Jim, I wore a glove today.....


oft dis'd member
I never wear gloves around the lathe or mill.... The ONLY time I ever did for about 20 minutes I nearly lost a thumb.... but today I wore a big old leather glove, on the lathe.

I chambered my first 50BMG, holding the reamer driver in my fingers. It was kinda' like petting a leopard...... or feeding a banana into a chipper.....

The barrel showed a serious tendency to work-harden when pre-boring.... the ONLY thing that cut smooth of 7 tool choices was a carbide end mill setting sideways at 1400rpm (like glass) Threading and pre-drilling the surface tore, deflected and work-hardened like a skank so I decided I'd better take perty good pecks whilst reaming.

About halfway in she started to try chatter and while working 'er out my fingers got slippery and nervous.... so I put on a leather glove and rode 'er down to a bright mirror finish chamber. The glove really let me relax.

I'll do it again.... maybe try a different brand of barrel though! :)
I never wear gloves around the lathe or mill.... The ONLY time I ever did for about 20 minutes I nearly lost a thumb....

Years back, Stan Ware snapped this pic of me cutting jackets off .30 cal. armor piercing bullets to get the pointed carbide cores for rest screw points.

Right after he took this pic, he bellowed: "Nyhus, get those f^@&-ing sleeves pushed up or I'll cut 'em off!!!" :eek:

Stan had a way with words. ;) But I think about that every time I go to the lathe.

Good shootin' :) -Al

50's are Sooooo much fun

Yeahh, been fun so far but it's frickin' scary to have fingers only running that huge reamer.... nervy for a bit but once I got the feel, piece a' cake

I'm going down to Portland today to pick up a 250lb stick of steel to make the brake(s)
Years back, Stan Ware snapped this pic of me cutting jackets off .30 cal. armor piercing bullets to get the pointed carbide cores for rest screw points.

Right after he took this pic, he bellowed: "Nyhus, get those f^@&-ing sleeves pushed up or I'll cut 'em off!!!" :eek:

Stan had a way with words. ;) But I think about that every time I go to the lathe.

Good shootin' :) -Al


LOL! Stan sounds like someone I'd enjoy

I "dressed nice" for one of my early youtube vids about Gordying in a lathe setup and about 5 minutes in I grabbed up a pair of scissors and hacked the sleeves off as I worked. Took about 30 seconds, even though it was COLD in the shop I just can't stand long sleeves or loose clothing! They both scare me.

My son was working in a shop where there was a guy who often left the chuck key in the little drill press. Enough that he's sometimes send it bouncing making everybody jumpy.... His boss gave him the ultimatum AND stapled the key to the wall with a leather strap, high. It worked...I guess having his face scratched by that staple as he warded his way in to hit the off-switch finally taught him his lesson finally because he kept his job :)
My son was working in a shop where there was a guy who often left the chuck key in the little drill press.

In my gun room at home, I've got a pretty tuned-up small mini-type lathe....works great for making pillars, turning spuds, lapping dies, etc.

I stupidly let myself get distracted and left the chuck key in once. Once was enough. :eek: -Al
Back when I was a garage smith with no heat I got hung up in my spider which was doing 1250 RPM's at the time. I tore the sleeve out of a long john top and a sweater getting away from that thing. Fortunately I had rolled the carriage back or my arm would have hit the tool post and my career would have been over. It took me about 15 minutes to regain my composure before I could seek help. It was long time before I got comfortable around that lathe.
I never wear gloves around the lathe or mill.... The ONLY time I ever did for about 20 minutes I nearly lost a thumb.... but today I wore a big old leather glove, on the lathe.

I chambered my first 50BMG, holding the reamer driver in my fingers. It was kinda' like petting a leopard...... or feeding a banana into a chipper.....

The barrel showed a serious tendency to work-harden when pre-boring.... the ONLY thing that cut smooth of 7 tool choices was a carbide end mill setting sideways at 1400rpm (like glass) Threading and pre-drilling the surface tore, deflected and work-hardened like a skank so I decided I'd better take perty good pecks whilst reaming.

About halfway in she started to try chatter and while working 'er out my fingers got slippery and nervous.... so I put on a leather glove and rode 'er down to a bright mirror finish chamber. The glove really let me relax.

I'll do it again.... maybe try a different brand of barrel though! :)

Gloves and long sleeves are a bad idea around rotating machinery when it is in operation.

It they catch the glove can rip off the skin.

The most I might use is thin neoprene to limit how much cutting lube ends up on your skin.

Most cutting lubes are designed to be 'skin friendly' but individual reactions can still occur.
Neoprene of latex are thin enough to tear without 'catching' the covered skin.

I saw a person that had a leather glove catch and it was horrid.

Skin grafts and months of surgery.
A ton point they actually embedded his hand under the skin on his belly to allow for healing in a controlled environment.

BRickey sends.
Al, I made this for the chuck key. It's right at eye level and I don't have to look for it.

I never wear gloves around the lathe or mill.... The ONLY time I ever did for about 20 minutes I nearly lost a thumb.... but today I wore a big old leather glove, on the lathe.

I chambered my first 50BMG, holding the reamer driver in my fingers. It was kinda' like petting a leopard...... or feeding a banana into a chipper.....

The barrel showed a serious tendency to work-harden when pre-boring.... the ONLY thing that cut smooth of 7 tool choices was a carbide end mill setting sideways at 1400rpm (like glass) Threading and pre-drilling the surface tore, deflected and work-hardened like a skank so I decided I'd better take perty good pecks whilst reaming.

About halfway in she started to try chatter and while working 'er out my fingers got slippery and nervous.... so I put on a leather glove and rode 'er down to a bright mirror finish chamber. The glove really let me relax.

I'll do it again.... maybe try a different brand of barrel though! :)

Al, you're kidding; right? Using a leather glove around a mill or lathe is asking for trouble !
Promise me you will NEVER do that again.

Your friend in West Texas

Gene Beggs
Al, you're kidding; right? Using a leather glove around a mill or lathe is asking for trouble !
Promise me you will NEVER do that again.

Your friend in West Texas

Gene Beggs

Thanks Gene :) I don't disagree....... I wore it well away from the chuck and the spinning parts but nonetheless, I HEAR YOU!

Thank You For Your Concern My Friend