what Cal

Tod,I still believe I guessed the identity correctly.Even Sarah bought a gun,and I do believe it was a WW Model 70 for her son.One of those damn sniper rifles shes been bitching about for the last year.:D:D
Sorry but am not amused with you calling [my rifles- sniper rifles] Must be you don't agree with the second amendment. Besides there are no laws against shooting long rang. But there is against letting you diesel truck run for more than five minutes,ask the D.E.C that one.

I think he was saying "Sniper" is a common public perception of scoped long range rifles. I also think if you read some of his previous posts, it sounds like he's a solid gun owner who simply doesn't agree that long range hunting is a slam dunk. Isn't there room on this forum for someone with a different opinion?

I think some of you are very quick to attack members of your forum. If you can't handle a little discussion within a group of NRA card carrying shooting competitors, then I'd guess a little dose of the reality of what we face as a group (against an American public that has a decreasing tolerance for our hobby and lifestyle) is needed.

So next time you read a post that has the audacity to challenge your ethics OR how it may be perceived by the voting, internet browsing public I ask you to take a deep breath, then reread the post. Then ask yourself, is this guy really the enemy? Maybe he's saying something worthwhile and you could discuss the matter with him rather than cry for a witch-hunt. And before anyone begins the witch hunt on me, I'm a lifetime NRA member, have hunted my whole life, am a veteran, still support the troops today, have raised money to defend the 2nd Amendment (hence the screen name) and yes, have on occasion competed long range.

P.S. - This isn't aimed directly at you Joe, just using your recent post as an easy example.
I think he was saying "Sniper" is a common public perception of scoped long range rifles.

Unfortunately,you are correct."Sniper" is another coinphrase the antigun lobby has misused to dupe the public (those that are willing to listen anyway) with whatever meaning they want to give it.Just as "Assualt" was during the clinton administration.
Agreed. We all know the obvious liberal biased media loves to latch on to that buzz word. How we are perceived in our hunting practices is important. One guy might sit in a diner and talk about how many animals he's killed, shot at and missed, wounded, etc. while snickering about it as a humorous situation (have heard this sort of conversation more than once). Another guy, might have had the same experiences as the first, but not be so brash to speak of it in public or brag about it as if the life of a deer is something worthless.

If you do some google searches, (as many non-hunters and kids often do) for long range hunting, varmint hunting etc you will find some home-made youtube and aol videos describing "sniper" activity and "red mist" on varmints, etc. Not the best perception for someone who may simply be browsing the internet. It wasn't that long ago that liberals in our government introduced a bill to make scopes illegal, saying the ability to shoot at extended ranges was not "sporting" or "necessary" under our 2nd Amendment rights. Hillary may be our President this time next year. So we may want to begin to SERIOUSLY consider our perception to the "public" when discussing long range hunting.
Public perception is something given to the public by the media.I would rather promote a legal form of shooting and get more serious people involved than act as though it is something to be ashamed or guilty of.Its the same ploy that is always used.Misinformation is our biggest enemy.
Agreed. We all know the obvious liberal biased media loves to latch on to that buzz word. How we are perceived in our hunting practices is important. One guy might sit in a diner and talk about how many animals he's killed, shot at and missed, wounded, etc. while snickering about it as a humorous situation (have heard this sort of conversation more than once). Another guy, might have had the same experiences as the first, but not be so brash to speak of it in public or brag about it as if the life of a deer is something worthless.

If you do some google searches, (as many non-hunters and kids often do) for long range hunting, varmint hunting etc you will find some home-made youtube and aol videos describing "sniper" activity and "red mist" on varmints, etc. Not the best perception for someone who may simply be browsing the internet. It wasn't that long ago that liberals in our government introduced a bill to make scopes illegal, saying the ability to shoot at extended ranges was not "sporting" or "necessary" under our 2nd Amendment rights. Hillary may be our President this time next year. So we may want to begin to SERIOUSLY consider our perception to the "public" when discussing long range hunting.

