Yikes! XR-100 Discontinued!

Blake Stevens: You might have missed my original posting where I described not seeing the XR-100 Rifle listed in the brand new and official Remington 2,008 hands on hard copy catalog. And then immediately calling the Remington Arms Company on the PHONE and speaking with an employee of Remington Arms Company about one topic and one topic only: the XR-100 Rifle and its current production status!
I will quote from him "no the XR-100 Rifle is NOT in the 2,008 catalog as production of that Rifle has been discontinued for 2,008".
I have no doubt there are some XR-100's in the retailer-wholesaler-distributor pipeline as I made inquiry there AND indeed I found some XR-100's in 22-250 Remington still available!
I have also sent money through the U.S. mail to buy one of these arms from a private citizen in a neighboring state.
I will relay to you that I am 99.99% sure that Remington has indeed ceased production of the XR-100 Rifle and I think thats a shame as it was a handsome and good performing Rifle. I have been to the Remington Arms Company site many times and indeed they have a picture of the XR-100 on their web site but when you download their 2,008 catalog and go to the Rifle section no mention or image of the XR-100 Rifle is there.
Hold into the wind
Shooting the XR 100 .308 Today

After some frustrating attempts on the sand bags today, I had just about given up on the gun amd me.

Then a BR shooter let me put the gun in his 19 pound rest and WOW! Four shots in hole ragged hole. So basically I have been pissing in the wind up until now.

Ah, being a newbie sucks sometimes. :eek:
wow varmintguy, glad you like your remingtons. and yeah, the SPR's are crudely built junk. we could argue this endlessly, but you have your opinions, and i have mine. i dont think thats going to change. remington needs people that have blind loyalty like yourself. because your opinion of remington could be the only possible one that is acceptable, i guess i have to go buy one of each now. so what kind of car do you like, ford or chevy? thats always a fun discussion where only one mans opinion could possibly be okay!
Leftyo: Its not "MY OPINION" that makes Remingtons products sell so well its MILLIONS of other peoples opinions that you are pitted up against!
If your mean spirited and myopic observations can somehow surmount that incredibly huge pile of endorsements, I will really be surprised!
Chances are your baseless and mean spirited observations won't have any effect on Big Greens sales at all!
Your feeble attempt at pawning the Remington Arms Companies success off onto "one mans opinion" is grossly inadequate - much like yourself and your attempt at trying to cover your mistakes by shifting the discussion off onto vehicles!
Lame brother, LAME!
Right out of hand I also want to dispell any misconception you might have regarding my "blind loyalty" - I also own Rifles made by Winchester, Ruger, Kimber, Marlin, Weatherby, Sako, Browning and about a dozen other lesser known brands and customs!
So much for your additional inaccuracies!
Long live Big Green
Hold into the wind
Rem XR100

You two guys be nice back there or I will stop this website immediately and go back home I don't care how far we've come. Boy I haven't said that since my kids grew up...
For the guy that doesn't want an accurate rifle, who wants to buy one and take it out and shoot it with a pre-mounted scope, the 770 fits the bill. Though, its junk, its not a good assessment to judge the entire company by.

The Model 7, 700, 870, 1100, 11-87, R-15, 504, etc are all quality products at reasonable prices. People don't judge Savage on the model 40. They don't judge Ford based on the Escort, they don't judge GM on the Geo. I cannot fault Remington for selling a $300 rifle/scope combo that is worth $300.
varmintguy, your an idiot! why is it your opinion is any more valid than mine? ive pretty well stated my case, the 710/770 are junk, the mausers(interarms MKX/charlesdaly mini mauser) are low quality, and the russian made line of shotguns are crudely made. like i said i own a 700, and would not have a problem owning another or an 870, however i wouldnt own anything else in their product line. why is it i am not allowed to have that as my choice, and i must blindly follow what you say?! the change to cars, was not to shift the subject, it was an attempt to show you how friggen stupid it is of you to argue that my opinion is any less valid than yours. you do understand what the word OPINION means dont you? i have not told you that because this is my opinion you cant have your own, nor have i stated because this is my opinion that you should not buy any remington product no matter how inferior i deem it.
I for one have turned away from Reminton. After buying my LVSF .204 I can't do better than 3-4" groups at 100 yards. All kinds of things were done to get her to group, nothing-nada-nope. Remingtons reply: we find those groups acceptable for a hunting rig. "We have no accuracy gaurantee."

Why would anyone want to roll the dice and get a lemon where they don't get customer support. They wouldn't even give me the extension to the next person in charge! With so many rifles such as Tikka, Sako, Savage and Weatherby Sub-Moa to choose from.


Something is definitely going on there. Since its such a junk gun, I'll give you $100 for it :D
Generous offer, but I'll have a new krieger on my door step in another 9 weeks or so. Gre-Tan will be able to print the action and screw the new tube in by July. Then it should shoot like an ugly Savage.

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Of all the 700s I've shot, (which is a rather extensive number, my buddy collects "classics"), only one would not break MOA, that was a .35 Whelen.

