Another gone too soon - Todd Tyler


Todd passed last Thursday, 9/26/22.

57 years old.

Here's a pic of Todd with Walt Berger at the World Benchrest Championships 2013 in Australia.

Another, Passed Too Soon !

Todd passed last Thursday, 9/26/22.

57 years old.

Here's a pic of Todd with Walt Berger at the World Benchrest Championships 2013 in Australia.

Man, I'm almost afraid to open this forum lately for fear that another of our benchrest friends has passed away.
Todd Tyler was only 57. When I look in the mirror each morning, I am reminded of the price we pay for each day that passes---one less tomorrow.

Todd was a quick study !! I first met him at a match at the Wittington Center. He was shooting so well, I was surprised we had not met. When I asked him how long he had been shooting, I was shocked to learn this was his first year !

I'll not forget the time Todd came down to shoot with me in the tunnel. I knew that he was someone that would go far.
Sorry to hear of Todd's passing...

One of the many good guys in bench rest that loved to compete and share ideas. Left this world way to has been a tough three weeks for bench rest.

My very first registered match was at the Cactus and I drew the same bench as Todd. He was great, he went out of his way to make me feel comfortable and calm. Gave me some good advice and congratulated me in the end on my finish. I've shot with him several more times, mostly in NM, he was a great gentleman, friend and will be missed in this sport.

Too soon is right

I only saw Todd at the Whittington Center matches. Hadn't seen him the last few years. He gave me great advice on setting up my equipment on the bench which I use to this day.
Way too soon!

I sat on a bench right next to Todd during one of his very first BR matches, maybe in Raton, not sure..

Conditions weren't great but fairly challenging. Shooting .5's at 200 was pretty good.. Todd had bright red rifle with a Hart barrel on it, as I recall. He was new to the game. Anyway, I sat there and watched him shoot a .2, next relay a .3, then another .3.. His rifle was on fire !!! He sat there shooting good group after good group.. I finally had to mention, "I'm not sure you know how good your rifle is!" He expected it to shoot and damnit, it was... Fun to visit with. I'd bet over time he came to realize what a great barrel/bullet combo he had..
Hope all his barrels hummers from now on!