Amen to that and thanks for kind words in the previous post. I will also add that I think that the anti-gun folks caught on to the idea of "give a fool enough rope and he will hang himself" and are sitting back collecting fodder to use against us in the near future. Anybody that thinks their game is safe better hold their breath because conservatism is loosing ground everyday.

Exactly who are you anyway? I see that you were new here about the time this post started. Your only post's are on this subject (of which you are blissfully ignorant). You haven't blessed us with any wisdom on any of the other post's on this wonderful website. Nor have you asked any questions regarding the bench rest game, guns, loading, bag technique, ect.... Hell, not for anything to do with rifle accuracy or loading. You either are the greatest bench rester on earth, knows everything about it, and won't help us out with all of your acquired knowledge, or just some a-hole who likes to argue.

You showed up with an agenda to this web site. No other reason!! Plain and simple. Of course it is your right to do so, but your even your "handle" of winmod70 tells me you don't know squat about the accuracy game (no offense to you fine folks here who "also" shoot a winny, but very few of you shoot them competitively, so please give me some latitude on this :) ) I am the first to acknowledge that I am near the bottom of the heap on bench rest related knowledge compared to the group that frequent this site. I may be a little arrogant to say that I may be as good as anyone here when it comes to LR hunting. That is why I argued, in spite of being told eleventeen times ......THIS IS A BENCHREST SITE HERE PEOPLE!!!!

I was told that if you argue with an idiot long enough, it becomes difficult to tell the difference! To the rest of you on this website, I apologize for that. Most of you were smart enough to know better. I, unfortunately, am not that smart. I thought I was fighting the good fight for you guys who had much better things to do with your time than do I.

:eek: TOD :eek:

Apparantly I'm not who you wish I be, tell me, what's next for the exciting game of LR hunting, 200 yard squirrel hunting with your BR-50 gun?
Apparantly I'm not who you wish I be, tell me, what's next for the exciting game of LR hunting, 200 yard squirrel hunting with your BR-50 gun?

Good job winmod70!! Way to dodge the question by asking another question!! You really got us thinking now.:confused::confused:

;) TOD ;)
Wimper Wimper Sob Sob

Constipated when you come on a forum called 1000 yard benchrest and your first response is on page 6 of a debate I suggest you think before you speak.Your on a 1,000 yard forum.
When you go to the coliseum I suggest you sit on the sidelines until the lions are through.You can then act touristy and take some pictures.
In more delicate words so as not to upset your feelings stay on the sidelines with the pussycats because when you jump in with the lions and don't know what your doing you may feel out of sorts.
Please do as Charles E has suggested and put everybody on your ignore list.
Tod Soeby

Tod these anti-hunters amongst us want us to play by there rules and there guidelines.They don't offer us any yardage recommendations they just talk contempt over something they have never done nor experienced nor have an knowledge of.
They rant that this is why hunting will be banned because people are talking about it and the anti's will get ahold of it.They themselves are the anti's and by cowering like women with there defeatest attitude there are telling the anti's we are ashamed and agree with you.They want to concede this and concede that at every step along the way.We don't need 50 bmg's we don't need 1,000 yard guns we don't need semi-autos we don't need pumps we don't need more than a 250 yard single shot.
The only saving grace for us true sportsman and not those sniveling cowards is we vote.They want to vote but there wife told them to take little johny to his piano lesson and they had to skip it this year.
Winmodel 70 And Tod Soeby

