Rimfire Benchrest rifles (Calfee SPEC rifles)

How many Calfee Specs won at the Triple Crown?



I assume (always a dangerous thing) that you know the Triple Crown is only one match, but Triple Crown week is two State level matches, and two National level matches, the PSL match, and the Triple Crown match proper.

Within the Triple Crown match there are three portions. The ARA portion, the PSL portion, and the IR 50/50 portion. The IR 50/50 portion is being shot this morning.

The point I'm making is there are several ways to "win" Triple Crown week.

So far Todd Wooten shot Merlin, Spec 4, to win the 2021 Virginia State ARA outdoor championship. Mike Sherrill used Black Death, SPEC 5, to win the IR 50/50 10-shot Nationals, Larry Parsons used Paladin SPEC 7 to win the PSL portion of the Triple Crown. I won't go into all the target wins and perfect scores these rifle have shot so far but you get the point.

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Triple Crown


The point I'm making is there are several ways to "win" Triple Crown week.

So far Todd Wooten shot Merlin, Spec 4, to win the 2021 Virginia State ARA outdoor championship. Mike Sherrill used Black Death, SPEC 5, to win the IR 50/50 10-shot Nationals, Larry Parsons used Paladin SPEC 7 to win the PSL portion of the Triple Crown. I won't go into all the target wins and perfect scores these rifle have shot so far but you get the point.

Congrats to Todd, Larry and Mike. I got to witness the ARA State Match on Friday and it was great fun. Also congrats to Glenn Spencer on his performance with his non-spec Langley rifle. Good shooting all.
Calfee Spec rifles

There are several big shoots coming up soon. If anyone spots a Calfee Spec rifle at one of them please take a pic and post it here.



I assume (always a dangerous thing) that you know the Triple Crown is only one match, but Triple Crown week is two State level matches, and two National level matches, the PSL match, and the Triple Crown match proper.

Within the Triple Crown match there are three portions. The ARA portion, the PSL portion, and the IR 50/50 portion. The IR 50/50 portion is being shot this morning.

The point I'm making is there are several ways to "win" Triple Crown week.

So far Todd Wooten shot Merlin, Spec 4, to win the 2021 Virginia State ARA outdoor championship. Mike Sherrill used Black Death, SPEC 5, to win the IR 50/50 10-shot Nationals, Larry Parsons used Paladin SPEC 7 to win the PSL portion of the Triple Crown. I won't go into all the target wins and perfect scores these rifle have shot so far but you get the point.


Thanks Tony, I was there but no one yelled Calfee!

Thanks Tony, I was there but no one yelled Calfee!


Jerry isn't it funny how quiet things get when two Calfee shooters are kicking butt.

Parsons wins Indiana State.jpg
Larry Parson won shooting a 2500 with Paladin, and Mike Sherril was second shooting Black Death.



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Larry Parsons - Paladin


Congratulations on shooting a 2500 and winning the ARA tournament at Marion County today.

Big Dog not Black Death

Jerry isn't it funny how quiet things get when two Calfee shooters are kicking butt.

View attachment 24794
Larry Parson won shooting a 2500 with Paladin, and Mike Sherril was second shooting Black Death.

View attachment 24793

Tony, actually I shot "Big Dog" at the Indiana State not "Black Death". Larry Parsons did put on a show with " Paladin". He hammered us with a 2500, and (2) 2450's. He was on fire. Congratulations Larry for a fantastic day you had.

Mike Sherrill
Tony, actually I shot "Big Dog" at the Indiana State not "Black Death". Larry Parsons did put on a show with " Paladin". He hammered us with a 2500, and (2) 2450's. He was on fire. Congratulations Larry for a fantastic day you had.

Mike Sherrill


Thanks for correcting me about shooting Black Death.

Every rifle I've owned seems to have it's own personality, could you tell us a little about the differences you see or feel with Black Death and Big Dog.

You seem to shoot them equally well, but which do you prefer to shoot?

They both perform very well.


Thanks for correcting me about shooting Black Death.

Every rifle I've owned seems to have it's own personality, could you tell us a little about the differences you see or feel with Black Death and Big Dog.

You seem to shoot them equally well, but which do you prefer to shoot?


Tony, both guns have Shilen Ratchets on them. Big Dogs barrel was fit in 2007 by Bill Calfee. Black Deaths barrel was fit in 2008 by Bill Calfee. They both have a lot of life left in them as long as I clean them properly without making a mistake and damage during cleaning. I have won tournaments and shot 2500 targets with both.

