what Cal


I havn't decided if you are an idiot or if you know that a chicken will flop around for a bit if you completely severe it's head and are using that for an out.

Now it seems that you are either:
1) A gun control freak trying to get his point accross, who really doesn't have a clue.
2) Someone who is trying to save face and get out on a technicallity.
3) Some kid just trying to stir $#@t.
4) A complete idiot.
It kind of boils down to either your a dickhead or an idiot.

James, it seems that I am the #1 dookie stirrer on this thread. Didn't intend to but it just turned out that way. (See post #2 above). Anyhoo, this gives me the right to be the judge;

I vote your choice #1--defer
your choice #2--true bill
your choice #3--true bill
your choice #4--true bill
I'll go for being an idiot if that makes you feel better but none of you on this thread have made it clear to me why it is necessary to enter another variable(time lapse) in the taking of game other than to boast about your capabilities as a marksman when you know that the probabilities of a clean kill are better at close range.
gess you never bowhunted and seen a deer jump string at 20yrds,do a 180 and bolt before the arrow gets there.contrary to belief undisterbed deer at longer ranges do not move much.I watched 10 deer on a feild for 3.5 hours waiting for a buck.do to failing light I shot a big doe at 475yrds.the deer never took a step nether did the other 9.they never knew what happened.the guys that do this fire more rounds in 1 year than most people fire in a lifetime.how my rounds do you fire a year.I fired 1100, 250 3 weeks before hunting season started.just give up!!!! I hope someone squashs this tread soon:eek:

You called my rifle a "sniper rifle" You said I am lobbing shots at deer 1,000 yards away and you invited me on one of your famous 300 yard chicken hunts.
I am insulted to no end.

You don't even know what a real 1,000 YARD RIFLE LOOKS LIKE DO YOU? Have you ever actually seen a 1,000 yard heavygun? They don't have flash suppressors,they don't have banana clips,they aren't camouflaged,you can't carry them in the field and you can't shoot one without a rest.They don't have bipods.

I am still insulted.
I got a deal for you, I'll eat everyone that you kill in one shot and you eat everyone that you don't kill in one shot after 30 seconds of time for the bird to demise for ethics sake. Now as to your question of "why kill' that is the reason I question the shooting of game at long range, what's your point other than to play with some animals life just because it's legal to do so; no shooting sport needs a bunch of people running around doing stunts and that's all it is with 1000 yards shooting. There is over a second of time lapse and no control of your target during that time; shooting under 300 yards solves that problem. My worry now is that by using chickens as an example a bunch of people are now blasting Foghorn Leghorn to prove that they can kill in one shot, another senseless exercise.

your simple lack of knowledge bleeds from your posts. You can not dispute long range hunting, maybe its not for you, and thats cool, but its not your place to preach or ramble on about a subject you know nothing about. It shows ignorance on your part. Long range hunting is ethical if its done correctly, and each of us know our limits. You really need to take a re-look at your posts and self examin what you type, your bet with chickens is a perfect example. Waiting for more humor to read, Ron Tilley
I'll go for being an idiot if that makes you feel better but none of you on this thread have made it clear to me why it is necessary to enter another variable(time lapse) in the taking of game other than to boast about your capabilities as a marksman when you know that the probabilities of a clean kill are better at close range.

I am glad you will go for being a idiot!, That is the smartest thing you have typed on this post, just curious, why do you feel the need for anyone here to make it clear to YOU how they choose to hunt, has anyone here bragged on thier capabilities??? Ron Tilley
First, am I for Long range hunting? Yes!

Do I think long range hunting is for everybody? No!

What is long range hunting? 300m to some, 1500m to others!

What equipment drives the long range hunting? If you perceive 300m long range hunting, then a basic remington varmint rifle can do the trick! If 1000yds is perceived as long range hunting, then I really dont believe that a bisic off the shelf rifle will be used by 99% of people. The 0ther 1% are the ones doing it with out the knowledge needed, generally.

If the shooter himself is confident in the shot, has the right equipment, then I place full confidence that he will make that shot. If he doesnt, how does that compare to a 30-06 not making a clean kill to the average deer hunter at 75yds. It happens, but its not seen as a bad thing.

