Luby,s just lost my business.

i just want to get this straight,
you would rather be shot dead, than defend yourself ?
just because it is in convienent to deal with being alive.
i just want to get this straight,
you would rather be shot dead, than defend yourself ?
just because it is in convienent to deal with being alive.

Well generally I don't feel like I'd want to be walking down in the wrong part of Chicago where there'd be a high probability I may have to defend myself. For everyday things around here it's really not necessary to need to carry at least for me. Most of the places I go it's not necessary either. I don't carry large sums of cash nor have I ever been threatened. But I certainly support your right/desire to carry if you want to.
i just want to get this straight,
you would rather be shot dead, than defend yourself ?
just because it is in convienent to deal with being alive.

If your speaking to me I didn't say anything about not defending myself.

If you want to keep open carrying, go for it. See post #40

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we don't have one up here but good for you regarding your boycott of them in the future and in particular your telling them what you think of their policy. We do have Panera Bread in this area and I did not know that about them, so screw them too. I just cancelled my LL Bean CC because they affiliated with Citibank as the card issuer. Citibank recently adopted the "socially responsible" position of not lending to any business making modern sporting rifles. So, goodbye LL Bean! The founder of the company would roll in his grave if he knew this. The company has turned into a firm selling to the deck shoe and crew neck sweater crowd. It is so far from its roots as to be laughable. Principle be damned, its about $$
I was may have got it straight...

I don't have a need to carry. I could if I want to but I don't want to or need to. If I did I sure as hell wouldn't do it openly. I don't pay that much attention, but I don't recall seeing even a single sign addressing carrying of weapons on private properties. Since open carry was allowed here, I think I've seen 2 people doing it. I suppose if I lived in an area like "retired" that attracts a lot of outsiders and attendant scumbags, I'd probably it differently.

And no I don't have the belief that dying is better than defending, but for me the odds of having to make that choice aren't zero, but they're pretty small.
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I don't have a need to carry. I could if I want to but I don't want to or need to. I suppose if I lived in an area like "retired" that attracts a lot of outsiders and attendant scumbags, I'd probably it differently.

Mollie Tibbetts....abducted and murdered last summer about 90 miles from you.
I don't have a need to carry. I could if I want to but I don't want to or need to. If I did I sure as hell wouldn't do it openly. I don't pay that much attention, but I don't recall seeing even a single sign addressing carrying of weapons on private properties. Since open carry was allowed here, I think I've seen 2 people doing it. I suppose if I lived in an area like "retired" that attracts a lot of outsiders and attendant scumbags, I'd probably it differently.

And no I don't have the belief that dying is better than defending, but for me the odds of having to make that choice aren't zero, but they're pretty small.

It only takes once and you may never have another chance. But,as you say, it's your choice. It should also be everyone's choice.
Sounds like a comment coming from someone who is in denial of there being an issue at the Southern Border who isn't affected by it so why should he care. Carrying or not goes well beyond protecting ones ownself or family. It should also include protecting those innocent folks who maybe helpless at the moment and in dire need that are around you. It's called Loving and carrying for others as one would do for himself and to be willing to lay down ones life so that another might live and is not that what we are all called to do.
Like the saying-

Better to have a gun & not need it than need a gun and not have it.

I've packed a SIG SAUER Classic Pistol (P220/P226/P227/P228/P229/P239) on a rotational basis 365 days a year for the last 25 years,concealed,no permit or restrictions in Alaska,concealed or open carry.

Not for my or family members well being, but for those unprepared as Louis.J has previously posted.

Any business or lower 49 states that attempts to infringe on my or others 2nd amendment rights will NEVER get a dime of my money.PERIOD.

Jackie,I back your stand 10000 %.
Recognizing that the the comment "goes well beyond protecting ones ownself or family [to] include protecting those innocent folks who maybe helpless at the moment and in dire need that are around you," I'm not convinced that my conscience calls me "to lay down [my] life so that a [stranger] might live." Are you sure yours does?
From he who gave us the good book providing the " Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth." and he who sacrificed his own life and it's unfortunate you apparently haven't read it and now have to ask.
From he who gave us the good book providing the " Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth." and he who sacrificed his own life and it's unfortunate you apparently haven't read it and now have to ask.

Book, chapter and verse?