Big Dog's barrel has many more rounds (thousands) through it than Black Deaths barrel. For this reason I predominantly use Big Dog at most matches and save Black Death for the major tournaments. My choice of which gun to use at the Indiana State also had another contributing factor. I had cut my left thumb earlier in the week which limited my ability to load a round directly into the chamber efficiently. With Big Dog's Baity 6:00 conversion the loading ramp allows you the ability to just place the round on the ramp and close the bolt. With Black Death I place the round directly into the chamber.

With all of the above said, both guns shoot extremely well, I'm very lucky and don't feel that I 'm handicapping myself when I use either one.

Bottom line, I feel that Black Death may be about 2 bulls better over a 6 card Tournament, due to fewer rounds through the barrel. It's just a feeling that I can't really prove out. But that gives me the reasoning to use Black Death on the biggest matches. I have extreme confidence in both guns.

I hope that I have answered your questions, if not let me know and I'll try again.

Mike " Black Death" - "Big Dog" Sherrill

Congrats to Larry Parsons on his ARA Area 5 Championship, Open Grove California.

I see you and Paladin shot another 2500. You are killing it.


Larry Parsons.jpg
tony, actually i shot "big dog" at the indiana state not "black death". Larry parsons did put on a show with " paladin". He hammered us with a 2500, and (2) 2450's. He was on fire. Congratulations larry for a fantastic day you had.

Mike sherrill
that target showsgreat shootingalong with good barrels the sighter shots show light foweling which is terrif keep it up.
bill, this was an unlimited match, most are.

There is "factory" ara matches. Rifles considered eligible for these matches are listed on the ara website.

thanks its been yrs since i shot rimfire but i still all my gun hoping get enough time to come you way to shoot. I am still very active here on the farm with not mutch help/.
Larry Parsons and Palidin

Congratulating Larry Parsons for his wins with Paladin is becoming a regular thing.

Larry won the 4 th ARA triple points tournament this past weekend. This match was held at the Bench rest rifle club of St. Louis. This is the same venue that holds the ARA Nationals every year.

The match had 55 shooters. A great turn out for a RFBR tournament.

Larry has won two of the ARA area tournaments so far. The last 2021 ARA area tournament will be held at Chickenfoot in Ga. That is the same venue that is used for the indoor ARA Nationals.

Although these aren't National matches one can argue they are just as tough to win.

Larry is a relatively new shooter and he has came on quick and strong. It has been exciting watching his progress.

One question comes to mind. Would Larry have been so successful without Paladin?

Paladin is a Calfee SPEC rifle and has a history of being a winner in a number of shooters hands. But it looks like Larry is taking Paladin to new levels.

One thing for sure this Parsons/Paladin team are something to be reckoned with.

TKHPaladin in black - Copy (4).jpg
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Congrats to the Parsons/Paladin team------ Yet again!!!

I know I'm beginning to sound like a broken record but that Parsons/Paladin team have been at it yet again.

Yesterday in Wisconsin they won the club tournament and shot the first ARA 2500 ever shot in the state of Wisconsin.

Congratulations, you are the bomb!!!

RFBR gained a valuable supporter

I know everyone has got to be tired of me telling you Larry Parsons and Paladin has won another match, tournament etc. etc. or shot another 2500.

Well it is old news Larry (Parsons/Paladin) won the Wisconsin ARA tournament last weekend. But what I want to tell you now is Larry has become a protagonist of the sport.

He offered a Hog hunt to the winner of the Wisconsin tournament but since he won it he gave the hunt to the second place finisher. He also gave away a hunt to the winner in the factory class.

There is nothing we need more in this sport than people willing to promote the sport and there is no better way to promote the sport it than offering rewards to those that work at it the hardest.

Thank you Larry Parsons

Larry Parsons and Palidin

Look at this score sheet. This is insane!!!!!!

Georgia tournament 2021.jpg.

Larry, you and that rifle are doing things never done before!!!

My hat is off to you.

Congrats yet again.

SPEC P-1 "Primevil" Delivered to Robert Oates

It is in the history books now. Robert Oates has picked up Jeff Patterson's first SPEC rifle.

All eyes will be on this rifle to see how it does in RFBR. That is a lot of pressure and it may take sometime before we really know the rifles capabilities.

Many of Calfee's SPEC rifles took awhile before they proved their mettle.

There has been so much hype around this build it will be hard to impress, but very easy for the naysayers to criticize.

Robert has quite a dilemma. Does he go out there and hit the bigtime matches, or does he sit back and get some bench time before he ventures out.

It is going to be interesting to watch.

Robert picking up Primevil at J-PATs.jpg