Now, if a ranging shot is used, the expected chance of hitting the target at long range has increased significantly.

So, what I'd like to share, is it is the individual that decides what is classed as a long shot. A person that shoots 1000yds every weekend for the past 10 years I'd say would have the confidence to take shots to that distance.

For me, I am not confident to take a shot at 1000yds, but I do have the confidence that I can take a shot at 600yds. Not long range by some, but for me where I am now, I feel that I can shoot this distance responsibly. I still am using a rangefinder, and other gear which increases my chance of clean hits. As my confidnce increases, I'd guess my range will increase.

As for sniper rifles or tactical rifles. They serve a purpose as a benchgun serves its. They are designed to be user friendly and offer a very reliable platform for extended range shots whilst still being able to transport bewteen locations with out the need of rest and bench etc, and be darn accurate.

What about this one, a 1000yds shooter that is very good only hunting at say 200yds. What sort of chance does any critter stand surviving, where the guy can a target its size at 5 times the distance. What I am trying to say, for these people, its the challenge of the shot also. No challenge, wheres the fun?

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I'll tell ya what. You bring yer carload of chickens, and I'll vaporize'em for ya. How's that? All I can say is you better be hungry, cause we're gonna be old and gray before I miss. Your only saving grace is that there probably won't be a whole lot of chicken parts left that you can find without stick'n em in a bag before I blow em to smithereens. There's gonna be an exit hole about 6 foot in diameter on a 1 foot chicken. There's gonna be a cloud of feathers about the size of a UPS truck from each one.

As for floppin? Don't worry, hain't gonna be anybody in the FBI could tell ya that what's left used to be a chicken anyhow. Ya prolly guessed by now, yep, I live on a farm!

Hey, while you're at it (saving the world from oppression), why don't you go to Africa and tell all those nasty lions to stop eating all those poor unsuspecting animals. For that matter, I'll have to tell my cat to stop eating mice too case gawd knows we don't want to have one of them suffer. Ah, don't forget rabbits, those nasty fox and hawks eat them and ya know something, I bet those rabbits don't like get'n ate either. I think I'll ask one of em what they think of all this dodge'n bullets, hide'n from fox and dogs and can't hardly be safe under a tree either cause'o all them hawks out swoop'n all over the place.

Ya know, every year around the first week of December, I wake up and say to myself, "Ya know, I bet today's a really bad day to be a deer...", and, I'm right! It really is a bad day to be a deer. It's hunt'n season. And ya know what's worse? Ya can't even be safe stick'n on yer dog or elk outfit cause most'a those short range hunters can't see any bettr'n they can shoot. They'll blast ya no matter whatcha look like. Ya think a cow in a pasture is safe? Nope, ya best be hide'n in the barn or yer ass'll be limpin around at best.

My brother and I have built game cameras and we enjoy all the photos of animals of all sorts. They're like pets. We don't hunt, other than with cameras. But, it would appear that the neighbors do because the deer herd looks like they spent time in Sobibor. We name the deer here, there's Big Boy, Dopey, The Goiter Buck, and on and on. Now that hunting season is over and all the "Short Range Hunters" got done, now we have Ole Gutshot, and Stumpy too! Oh yea, it get's worse. Stumpy drug a leg around for about a month till it fell off. She's ok now tho. I can post pics if you like? Ole Gutshot is atrophied from the ribs back. She's putting on weight tho now too. The Goiter Buck, now he didn't stay home where it's "safe". He went to the neighbors farm and done got himself a medal of honor there. Yep, parts o him are in a bologna sack and others er nailed to a board hangin on a wall.

There's not a doubt in my mind that some great sportsman short range hunter caused all the carnage I get to witness. They can't hit their ass with both hands, but, still out blazing away at everything that moves and all the time thinking they're great sports about it. Then complaining about guys that any one of which, shoots better at 1000 yards in high wind than they can at 100 in dead calm.

Yep, and them's all true stories there my friend. My vote is for you to be appointed to be the one who get's to go save the world. Sound like a mission?