Model70 this is the 1,000 yard forum of Benchrest Central not the factory/hybrid forum.On this forum 1,000 yard shooters ask 1,000 yard shooters questions about shooting at 1,000 yards.
If you add that all up you will see one thousand yards mentioned 3 times.
Constipated and you yourself are definitely limited to about 175 yards maximum and have so admitted that.Maybe you can trade in your model 70 and get a Savage or really step up and get yourself something like a Remington 22-250 and work on your extreme range shooting say 225-300 yards.
After that you can visit the factory/hybrid forum and the guys there can help you get a custom barrel put on it in something really flashy like a 243 Winchester.
When you get proficient at 300 yards and think you can consistently hit a 29 inch diagonal TV not a 60 inch big screen then you can move to paper targets.
Don't sweat it they make big targets out of paper.
Once you get down to pie plates at 300 yards and yes with a little practice you can do it too come on back and tell us all about your shooting.
At that point you'll probaly need a mentor to teach you how to reload the empty cases.Those are the shiny things that come out of your gun/rifle after it makes the loud noise.Yes sir no more boxes at Wally-World for you.
Now I don't want this to sound patronizing but at that point your 243 will probaly get changed into a 6BR.
I know I know this is all scary when your limit is 175 yards but you can do it.
Please take those steps now and visit us when you think that pie plate at 300 yards is in danger of getting hit.Yes it can be early in the morning without wind when you are doing your part and without flags.

Don't worry I just gave Model70 a task to perform and he'll likely be gone for several years now.
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Model70 this is the 1,000 yard forum of Benchrest Central not the factory/hybrid forum.On this forum 1,000 yard shooters ask 1,000 yard shooters questions about shooting at 1,000 yards.
If you add that all up you will one thousand yards mentioned 3 times.
Constipated and you yourself are definitely limited to about 175 yards maximum and have so admitted that.Maybe you can trade in your model 70 and get a Savage or really step up and get yourself something like a Remington 22-250 and work on your extreme range shooting say 225-300 yards.
After that you can visit the factory/hybrid forum and the guys there can help you get a custom barrel put on in something really flashy like a 243 Winchester.
When you get proficient at 300 yards and think you can consistently hit a 29 inch diagonal TV not a 60 inch big screen then you can move to paper targets.
Don't sweat it they make big targets out of paper.
Once you get down to pie plates at 300 yards and yes with a little practice you can do it too come on back and tell us all about your shooting.
At that point you'll probaly need a mentor to teach you how to reload the empty cases.Those are the shiny things that come out of your gun/rifle after it makes the loud noise.Yes sir no more boxes at Wally-World for you.
Now I don't want this to sound patronizing but at that point your 243 will probaly get changed into a 6BR.
I know I know this is all scary when yourt limit is 175 yards but you can do it.
Please take those steps now and visit us hen you think that pie plate at 300 yards is in danger of getting hit.Yes it can be early in the morning without wind when you are doing your part and without flags.

Don't worry I just gave Model70 a task to perform and he'll likely be gone for several years now.

Ok, you made your point that you can talk down to people, now a question to you; how many shots will it take you to kill a lowly chicken at 300 yards with your best 1000 yard super blasto Bambi slayer. When I say kill I mean dead as in no flopping about or raising it's head. Notice I didn't say 1000 yards, I'm giving you an opportunity to show your stuff at what I consider the nominal range on taking an animal humanely which I'm sure will be a chip shot(pun at golf) for you. Please jump on the opportunity with both feet, I will be glad to provide the birds since shooting Bambi would be unlawful for demostration purposes.
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11 Pages, 153 posts of flames and off topic "crap" as we are all now fond of.

If this thread was considered "Borderline" by post 65, what is it now at post 154?

Model 70 the idea of these forums is to give advice.This as already pointed out to you sveral times now is THE 1,000 YARD FORUM!!!!!!!!!!!!
For the life of me I don't know why you are having such a hard time reading the forums title.We come here to discuss 1,000 yard shooting.
You came here without a positive thing to say about something you have never done and now your crying someone is talking down to you.I can assure you of one thing I am not talking down to you.You simply don't understand what is going on here.
Some of the guys here have shot elk at over 2500 yards.The last poster runs the Willamsport 1,000 yard club.We are here to share knowledge.You however have come here to call us names and question our morals and ethics.You are talking down to the entire forum and when someone calls you on it you cry about it.

