World Rimfire Benchrest Championships 2008

Good Fun!! :)

I have to say it's good to see everyone that uses this Forum is finally looking forward to this event.
What ever happens I'm looking forward to meeting some interesting people and making hopefully some good friends along the way. also seeing old friends that I made last year.
I have to say most of us in the British are finished testing and training and now just sitting back chilling, those of you that are still training must have some problems, if we can give you some advice then please ask, cant promise we will respond but you never know:D.

The main group of our team will be arriving around 9:30 - 10pm on the 26th so we may see you in the bar breifly on the night, dont be shy in coming up to us, if you see a bloke in wheelchair drinking Coca Cola then that will be me!!

I wish everyone a safe journey and please make sure you have all your paperwork in order, specially your passport indate!! and dont forget your rifles, bolt and ammo as that is a must have if you want to take part.

Best wishes, Andy
To the British Team on the eve of Competition

You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory.

I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves

There may be people among us who will not see the end of this competition. We will put them on the plane and send them back. There will be no time for sorrow. Let’s leave Italy a better place for us having been there.

Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, so bear ourselves that, if the British Team last for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their finest hour."
Brian Last

Blimy Brian you on the Gin again!! or is that red meat your wife is giving you have some effect that we dont know about.

Bless you.

If nothing else there will be some strange (some more than others) and interest people there.

I’ve heard some good stories from people who had a little too much to eat on holidays, but to say the seat on wheelchair shrunk on the plane is a good tale.

Unlike some countries we are a little slower down here and we feel the need to train more that anyone else. I for one won’t be thinking on the way home, maybe I should of trained just a little more. I’ve done what I think needs to be done and regardless what happens, no regrets.

This is going to be fun, the first of our mob fly’s out this Thursday and I’m last to leave Friday next week. I should be fast asleep when your mob gets in to the hotel. Might see you at breakfast Sunday, we’ll be the ones we the loud shirts, can’t miss us.

You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory.

I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves

There may be people among us who will not see the end of this competition. We will put them on the plane and send them back. There will be no time for sorrow. Let’s leave Italy a better place for us having been there.

Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, so bear ourselves that, if the British Team last for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their finest hour."

I think we have already acknowledged the fact that some strange people will be in Milan.
You don’t need to identify yourself this early.


Hi Peter,

If you think your T-shirts are loud, you should see ours!! we have a colour co-ordination, Red one day and Black another, even matching baseball hats. we will have to have a fashion show for the worse and best t-shirts I think.

Re T-shirts

I forget to say, I did see a pic of the South African team looking very smart in Green Jackets and ties!! I think they must of borrowed them from the Oympice team!! they are going to show us up if they have them on, but we will be cooler then they will :D

Stand Out Uniforms

When you see us think AUSTRALIAN ONE DAY CRICKET TEAM OUTFIT & ramp it up a notch. I guarantee we will not be un-noticed. It seems everyone thinks they are ready, in 1 week we will start to find out who is bluffing & who are World Champions...
I think the poms would of looked better in black and blue, the colours people go after a good kicking. It’s encouraging to see people having a bit of pride in their nations colours, a bit like street gangs.

Sophie, Nick and Karl came out to the Olympic range today and shot with me, for me it wasn’t too bad out there today and I shot a 3 target PB, I’ll be right to go next week. :D

World Championship Results

Below is the schedule of events. I will try & fill in scores or at least the top 3 in each event while I am in Italy to keep you all posted on results, until the official web sites are fully updated.

Schedule of Events:

July 25-26 – Unofficial Practice

Sunday, July 27 – Official Practice and Technical Meeting

Monday, July 28 -Three targets Air Rifle International Sporter, Hunter and Unlimited B Class. (25M).

Tuesday, July 29 -Three targets Rimfire International Sporter and Light Varmint Class. (25M)

Wednesday, July -30 Three targets Rimfire Unlimited Class. (25M)

Thursday, July 31- Three targets Rimfire International Sporter Class. (50M)

Friday, August 1 - Three targets Rimfire Light Varmint Class. (50M)

Saturday, August 2 -Three targets Rimfire Unlimited Class. (50M)

Sunday, August 3 – Medals Ceremony and ERABSF A.G.M.
Beginning 11 a.m. All competitors are to gather in the large pavilion for Awards, followed by the Flags and Medal Ceremonies. You must be present to win! In the afternoon the Delegates’ General Meeting will be held. A detailed agenda will be provided to all ERABSF General Council Members.

Bill Collaros
Australian Team Captain
Message for Bill


Just to make sure you spell my name correct its: Andy Dubreuil (Gold Medal) :D

If I make the top 10 i would be pleased, if I did happen to win a medal that would be a dream, but like i have said before, taking part is fantastic.

I believe Carlo will be telling everyone on the 1st day of practice the relay situation. I personally dont think its to important to have those details till we get there as you wont know what the conditions are like on the lane till you see it.

Quick message for the USA Team, have you let Carlo know what dates you are arriving? as he has not hurd from you?


DJ emailed Carlo on the 10th of June.
Team USA arrives July 25th at 0805 on Continental Airlines flight #44
And DJ asked Carlo for a van to pick them up.

Craig, David, and DJ have been very quite, if the UK or Australia get beat it’s not the end of the world. But I’d say the expectations and pressure on Team USA would be high.:eek:

Re Message from Peter

Hya Mate,

I will be speaking to Carlo tonight so i will pass on the info, but it would be good if someone from Team USA could email Carlo about the details just to save and hassel.

I do not speak for team USA but I am Sure they are going to
Not Take Any Prisoners!

I say team USA have been to bigger matches than this without being too presured. 8>)
Team USA

I do not speak for team USA but I am Sure they are going to
Not Take Any Prisoners!


Seeing Team USA kicking each others butt has got to be worth a photo, reminds me of when i use to go to circus as a kid and watching clowns kick each others butt!! It be nice to a circus again, looking forward to it :D:D:D:D

I'm on form tonight!!!


I don’t think anyone has heard from Team USA for the last month or so.

As I said they did email Carlo with the details and if it was me I wouldn’t think I’d need to reconfirm anything. Maybe Carlo sees it differently.

I do like the way you spell your name Andy Dubreuil (Gold Medal) but when you put UK on the end, people will get the joke.:D

What are you doing up this early, I go for a swim and sauna before I go to the range, what’s your excuse.

Peter: My wife keeps me up late & early to make up for lost time in Italy...:rolleyes: OR I am in training for post match activities...;)
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Seeing Team USA kicking each others butt has got to be worth a photo, reminds me of when i use to go to circus as a kid and watching clowns kick each others butt!! It be nice to a circus again, looking forward to it :D:D:D:D

I'm on form tonight!!!


With all these flash shirts etc, it might look a bit like a clown’s convention.