As long as the mods don't care, why not throw some fuel on... I'm about tired of read'n this "crap". Sorry for those who wanted to read "Crap" more, I just couldn't find enough places to put it here.

As for my personal feelings on the subject, it's pretty much as Ackley just put it. I quit hunting. Why? Because with the equipment I have, there simply is no challenge within the range that my rifles have adequate energy. ie: they are accurate... The last deer I shot years back was right at 450 yards. A chippie, not even fair. I had no interest in shooting it. My brother who wanted a deer for bologna (and does not hunt either because I have guns that make hunting unnecessary), says shoot that deer. I asked where he wanted it hit, he said, being a smarta**, 1-3/4" behind the front leg and down at that "spot" on the fur. ZZZZZZClickclickclickclickclick...Pow. It never moved but 3' straight to the ground. Game over. Get yer ruler out. Ok, hunt'n season is over, close the winder, it's aget'n cold in here.

Gee, that's fun. I've never hunted since. It bores me to no end. And how bout that, I'm one of the ones who's "Qualified" to do this! Yippeee!
Mr Model 70,

4Mesh isn't messing with you one bit !

With the gear that these guys use you'd need to make those 300 yard targets something about the size of a kids little bitty pet mouse to even make it any sort of a challenge, and I am being deadly serious. If you take one of them up on the "chicken challenge" you wanna make good and sure you are hungry because you will eat a whole heap of chicken !!

You clearly have no clue just how precise top quality gear can be, no clue at all.
gess you never bowhunted and seen a deer jump string at 20yrds,do a 180 and bolt before the arrow gets there.contrary to belief undisterbed deer at longer ranges do not move much.I watched 10 deer on a feild for 3.5 hours waiting for a buck.do to failing light I shot a big doe at 475yrds.the deer never took a step nether did the other 9.they never knew what happened.the guys that do this fire more rounds in 1 year than most people fire in a lifetime.how my rounds do you fire a year.I fired 1100, 250 3 weeks before hunting season started.just give up!!!! I hope someone squashs this tread soon:eek:

Sorry, I never said I was a fan of bowhunting either and as far as I am concerned it is just another stunt for those that play with animals.

I'll tell ya what. You bring yer carload of chickens, and I'll vaporize'em for ya. How's that? All I can say is you better be hungry, cause we're gonna be old and gray before I miss. Your only saving grace is that there probably won't be a whole lot of chicken parts left that you can find without stick'n em in a bag before I blow em to smithereens. There's gonna be an exit hole about 6 foot in diameter on a 1 foot chicken. There's gonna be a cloud of feathers about the size of a UPS truck from each one.

As for floppin? Don't worry, hain't gonna be anybody in the FBI could tell ya that what's left used to be a chicken anyhow. Ya prolly guessed by now, yep, I live on a farm!

Hey, while you're at it (saving the world from oppression), why don't you go to Africa and tell all those nasty lions to stop eating all those poor unsuspecting animals. For that matter, I'll have to tell my cat to stop eating mice too case gawd knows we don't want to have one of them suffer. Ah, don't forget rabbits, those nasty fox and hawks eat them and ya know something, I bet those rabbits don't like get'n ate either. I think I'll ask one of em what they think of all this dodge'n bullets, hide'n from fox and dogs and can't hardly be safe under a tree either cause'o all them hawks out swoop'n all over the place.

Ya know, every year around the first week of December, I wake up and say to myself, "Ya know, I bet today's a really bad day to be a deer...", and, I'm right! It really is a bad day to be a deer. It's hunt'n season. And ya know what's worse? Ya can't even be safe stick'n on yer dog or elk outfit cause most'a those short range hunters can't see any bettr'n they can shoot. They'll blast ya no matter whatcha look like. Ya think a cow in a pasture is safe? Nope, ya best be hide'n in the barn or yer ass'll be limpin around at best.

