Loos primer pockets


Jerry Adams
Loose primer pockets

A few weeks a go I was browsing the Uniquetek web site and ordered a pair of primer pocket gauges. Got them a few days ago. Yesterday as I was priming some newly prepped 6 Beggs brass I noticed a few of the primers went in way too easy. My new small primer pocket gauge verified that the pockets were no-go. This brass was new Lapua .220 Russian in the gold box. The brass had only two firings. The first was with 20 gn VV 133 for initial fireforming and the second with 25.2 gn H4198. Neither of these loads was remotely excessive. I've never encountered this before with Lapua brass. I guess I'll have to watch this batch of brass closely. Any thoughts anyone?
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Jerry , be careful with those loose primer pockets. I pitted the boltface on my bolt with some loose primer pockets. It was probably my own fault for not using the right primer pocket tool. chuck em in the trash.
A few weeks a go I was browsing the Uniquetek web site and ordered a pair of primer pocket gauges. Got them a few days ago. Yesterday as I was priming some newly prepped 6 Beggs brass I noticed a few of the primers went in way too easy. My new small primer pocket gauge verified that the pockets were no-go. This brass was new Lapua .220 Russian in the gold box. The brass had only two firings. The first was with 20 gn VV 133 for initial fireforming and the second with 25.2 gn H4198. Neither of these loads was remotely excessive. I've never encountered this before with Lapua brass. I guess I'll have to watch this batch of brass closely. Any thoughts anyone?

Jerry, the only thing that can cause what you described is your decapping pin in the sizing die is screwed down too far and the pin body is contacting the base of the case after the old primer is ejected. When this happens, the base of the case is pushed out and the primer pocket is belled. I don't know how many times I've seen this on both the 6ppc and the 6Beggs. Check this and I think you will see what I mean. The cases you have that the primer pockets are loose are trash. Scrap 'em !

Let me know what you find.

Gene Beggs
Jerry, the only thing that can cause what you described is your decapping pin in the sizing die is screwed down too far and the pin body is contacting the base of the case after the old primer is ejected. When this happens, the base of the case is pushed out and the primer pocket is belled.

When I've done that (hope never again) the primer pocket is too shallow and the primer will not fully seat -- I haven't noticed loose primers.
Jerry, the only thing that can cause what you described is your decapping pin in the sizing die is screwed down too far and the pin body is contacting the base of the case after the old primer is ejected. When this happens, the base of the case is pushed out and the primer pocket is belled. I don't know how many times I've seen this on both the 6ppc and the 6Beggs. Check this and I think you will see what I mean. The cases you have that the primer pockets are loose are trash. Scrap 'em !

Let me know what you find.

Gene Beggs

I'll check that decapping pin. I've already trashed the ones I found. The more I look at what you said I think that is the problem. I think I did something similar over ten years ago and forgot about it. I also noticed on the second firing of the brass I was getting the dreaded "click" on many of the rounds. Would that tie into this? Well, If I'm going to take the 6 Beggs to Raton shortly I'd better start making up some more brass. I may wear that barrel out fireforming brass.

I just recalled that I had to rectify a another brain fart where I primed some of the brass before sizing it and subsequently removed the decapping assembly so I could size the brass without losing the primers. Must have not noticed the decapping pin issue later. God it sucks getting old and forgetting how to think.
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Jerry, done it.
Redding mentions 2 nickles worth and a little more till primer drops. Seems to work with Harrel's and other dies......
Jerry, done it.
Redding mentions 2 nickles worth and a little more till primer drops. Seems to work with Harrel's and other dies......

Got the decapping pin corrected and started on making 100 more pieces of brass. Done with the expanding and started on the neck turning.

I was born and raised in Detroit. Whereabout are you in S.E. Mi?
Got the decapping pin corrected and started on making 100 more pieces of brass. Done with the expanding and started on the neck turning.

I was born and raised in Detroit. Whereabout are you in S.E. Mi?

3 cities south of Deeetroit. And 1 east.....Southgate.
Folks say I am a lucky guy. 45 min from 2 ranges that shoot Benchrest. Wayne and Monroe Counties have about 16-18 firearm ranges.
Add the Stores/ranges, DNR, and whatever. It's over 30 ranges......Oakland County a bunch more....
Some like WWCCA have it all.....
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Hey Jerry, I too was Detroit raised we lived at 573 Drexel, Detroit 15, Mich. That was before Zip codes and our phone number was VAlley 2561 that was before area code 313 and before two letters and 5 numbers in the phone number. I’m not old-just have a good memory. Where were you?
Hey Jerry, I too was Detroit raised we lived at 573 Drexel, Detroit 15, Mich. That was before Zip codes and our phone number was VAlley 2561 that was before area code 313 and before two letters and 5 numbers in the phone number. I’m not old-just have a good memory. Where were you?

14929 Pinehurst Near intersection of Fenkell and Myers Rd. Went to Cooley HS graduated 1958.
I spent 7 years at Fenkell and Greenfield at Engine 53. I was an east sider but knew that district like the back of my hand. As a younger guy I knew a couple guys who lived at Meyers and Lyndon. Hastings was their names. In fact, Mike became a Detroit Fireman. The City has done all kinds of remodeling of the Avenue Of Fashion with brick walks, a divider in the middle of Livernois And recessed parking spaces but less sidewalk width but it’s the same old place.