The fifth shot

Chism G

Active member
8:00AM,March 15,2020, at Pencil Bluff Ark. First match at 200yds. light misty, in your face rain. Some moisture was collecting in the bore, prior to commence fire command. I fired two sighters to clear the bore. The water in bore, vaporized into a fine smoke like appearance.

Conditions were light, flag daisy's dead still, tails showed an occasional right to left flick at about 110 yds. I got four shots off as fast as I could. It was 56 degree's and hands were starting to numb up a little. Looked at the tiny spot on the target and decided to hold up for the fifth shot. Put two sighters on the bottom right sighter bull, for poi verification. Went beck to record and sent the fifth shot.

Arrrrgh S...T didn't see the change. Looked at that new spot on the target a long time, hoping that it was a bug/fly that would soon fly away.:D

This is Benchrest Folks.

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I stopped going to sighter. For this very reason.....

Ive' gotten bitten bad by going to sighter or not going to sighter. Miss a change at 200yds,the result is usually,BIG group.:D

That four shot group measured something like a .190. Makes you kinda hesitant to let the fifth one go without checking.

Why did you decide to do that?

See post#3. In my way of describing it,"Hold Up" means to stop. Flag tails were moving. Needed to verify what i thought I was looking at, before I let that fifth shot go. As it turns out,I didn't see the change down range, before I pulled the trigger. Its happened before. Make sense?

See post#3. In my way of describing it,"Hold Up" means to stop. Flag tails were moving. Needed to verify what i thought I was looking at, before I let that fifth shot go. As it turns out,I didn't see the change down range, before I pulled the trigger. Its happened before. Make sense?


Sorry Glen, I miss understood.....Now it makes sense.....
See post#3. In my way of describing it,"Hold Up" means to stop. Flag tails were moving. Needed to verify what i thought I was looking at, before I let that fifth shot go. As it turns out,I didn't see the change down range, before I pulled the trigger. Its happened before. Make sense?


2 yrs ago. I was having this problem. 2 Gun Ted pointed it out.
In 6 tournaments, I had 1 shot, that knocked me out of 1st place.
At Shelby County, target 20 third shot went left(no wind flags on the right. Would not have mattered. A stray gust.). Ted won by .0033....
So I got 2nd. Then at WW it was third, then 4th, then 5th, ......

Back to Shelby, first time shooting there.
I guess, beginners luck....anyway. I put the next 2 below my first group. Would have measured a big .3xxx. Total a .6xxx.
After seeing that shot go left. I was in shock. That barrel hit it's stride after 175 shots. Too bad, it happened after lunch on Sat.
Anyway, I don't give up. Put the last 2 near the first 2. I guess, everyone was watching. I vaguely remember someone clapped....and a bunch of atta boys!!!!.... Surprised anyone was watching and holy cow. I got some friends here!....

Oh! It was 95-96° both days. Dominic and I ran through 2 cases of water....That was a butt kicker.

Not Bragging. Just a story......

Shelby County Deer Hunters, Ohio. Very nice range. Great people. It's strange shooting over a trap range(night time trap), deep valley, creek when it rains, berm for 100y targets, an old quarry, then up for 200y targets....need 25' wind flag pole for the quarry.
Oldest Gun Club in US. Surrounded by fields....20 min from town.
2 yrs ago. I was having this problem. 2 Gun Ted pointed it out.
In 6 tournaments, I had 1 shot, that knocked me out of 1st place.
At Shelby County, target 20 third shot went left(no wind flags on the right. Would not have mattered. A stray gust.). Ted won by .0033....
So I got 2nd. Then at WW it was third, then 4th, then 5th, ......

Back to Shelby, first time shooting there.
I guess, beginners luck....anyway. I put the next 2 below my first group. Would have measured a big .3xxx. Total a .6xxx.
After seeing that shot go left. I was in shock. That barrel hit it's stride after 175 shots. Too bad, it happened after lunch on Sat.
Anyway, I don't give up. Put the last 2 near the first 2. I guess, everyone was watching. I vaguely remember someone clapped....and a bunch of atta boys!!!!.... Surprised anyone was watching and holy cow. I got some friends here!....

Oh! It was 95-96° both days. Dominic and I ran through 2 cases of water....That was a butt kicker.

Not Bragging. Just a story......

Shelby County Deer Hunters, Ohio. Very nice range. Great people. It's strange shooting over a trap range(night time trap), deep valley, creek when it rains, berm for 100y targets, an old quarry, then up for 200y targets....need 25' wind flag pole for the quarry.
Oldest Gun Club in US. Surrounded by fields....20 min from town.

Your geographic description of the Shelby County Range, sounds exactly like the Luther,Okla.Range that Mark mentioned in Post#4. I shot at Luther one time. My wind flags only went up to 8',had to borrow two 12' ones from the match director. Mark won the two gun.

BR is like Golf. Every Range/Course has its own personality that the competitor has to figure out.

See post#3. In my way of describing it,"Hold Up" means to stop. Flag tails were moving. Needed to verify what i thought I was looking at, before I let that fifth shot go. As it turns out,I didn't see the change down range, before I pulled the trigger. Its happened before. Make sense?


I misunderstood also; I thought "hold up" meant raise your POA -- different strokes for different folks. :)
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Zippy...You're good. After all these years,I still get bit. Need more range time.

If it was easy, it wouldn't be fun.:D

yep! got that............:).

State is in Lock down. No nothing, No vacation homes, no fishing(I don't fish. But, that is extreme BS), no vacation homes, nothing.....And just read there is a petition to recall the Governor.....she might have over reached. Trying to punish Trump and his supporters.....Coup d'tat 3.0....
But, I know of a place to exercise. With my stuff......:). Maybe, tomorrow....
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Your geographic description of the Shelby County Range, sounds exactly like the Luther,Okla.Range that Mark mentioned in Post#4. I shot at Luther one time. My wind flags only went up to 8',had to borrow two 12' ones from the match director. Mark won the two gun.

BR is like Golf. Every Range/Course has its own personality that the competitor has to figure out.


And there is always another match or target! :)
Match Winner and Match Loser

Chism G, I feel your pain. It was the BR Gremlins that got me.


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