As to your chicken challenge I have a friend with 3 million chickens.I know what happens to a headless chicken.I'll leave the chicken hunting up to you.
Ok, you made your point that you can talk down to people, now a question to you; how many shots will it take you to kill a lowly chicken at 300 yards with your best 1000 yard super blasto Bambi slayer. When I say kill I mean dead as in no flopping about or raising it's head. Notice I didn't say 1000 yards, I'm giving you an opportunity to show your stuff at what I consider the nominal range on taking an animal humanely which I'm sure will be a chip shot(pun at golf) for you. Please jump on the opportunity with both feet, I will be glad to provide the birds since shooting Bambi would be unlawful for demostration purposes.

I will take you up on that offer!!! But you eat the birds that I shoot, as ethics is involved here, Why kill just to prove a point to you??? Ron Tilley
Ok, you made your point that you can talk down to people, now a question to you; how many shots will it take you to kill a lowly chicken at 300 yards with your best 1000 yard super blasto Bambi slayer. When I say kill I mean dead as in no flopping about or raising it's head. Notice I didn't say 1000 yards, I'm giving you an opportunity to show your stuff at what I consider the nominal range on taking an animal humanely which I'm sure will be a chip shot(pun at golf) for you. Please jump on the opportunity with both feet, I will be glad to provide the birds since shooting Bambi would be unlawful for demostration purposes.

I havn't decided if you are an idiot or if you know that a chicken will flop around for a bit if you completely severe it's head and are using that for an out. The only way to ensure that a chicken will not flop around without it's dead is to put it to sleep first ( I can show you how to do that too, without anesthesia). As you said 300 yards is a "chip shot" on a chicken. Actually that's not true, I could screw up 1 foot from the cup(I'm not a golfer).
Now it seems that you are either:
1) A gun control freak trying to get his point accross, who really doesn't have a clue.
2) Someone who is trying to save face and get out on a technicallity.
3) Some kid just trying to stir $#@t.
4) A complete idiot.
It kind of boils down to either your a dickhead or an idiot.

You however have come here to call us names and question our morals and ethics.You are talking down to the entire forum and when someone calls you on it you cry about it.

What names have I called you?
I will take you up on that offer!!! But you eat the birds that I shoot, as ethics is involved here, Why kill just to prove a point to you??? Ron Tilley

I got a deal for you, I'll eat everyone that you kill in one shot and you eat everyone that you don't kill in one shot after 30 seconds of time for the bird to demise for ethics sake. Now as to your question of "why kill' that is the reason I question the shooting of game at long range, what's your point other than to play with some animals life just because it's legal to do so; no shooting sport needs a bunch of people running around doing stunts and that's all it is with 1000 yards shooting. There is over a second of time lapse and no control of your target during that time; shooting under 300 yards solves that problem. My worry now is that by using chickens as an example a bunch of people are now blasting Foghorn Leghorn to prove that they can kill in one shot, another senseless exercise.
I havn't decided if you are an idiot or if you know that a chicken will flop around for a bit if you completely severe it's head and are using that for an out. The only way to ensure that a chicken will not flop around without it's dead is to put it to sleep first ( I can show you how to do that too, without anesthesia). As you said 300 yards is a "chip shot" on a chicken. Actually that's not true, I could screw up 1 foot from the cup(I'm not a golfer).
Now it seems that you are either:
1) A gun control freak trying to get his point accross, who really doesn't have a clue.
2) Someone who is trying to save face and get out on a technicallity.
3) Some kid just trying to stir $#@t.
4) A complete idiot.
It kind of boils down to either your a dickhead or an idiot.


I'll go for being an idiot if that makes you feel better but none of you on this thread have made it clear to me why it is necessary to enter another variable(time lapse) in the taking of game other than to boast about your capabilities as a marksman when you know that the probabilities of a clean kill are better at close range.