Taking a long range shot at an animal isn't a fast thing...after setup, which takes a couple of minuets, we watch, look and listen. Wind, temp, baro, dial ups, wind, recheck distance, wind, wind, ect... How active is the animal? Is he/she alone, or in a group? Now...if it is fairly active and is moving/ feeding, we don't shoot. Watch a buck for 15-20 min, and you get a feeling for when he is going to take a step. If it's overly windy for the distance, we don't shoot. If there is no snow for tracking, and I am alone (no spotter), I don't shoot. If he is in a heard, I don't shoot without a spotter. Ect .....
If you want to talk about the uninformed about LR hunting. It's people who have responded negatively, with a lot of self-righteous sounding comments to this post, that make the LR hunter seem like a crass, un-sportsman like, reckless, prick. You must just assume that if we have the equipment, talent and a good sight picture, that we take the shot. The statement about giving the anti's "ammunition" against us is truly insane. The tree hugger's and Bambi lovers of the world don't care how far away the animal is. To close, to far.....there is no just right. TO THE GUY WHO ONLY SHOOTS WHEN HE IS 99.99% SURE OF A KILL, Do you think that they want you to kill something 99.99% of the time you pull the trigger......HELL NO!! They hope your friggen gun explodes, taking the rest of the hunting world with you!!!!
I am sorry about the rant. If I offended anybody, I'm sure you can find a group somewhere trying to ban freedom of speech to help you sue me and take away my birthday.
By looking at the original post, the guy was new that day. To tell him that this is probably the wrong place for him to post was spot on. To preach to him your personal point of view is good also, if it is going to help him with his question. But to chastise him about the ethics of something. If you feel that strongly against LR hunting, then it's you who is on the wrong form. Go to one of the long range hunting forms. There will be plenty of opportunity's to "spread the word" there.
Just a few of my thoughts,