My brother and I have built game cameras and we enjoy all the photos of animals of all sorts. They're like pets. We don't hunt, other than with cameras. But, it would appear that the neighbors do because the deer herd looks like they spent time in Sobibor. We name the deer here, there's Big Boy, Dopey, The Goiter Buck, and on and on. Now that hunting season is over and all the "Short Range Hunters" got done, now we have Ole Gutshot, and Stumpy too! Oh yea, it get's worse. Stumpy drug a leg around for about a month till it fell off. She's ok now tho. I can post pics if you like? Ole Gutshot is atrophied from the ribs back. She's putting on weight tho now too. The Goiter Buck, now he didn't stay home where it's "safe". He went to the neighbors farm and done got himself a medal of honor there. Yep, parts o him are in a bologna sack and others er nailed to a board hangin on a wall.

There's not a doubt in my mind that some great sportsman short range hunter caused all the carnage I get to witness. They can't hit their ass with both hands, but, still out blazing away at everything that moves and all the time thinking they're great sports about it. Then complaining about guys that any one of which, shoots better at 1000 yards in high wind than they can at 100 in dead calm.

Yep, and them's all true stories there my friend. My vote is for you to be appointed to be the one who get's to go save the world. Sound like a mission?

As long as the mods don't care, why not throw some fuel on... I'm about tired of read'n this "crap". Sorry for those who wanted to read "Crap" more, I just couldn't find enough places to put it here.

As for my personal feelings on the subject, it's pretty much as Ackley just put it. I quit hunting. Why? Because with the equipment I have, there simply is no challenge within the range that my rifles have adequate energy. ie: they are accurate... The last deer I shot years back was right at 450 yards. A chippie, not even fair. I had no interest in shooting it. My brother who wanted a deer for bologna (and does not hunt either because I have guns that make hunting unnecessary), says shoot that deer. I asked where he wanted it hit, he said, being a smarta**, 1-3/4" behind the front leg and down at that "spot" on the fur. ZZZZZZClickclickclickclickclick...Pow. It never moved but 3' straight to the ground. Game over. Get yer ruler out. Ok, hunt'n season is over, close the winder, it's aget'n cold in here.

Gee, that's fun. I've never hunted since. It bores me to no end. And how bout that, I'm one of the ones who's "Qualified" to do this! Yippeee!

I didn't say you lacked the ability to hit them, I said kill them as in graveyard dead. Go pull out 5 of your best hens, tie them to a 2 foot string, stake them at 300 yards, give your best shot to each of them and see the results, if it is anything like what I have witnessed here at home you will have at least one and probably more that will take the hit and come back for more. If you want to put some life back into your hunt you should try it standing on your two feet for a change but then you would probably be worn out dragging the bench around for those shots over 20 yards.
What about this one, a 1000yds shooter that is very good only hunting at say 200yds. What sort of chance does any critter stand surviving, where the guy can a target its size at 5 times the distance. What I am trying to say, for these people, its the challenge of the shot also. No challenge, wheres the fun?


I'm all for the critter not surviving, that's the purpose of the hunt and the sooner the animals dies the better thus my arguement that all shots should be taken inside of a quarter of a second or 300 yards, less chance of movement to affect the shot. Artillery is for LR killing, what is being referenced here as hunting is nothing more than the sniping of animals.

Look, you need to turn off the TV, back away from the computer and stop readin if this stuff bothers you. Here's how I do it. I don't watch TV, I have no TV service period. Why? Cause it's all worthless. The entire purpose of the news is so that they can get folks like you all worked up over something that you can't do a D*^& thing about. See?

Newspaper... Worth...Less... They could win a Pulitzer Prize for fiction.

/forums/showthread.php?t=49014&page=4 Go there and read Bounterhunter, post 60.


Why don't you go hunt by your standards and let others hunt by theirs.

Since "Facts and Figures" are also of importance to some folks here on the board, I'll give you a few.

Pennsylvania, USA. Deer Estimated Harvest 2005. Down 12-13% from 2004, and not a particularly fruitful year as they go. Round it off and say 410,000 deer.

Let's say each hunter got 1.5 deer average. 273,000 hunters as a rough estimate.

That's one state in 50 of the USA Alone. Let's say hunting is done in only 25 states cause I don't want to inflate your numbers for ya and have you think I'm exaggerating. 6.8Million Hunters now in 25 states.

