World Rimfire Benchrest Championships 2008


I’ll write up a proposal for 2012 in Australia and you guys can decided in Italy, I won’t be at the meeting.

I think WBSF charge US$250 per team member at the centerfire WC and when I pointed out that letting extra shooters in would help subsidize the entry fee for the teams the limit was dropped on a later draft of the WBSF rulebook. The idea was no country would be disadvantaged and all overseas shooters would get benches first. But if there was extra space why not use it? We could run up to 300 shooters at Sydney so I don’t think having enough space for all the overseas shooters would be a problem.

Well, it it's a bidding war, I'll bet it can be run in the US for about $25US per shooter and the promoter could make money. We usually shoot for $5 per card. Now if you are planning on paying back about 60% of that to the winners, you'll get lots of shooters.

If you want to make it a bidding war, fine.

But first the USA would need to put in a bid. If you miss the 2nd WC the 3rd one is 8 years away.

I probably won't live that long so I'll just promote the US cup in 2010.
One's enough

One International event in a life time is enough for me. That was Australia 2000 BR30 Nationals. Still paying for it.

I’ll put an interesting option in my 2012 proposal, electronic targets. Some people think this game should be in the Olympics and the only way to prove it to IOC types is to run big matches like a WC on the same equipment as they use at the Olympics.

Electronic targets are a single aiming point, the 10 ring is 10mm but if you use the 60 shot prone program, once you leave the sighters, you can’t go back to them. It can get interesting if the wind changes half way through your 60 shoots. When you shoot your score goes up on an overhead display, much the same as a 10 pin bowling ally. No paper targets and no waiting for results.

Sydney and Milan are the only ranges I know that have electronic targets and rimfire BR is shot on too.

This may be a stupid question, but when exactly does this World Championship take place, like the dates..??



This may be a stupid question, but when exactly does this World Championship take place, like the dates..??



Can't beleive you haven't herd about it Dave Milan, Italy 27th July -3 August

I have just been looking at the German BR22 website. There are some very good scores coming out of their matches. I think this world championships is going to be very open!!!!
Looks good Markus and look forward to seeing you again this year. Which hotel are you staying in?? Carl
I have just been looking at the German BR22 website. There are some very good scores coming out of their matches. I think this world championships is going to be very open!!!!
Looks good Markus and look forward to seeing you again this year. Which hotel are you staying in?? Carl
Hello Carl,
last year i was with my family in the Best Western Hotel (an you with your sun, or ?)
This year I camping on the range between the wind flags (I must learn reading the wind :D)
Excuse me for my bad English, but i hope you understand me ;-)

Cheers :)
Markus or
Yes last year I took my son, but this year I am on my own. However the UK team is mostly coming over together.
Reading the wind last year was a pig. We will see what the season brings us this year. See you soon. Carl
NB We are at the Accadamia this year - 10 minutes from TSN Milano.
(an you with your sun, or ?)

Bit quick to put Marcus STRAIGHT on that one Carl - :D
re last

I have just got my doctor to sign me off to fly. She has also sorted me out some sleeping tablets. I didnt say what I wanted them for! Which Hotel is Peter and that staying at????????????

Only joking Peter:D

implying what Brian? Carl

Not me Carl, live and let live I say.

In all seriousness, I do like that idea of Peters about the rule changes to the International Sporter class, not only make travelling easier/cheaper/lighter but would allow newcomers to compete in other classes without the expense of buying another rifle.

Just my 2 pennies worth


I’m looking forward to getting to getting to Italy and shooting in warm whether. Its winter here I get up early to go to the range most morning and its only 3-5C not my idea of fun.

Had a talk yesterday with the world number 1 ranked prone shooter about shooting at Milan (he was just over there) interesting insight.

22 days to go.
Anyone seen a bench draw??????????????
I keep asking for one Peter as this effects the windflag setup. I will keep trying. Carl

This has dragged on a bit and people are starting to think there is a problem.