Business is business. Perhaps they took it for vote with share holders and it was thumbs down.I don't care for that style of stock,but so what who am I. I bought a Cooper classic instead.Sorry to here of that lemon LV-SF those look cool to me. Especially their response.I had a Rem 700 sporter in 300 RUM it was a great shooter,after I replaced the trigger and put a Hough after market stock on it.They look great but you always seem to have to tune them up. Savage looks like tupperware . Sako or custom for me.
Left o: How quickly you resort to name calling!
That is the sign of an immature mind and a complete LACK of substantive argument!
I thought as much!
Now, AGAIN, disregard my experiences and opinions if you want - but I am still waiting for you to explain away the millions of other peoples (who continue to buy Remingtons many and varied products!) "opinions" and experiences.
I am expecting more immature name calling and lack of substance from you - please don't disappoint.
You are not "blind" lefty o, you are a Remington naysayer and millions of satisfied customers prove you wrong!
Its that simple!
The difference then in our opinions, there lefty o, is your opinion is provably wrong!
Folks buy Remington stuff like hotcakes!
And unfortunately (for you!) YOU are not smarter than everyone else!
Now keep up with the name calling and the immature antics all you want - I will still ask you POLITELY to TRY to prove your point!
Expecting that you as a Remington naysayer and a proven "exagerator", WON'T do that, I am expecting another round of nose picker mentality, immature name calling from you!
And by the way there left o, I am not calling you names - I am describing your apparent mental state and maturity level.
Keep the name calling to a minimum please and try to come up with something substantive IF at all possible!
I went on an extended Coyote Hunt early this A.M. and two of the three Rifles along with us said "Remington" on the side!
Hmmm.... that may be a bit of real life information there for you to try to "absorb" there lefty o!
If you care to open your mind a bit?
You Remington naysayers are SO EASY to blow out of the water!
Its almost fun to do. He-he!
Long live the Big Green!
Hold into the wind
Lefty O is right Varmint Guy, you are an idiot !!

Nearly every post you make sings the praises of Remington and you try and cram them down the throat of anybody that will read your wordy posts. Your opinion is that they are the best thing since sliced bread, others don't share the same view, get over it.

I wouldn't own a Remington if you gave me one, I just don't like them, that is my opinion ! In my opinion they are mainstream rifles for the masses and I would rather spend more money and get a serious bit of custom hardware than buy a Remington and spend good money trying to make it into something worth owning. I don't care that millions of people the world over have bought Remingtons, I just don't like them and don't want one. Doesn't make me wrong, I bet there are rifles you have no time for, we each have our tolerance level and mine is above a Remington !!! Over the years my preferences have changed and I have little interest in anything outside custom and maybe another Cooper or two. I am not wealthy I'd just rather have a few really good rifles than a bunch of ho hum mainstream stuff like Remingtons. You and the millions of other happy Remington owners are welcome to them !!

So far as the XR100 being dropped, who cares. They are ugly and only a passing excuse for a single shot accuracy set up. I'd guess Remington dropped them like a turd because they never sold well and didn't make them enough money.
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Xr-100,.204 Ruger

Maybe I'm stepping into it here, but I thought I'd insert that I bought one over a year ago and finally got it to group in the 4's-5's before final "honing" the next time I get a chance to go out. I did have to get the crown redone about six months ago. I'm very confident in it's final testing. Stan:)Share your sport!
Remington still has the rifle on their web site, are you sure its just not Gander Mountain that has dropped selling it?
thank you BJS6, varmint guy just cannot see how blind he is. and yep, VG i resorted to name calling after numerous posts of you trying to cram your opinion down my throat. he is in fact worse than an idiot, but i cant write the correct descriptive term without getting myself banned. varmintguy, must be nice to live in your own little world where only your opinion could possibly be correct. excuse me your holiness for having an opinion other than yours! now how can i prove my point if you refuse to to turn on your hearing aids, ive stated several times the shortcomings of some of remingtons products, but you seem to fail to comprehend the english language. if you get this excited about someone saying something about remington, god forbid i didnt say something about your dog. so go relax, take a chill pill, and dont take someone elses opinion personally. oh, and so far the only thing you've blown out of the water is your own ego!
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Varmintguy at it again.....don't you ever get tired of this stuff?

I have a bunch of Remingtons and like them just fine. If Lefty doesn't like them, so what? That's his privilege. You think this mantra about "millions of satisfied customers" and "proof" makes any difference? or that it'll change anyone's mind? They're right Varmintguy......you're an idiot and a windbag and ought to have more going for yourself than to be offended by someone not liking something.
Everybody knock it off?

Hey there was once a British General aboard British war ship in the middle of a historic battle. He saw two crew members fighting,he ran to the both of them grab them both and said " Hey look out there that's our enemy". The anti gunners would love to see us fight amongst our selves especially over a trivial topic like this. Hey united we stand and divided we fall. Lets keep our focus on the big picture.:mad:
Gas on the Fire

I have a 2 700's (a 308 and a 223AI built by Richard Franklin) and an XP 100 in 7BR. They function well and shoot well. JMHO