The USA is one country of MANY in the world, so you've got a lot of world saving to do here.

Now, here were are on BENCHREST central where you have an audience of about 20 people who are even reading this thread, and probably about 0% really give a S$%* what you think.

Exactly what do you think your rant'n and rave'n here is gonna accomplish? What's more, some of the 20 folk hain't even from the USA. How ya gonna influence them? Lemme give ya a little advice that goes wayyyyyy back to when they hunted with spears and that kinda stuff.

"God, give me the strength to change the things I can, the courage to accept the things I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Now why don't you Anti-Hunters go study that a while and drop this damn thread since, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BENCHREST. Go to a HUNTING forum and B**** and complain there would ya. You'll have a much better chance of saving the world with those folks.

Ahhhhh..... WHAMMMMMMM.... While I was reading this, somewhere a deer just got hit by a car and is suffering, why don't you go fix that. SPLATTTT, awwwww.... somebody's cat just got turned into a frisbee by a truck... Boy, we better go get all worked up over this. Funny thing is, the person who hit the deer is swearing at it cause they just got a trophy buck permanently attached to the grille of thier new truck. Wanna know the truth, My Dad died of Lyme Disease, so I hain't got n e piticalar soft spot in my heart fer yer belov'ed deer.

By the way, if you were thinking that all us "Benchresters" can't shoot "frum r own tooo feet", lemme tell ya bout a little fun shoot from the season before last. We have a 100 yard range at the 1K range. The challenge was, FACTORY 22 Rimfire, 100 yards OFFHAND, shooting Golf Balls that were hung from a string. Our club Pres, Joe Salt who posted above won that fun shoot. Yep, ole broken down rickety retirrrd guy, come in shooting golf balls with a SS Ruger Mod 77 22 offhand at 100 yards. Ehuutttp, just lost without that bench. Nother club member who's bored went hunting with a spear back a spell. Dint come home empty handed either... Yep, honest as a judge. So let's see, if hunters stop hunting, what'da'ya think the grille of yer nice beamer's gonna look like with a 200 pound 10 point attached to it at bout 65mph? Huh?

I got a great idea, how bout we take you at 300 yards offhand, and me with my rifle at 1000, shoot'n at swingin deer size targets and see who hit's more of em. I'd take a bet yer gonna loose. And if you think that live deer timing is worse, wrong again. When they're not spooked, they're as predictable as the sun, moon and stars. Step, 1 2 3 4 step ... POW... Say goodnight.
I'm all for the critter not surviving, that's the purpose of the hunt and the sooner the animals dies the better thus my arguement that all shots should be taken inside of a quarter of a second or 300 yards, less chance of movement to affect the shot. Artillery is for LR killing, what is being referenced here as hunting is nothing more than the sniping of animals.

How often does a critter not die instantly at 200-300m? It happens a fair bit! Why, because the person shooting has aimed poorly. This is the same as someone shooting at extended distances?

As for sniping of animals, what about stalking right up on them and shooting at 50yds? What do you call that? Absolute cold blooded murder.

You must see that there is no difference between a well placed shot at 1000, and well placed shot at 100m. If they are both shot poor, then you get the same result.

By going to my local range, I can see how poorly some people shoot, and I would say there is greater chance of these people making a poor shot at 200m, than what a experienced shooter can do at 1000yds.

I say everyone to their own. What is the energy conparison of a 22-250 at 300m with a 55, compared to a 300WM at 1000yds with a 210?


Thanks for the kind words, I forgot about that but. I remember Carl Ney one of the top Silhouette shooter in PA. Ask me if I was using bird shot in my 22.Oh it was a 10/22! Just right for head shooting Chickens, but they will flop for a while. sorry Winmod70. There are some of us that can shoot! No brag just fact.
As for sniping of animals, what about stalking right up on them and shooting at 50yds? What do you call that? Absolute cold blooded murder.

