berger. He will be greatly missed by his friends and family here on Earth. Gene...
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    45ACP Pistol Project

    Ol' Beggs again. Good for you, Jackie ! Fine work, and time well spent for the benefit of posterity.
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    Been Doing A Big Job For Past Three Days

    Jackie, that is some awesome equipment and amazing technology! Thanks for sharing with us. Fascinating stuff indeed. Gene Beggs
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    We lost Gene Buckys Today!

    Trying again I have tried several times to add something appropriate to Speedy's post announcing the passing of Gene Buckys. I have been in a state of shock and disbelief ever since. The words just would not come. :( In 1989, I began shooting in short-range group matches at the Midland...
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    Loos primer pockets

    Jerry, the only thing that can cause what you described is your decapping pin in the sizing die is screwed down too far and the pin body is contacting the base of the case after the old primer is ejected. When this happens, the base of the case is pushed out and the primer pocket is belled. I...
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    Notice anything different about this Bat M Action Bolt?

    Jackie it's nice to see you back to your old self again, sharing your adventures and projects with us. Keep up the good work. We all appreciate it. Best regards, Gene Beggs
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    Alright ! That's a good report Jackie. Relieved to hear you and Marilyn made it through that bump in the road. Enjoy going back to work. I'll bet your employees will want to see some ID when you show up. Best regards, Gene Beggs
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    Rifle Woes

    Butch, thanks for reminding me that Justin is not a newcomer to shooting and machine work. I hope he did not think I was putting him down by suggesting that he accept his 308 sporting rifle's accuracy for what it was designed for. If one has not been involved in extreme accuracy in the past...
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    Rifle Woes

    Ol' Beggs again. Justin, I've been following your thread with interest as I have been there. I think I can help. I have been a short-range benchrester for over thirty years with a reasonable degree of success. What you are experiencing with your Rem 700 308 is very common with accuracy...
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    Drilling Reduction Gear Foundation For Body Fit Bolts......Marine Gear Installation

    Thank you Jackie Jackie, I never tire of viewing your work. Thanks for taking the time to share it with the rest of us. As my father was sometimes heard to say, "It takes quite a hoss to do that kind of work." Best regards Hoss ! Gene Beggs
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    The fifth shot

    Glenn, I'm sure you've read both Mike Ratigan's book and Tony Boyer's as well. I still learn something every time I pick up either book for review. Knowing both gentlemen as I do, I can tell you what they would advise when you find yourself in the predicament you described in your post above...