I hate to report Arnold Jewell has left the range

Last Friday Sept 30th Arnold Jewell left the range. Arnold Jewell, for those that did not know him, brought us the awesome Jewell Trigger. Jewell triggers set the standard for how a trigger is supposed to function. Arnold was brilliant, funny, and a hoot to be around. They broke the mold when he was born for sure. He will be missed!

Services will be held Saturday Oct 8th at Lux Funeral Home in New Braunfels Tx. Viewing is from 12:00PM - 2:00PM. Services will start at 2:00 PM. According to Brian the obituary should be up tomorrow if you go to Lux Funeral Home website. Anyone that knew AJ knows we lost one of the best.

Kris Whitman
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RIP Arnold

I always enjoyed enjoyed visiting with Arnold While shooting at the same BR match
RIP Arnold
Chet Whitebread
Best Trigger Ever

I always enjoyed hearing the stories about Arnold. I still have my very first 2 Triggers, and have never had a malfunction. He was a Genius. R.I.P. Arnold Jewell.
My first one

My first br trigger back in the 90's was a Jewell BR, still up and running.
May he rest in peace.
Last Friday Sept 30th Arnold Jewell left the range. Arnold Jewell, for those that did not know him, brought us the awesome Jewell Trigger. Jewell triggers set the standard for how a trigger is supposed to function. Arnold was brilliant, funny, and a hoot to be around. They broke the mold when he was born for sure. He will be missed!

Services will be held Saturday Oct 8th at Lux Funeral Home in New Braunfels Tx. Viewing is from 12:00PM - 2:00PM. Services will start at 2:00 PM. According to Brian the obituary should be up tomorrow if you go to Lux Funeral Home website. Anyone that knew AJ knows we lost one of the best.

Kris Whitman

Kris, thanks for posting this. I was very saddened to learn of Arnold's passing. We go way back, even in the flying game before either of us became involved with benchrest. Arnold Jewell was indeed, 'One of a Kind !" I will sure miss him. It's also been a great pleasure and honor to get acquainted with you and your brothers and enjoying shooting matches with you at Howard Deitz's range.

We have lost a great number of our benchrest brothers in recent times. Just last week we attended the services for Cecil Tucker, one of the pillars of the Midland Shooters Association.

Arnold Jewell was one of the smartest men I've ever known ! I enjoyed many hours of conversation with him as a guest at his home in New Braunfels. Of all the subjects we discussed, there is no doubt, the most memorable is the one on GRAVITY ! Yep, gravity.
You would think that two old fliers like me and AJ could never disagree on something as basic as gravity. I forget what brought it up but AJ looked me straight in the eye and stated, "There is no such thing as the force of gravity !"

AJ went on for hours trying to explain something that was completely contrary to what I had always believed and staked my life on daily. He referenced several words of both Newton and Einstein. I finally decided to keep an open mind about it and remember who was offering this new (to me) theory. At the time, I had been studying "Orbits" of objects in space and knew there was a helluva lot that I never thought of before. And so,,,,,,,,,,,,,AJ and I agreed that we would keep the open mind that I have always been proud of and discuss the subject at a later date, Unfortunately, there would never be another opportunity.

"So Beggs" you ask; "Did you ever learn the truth about the matter? " Damn right, I did ! When I stepped off the end of a curb in a parking lot and broke two ribs when I hit the ground !

So, I'll certainly admit there is much that I do not understand, and at the age of 79, I know that's the way God intended for it to be.

Kris, say hello to the brothers. Until later,,

Gene Beggs
Arnold Jewell

Shocking news. Looked forward to shooting with Arnold and hearing jokes
I never heard before. He adjusted the pull weight on one of his triggers on my rifle,twenty years ago. It still works fine. Over the years,we exchanged many e-mails. Mostly jokes. He never told the same joke twice.

RIP my friend.

So many of these folks that were a big part our life for years have ''left the range!''

From what I knew of AJ I'd say he lived large and enjoyed life.. May the after life be even better..

His son has been running the business for years.

Good to know.

I have never dealt with anyone at Jewell Trigger.
A long time ago I purchased the Jewell BR trigger that is on my Varmint Rifle.
I had used a Timney for a few months, and was looking for something better.
I had developed a great load and the Panda action (Shilen Tube) was giving signs of being very accurate.
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Very Sad News

I lack eloquent words of condolence for his family.
I enjoyed shooting with him. A very sad loss to the community.

Pete Landers
San Antonio, TX
Kris, I sure know how close that you and AJ were. I know it is just heartbreaking. Traveling all over the US and Alaska, shooting and fishing. You were a lucky man to have such a close friend.
Arrangement update

Originally I posted the viewing started at 12:00 on Oct 8th but after everything was finalized with the funeral home they have the viewing starting at 1:00 PM with services to start at 2:00. Once again services will be held at Lux Funeral Home in New Braunfels Texas.

You are correct Butch. I was very fortunate to get to travel with AJ to many Benchrest shoots, clay shoots, poker chip shoots, prairie dog trips, and fishing trips to Alaska. AJ was just a joy to be around. I don't know of anyone who enjoyed life more than AJ. If AJ was around you were either smiling or bent over laughing. What a guy! He will be missed!

Kris Whitman
Originally I posted the viewing started at 12:00 on Oct 8th but after everything was finalized with the funeral home they have the viewing starting at 1:00 PM with services to start at 2:00. Once again services will be held at Lux Funeral Home in New Braunfels Texas.

You are correct Butch. I was very fortunate to get to travel with AJ to many Benchrest shoots, clay shoots, poker chip shoots, prairie dog trips, and fishing trips to Alaska. AJ was just a joy to be around. I don't know of anyone who enjoyed life more than AJ. If AJ was around you were either smiling or bent over laughing. What a guy! He will be missed!

Kris Whitman
AJ made everything a lot more fun when He showed up. At the Freezer shoot, we score our own targets. I noticed after a couple of rounds that Arnold was not scoring his targets. When I asked him about it, he replied that scoring them interfered with the fun. I looked. They were pretty good targets.
And of course there is the famed teeth in the pocket. At one match, He was holding forth as to how he did not need them and could chew up anything. I walked over to the truck, grabbed a bag and dropped the cornnuts in front of him. He simply looked up, grinned from ear to ear and said "you peckerwood"! I also heard him report that he had asked his DAD how long it took him to get used to his false teeth. He said his Dad replied "I don't know Son. If I ever do get used to them, I will let you know."

He had a seemingly endless supply of jokes. Indeed as Kris said, He will be missed!