I call it hunting when you stalk because you are giving the animal a fair chance to use it's senses and instincts; murder is what you do when you don't give the animal that chance, such as the act of shooting game at a 1000 yards..
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I got a great idea, how bout we take you at 300 yards offhand, and me with my rifle at 1000, shoot'n at swingin deer size targets and see who hit's more of em. I'd take a bet yer gonna loose. And if you think that live deer timing is worse, wrong again. When they're not spooked, they're as predictable as the sun, moon and stars. Step, 1 2 3 4 step ... POW... Say goodnight.

I'll bet you can hit multiples of the amount from 300 yards than you can from 1000 yards but that would prove nothing since I am not talking about shooting targets, I am referring to game and anybody knows that game goes where it chooses and given the time lapse for a bullet to travel 1000 yards the best aimed shot is nothing more than a gut shot if the animal so moves during that time. No one on this forum can or has yet to explain to me how they can overcome that variable and that alone should be reason not to shoot at game at a 1000 yards.
Well I'm back :D this winmod guy's got my dander up!

Do you even HUNT Mr WINMOD70??? Or do you KNOW anyone who hunts?

Some of your statements are abysmally ignorant.

Here's one >>> "Sorry, I never said I was a fan of bowhunting either and as far as I am concerned it is just another stunt for those that play with animals." <<< What do you know about bowhunting? Obviously NOTHING............a bow is not a toy. A bow is MUCH more deadly than a handgun and I'm reasonably sure that you'd endorse handgun hunting.........or are HANDGUNS also just play toys???

Killing ability? The bow wins. I'd shoot (and HAVE shot) an elk with even a medium powered bow setup but I wouldn't with a .454 Casull. Accuracy? The bow wins....unless you really ARE Elmer Keith and can afford to go through ammo and handguns by the carload. In fact, I used to set up and let folks shoot against me with a pistol. To all of you bow shooters out there who may find yourself in a position to raise funds for your club or local church, Lions, Elks, Rotary, High School or whatever here's a no-fail way to raise money. Set up a booth and challenge all comers with your bow against their handgun. Any decent bowshooter will CREAM any typical handgunner for accuracy!

I'm deadly serious about using your bow to raise money for charity,

Here's how it works:

You set up your booth with a target at 40 measured yards, two identical bullseye targets one for the pistol and one for the bow. You set it up so that there's a safe place for folks to watch, you really want a crowd for maximum impact......think fair booth, think carnival......you're gonna' take their money fair and square. You set up a shooting lane where each contestant walks out to a spot from which to shoot, a safe spot maybe 6-8yds out from the staging area. In the interest of SAFETY you will alternate shots, First the bowshooter, then the pistol shooter. The bow shooter walks out to the shooting area and an assistant hands him one arrow.......he shoots. He walks back and the pistol shooter walks out and an assistant with Range Officer training hands him his firearm and ONE round and stands behind him while he shoots.

The pistol will be open sights-only, no scoped "hand-rifles". Also NO .22's, only real home-defense, carry or hunting weapons. Let them bring their own so they can't cry foul. Bare hands, no shooting gloves or aids.

The two shooters will alternately walk out and fire ONE round each for a total of 5 shots for record, while the crowd watches and jeers and cheers.

I've never been beaten at this! :)

As long as you're a competent bow shot and can handle competition you'll wax the average handgun shooter, even fairly good ones. The deal is, bowhunters practice up and down all the time.....one shot setup is the norm. Handgunners on the other hand fire a mag at a time...pop.pop.pop.pop....until they're dry. Handgunning is all about stance, form and repeatable grip. Bowhunting is about adapting to the environment. The shooting area will be at a bit of a SLANT :D just 45degrees to the world so that the shooter is slightly off balance, JUST enough that one foot is an inch lower than the other........All's ya' gotta' do is mash down the lawn a little with a tamping pole.......

A bowhunter won't even notice it but it'll drive a handgunner crazy!

Also, the RO will walk up from different sides, handing the shooter first his weapon, then when he's ready, his one round (or arrow). This AGAIN will raise hell with the handgunner but the bowhunter won't even notice.

Lastly but mostly, the handgunner will have to re-acquire his grip EVERY time he grabs his pistol back from the RO. He ain't used to this ;) He'll be lucky to keep all shots on a pie plate at 40yds........whereas ANY competent bowhunter had better be able to shoot 4"-6" groups @40yds. A decent shooter will group closer to 2".

Each handgunner gets ONE or at most two tries at 10-bucks a pop. You'll be able to get 2 or 3 to one odds in this game if you'd like........

The crowd LOVES this! And it's easy to get takers because every swingin' dink thinks he can shoot a pistol.......now if the shooters start bringing their WIVES and girlfriends in??? Especially wives who've never shot much????.......WATCH OUT!!! They'll be tough.

But guys are easy :D:D:D:D

Ohhh, and back to the killing power thing. TRUE story, we were walking back into our spike camp in the Eagle Cap Wilderness of Eastern OR. Five of us bowhunters, the camp was 11 miles in. We'd been gone a week and there had been bear problems in camp. We decided that one of us should sneak in while the others watched from a small ridge, maybe we could get us a bonus bear. I won the flip. As I was leaving one of the guys asked me if I wanted to carry a .357 for backup.......I thought he was joking. "No", he said, "I'm serious"...he kept it in his tent in case the bear came nosing in he'd poke one up it's snoot ..... AGAIN I honestly thought he was joking!!! IMO You'd hafta' be NUTS to be in front of a bear that you'd tickled with a .357!!!!

Anyway, the point is this, I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with slicing a jug-sized bleeder hole completely through a bear or anything else with a BOW, but I' feel undergunned with even a 44mag handgun.

Soooo, Mr WINMOD70, what other sorts of hunting are "good" in your opinion??? Care to take a stab at some "ethical" chamberings while you're at it? If you take the time to do a search here on this site I'll bet you'll find these SAME folks promoting "use enough gun" philosophy. I doubt that even ONE of these long-rangers will be found to advocate say the .243 Win for deer hunting.......Howsabout muzzle-loaders??? I suppose you think they're toys too? That anything beyond 50-100yds is safe from them? Howsabout a 22-250 VS a Big 50 Sharps at 1000yds????

Now as for statements like THIS ONE >>> (yours BTW) >>> "all shots should be taken inside of a quarter of a second or 300 yards" <<<<<

Man are you HIGH??? "INSIDE of a QUARTER-SECOND"....!!!!!!

Again......do you hunt? Or are you really some 14yr-old keyboard junkie?

I'd better just stop :(:(:(

THIS is why I QUIT conventional rifle hunting 20yrs ago and switched to bows and long-range stuff.....well this and the idea that you'd better get to your quarry QUICK if you're a rifle hunter before someone else TAGS IT!!!

WE ALL need to promote education. We all also need to respect each other's ways.

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Alinwa and 4Mesh

Al I guess you didn't read the story and see the picture of Mr Shehane's grizzly bear he shot with a small pistol in Precision Shooting Magazine?

Phil our friend winmod70 actualy thinks hes clever and we are dumb.He wants you to shoot a chicken because they tend to flop around at which point he'll say see I told you they are suffering.Its the oldest scam in the world and one of the ploys of the Violence Policy Center who he works for.They have a guy post a whoe bunch of junk in an effort to raise a ruckus then they send out flyers asking for donations and quoting posts from the various shooting forums.The head guys name is Diaz and winmod70 is one of his hackers looking for stories.They visit the 50 caliber boards all the time under a similar name.
I'll bet you can hit multiples of the amount from 300 yards than you can from 1000 yards but that would prove nothing since I am not talking about shooting targets, I am referring to game and anybody knows that game goes where it chooses and given the time lapse for a bullet to travel 1000 yards the best aimed shot is nothing more than a gut shot if the animal so moves during that time. No one on this forum can or has yet to explain to me how they can overcome that variable and that alone should be reason not to shoot at game at a 1000 yards.

25 posts on this thread by you alone, requesting people to justify their hunting practices to you, Do you have to justify your ignorance on this subject to anyone? if your answer is no, then you deserve the same from ALL the people who hunt LR or who have posted against what what you represent. Do the world a favor and give it a rest as asked by many before me, because you will go no where by furthering your lack of vested time to the subject at hand. Ron Tilley