
I've felt for a long time

that there should be a seperate 6 PPC forum. It seems to me that very often the issues that apply to the 6 PPC don't necessarily apply to other chamberings and vise versa. Often we talk past each other or disagree on issues because what applies to one chambering may not and probably doesn't apply to the others.

Perhaps even split the Group shooting from the Score shooting. There are and always have been differences with these two groups, both providing information that is pertinent to their side but not agreed upon.

Of course we are our own worst enemy when we participate in conversations with folks we know are fakes. We should all just ignore them. It's easy enough to find out if a person shoots in registered competition, at least the ones on this side of the ponds. In my mind, unless someone is a card carrying member of either comunist party and competing in their events that are published, they have no bidness posting on the Competition Forum. Of course it would help a lot to have the paramaters tightened up so that this message was clear. NBRSA and IBS competitors only; something like that.

A friend of mine reffers to situations like this as folks being in a play but not knowing what the script is.
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So Far the site is working way better then a lot of the others.
Now if you get bad information consider the source .

You will find that the shooters are really pretty good guys
Most are busy at the matches, but still find time for a new shooter.
If you approach them when they are not in a rush, they usually will help you out with a problem.
Why not add a star by a posters screen name if he/she is a registered shooter with a recognized org. You could even add the orgization like ARA with the star or what ever symbol you choose.

When us new folks read a reply we would know what experience level we were listening to. Jack C
I Don't Know

I am an avid competitor. I am a member of both The NBRSA and IBS. I also am the Match Director of what is becoming a successful Club Match Program at the Tomball Gun Club. (we shoot score).

Which leaves me in sort of a quagmire. I see the dedication and hard work that shooters put into shooting our Club Matches. The Competition is pretty stiff. These shooters are shooting the exact same equipment as you will find at any Registered Match. They also spend just as much time at the range honing their skills.

These shooters are great contributors to extreme accuracy shooting.

Now, don't get me wrong. Everybody knows that I believe that shooting Group without a moving backer is meaningless. But Score is a different animal. It takes just as much skill and dedication to the cause to sit down with two shooters and nail a bucket full of X's as it does to sit down with sixty.

And we are going to tell them that they should have no input into a Forum dedicated to Competition because they do not shoot in Registered Matches, or are not a member of a certain Organization.

Does that really seem right??........jackie
My Take

Having "A Card" does not necessarily give you any more knowledge that a non card holder. Look around.


Jackie has made a good point.
Evey wednesday we have a league shoot with about 15 shooters,
Of the 15 shooters only 3 will attend a benchrest Match.
They have all of the equipement and loading tech , But just don't travel to shoot. They also frequent this board. They know a lot , but are not at the registered matches
I moderate on another board dedicated to a different topic. We have tools to conveniently move threads. It's powered by phpBB version 3.

Moving threads is a powerful tool. Threads can be moved to where they belong, keeping things "in order". Threads can also be moved, in whole, to the moderators forum that is invisible to non-moderators. That gives us opportunity to discuss it.

Every group has its own dynamic, but on the other board, I've found that less moderation works better. Personal flaming is about all we censor there.

From experience I can tell you that setting up a bunch of X-only forums is going to get really tedious to moderate.

My humble opinion,
Greg J.
I'm not a match shooter and, at my age, I never will be. I do enjoy learning about the game and read almost every post made here. I would hate to see a forum where great information is posted but I have no ability to ask a question or submit an idea. As far as having an area where only expert opinions are expressed, I think that is a pipe dream. Just ask the experts how to clean a rifle or how deep a primer should be seated. You'll get as many answers as you have experts. I, and most folks, don't take anything read on the internet as Gospel.
I can't believe that this thread has drug on for three pages. I believe that the Competition Benchrest - Only forum was put on here to just show the fact that no matter how you label something or mean for it to be will always end up being the same as what you tried to get away from. That was also the whole reason I believed this forum shouldn't have existed in the first place and that even now, the threads should be moved to the Centerfire forum and this one deleted.

Having "A Card" does not necessarily give you any more knowledge that a non card holder. Look around.



My comment may have been taken somewhat out of context, (if you will)
It was not about cardholders having more knowledge, but to insure that the people posting here would be a member of NBRSA -IBS.

The name of the centerfire forums herein is "Competition Benchrest", and is to include all people from all lands. Being a registered member is not too much to ask.
On that note, we cannot participate in a registered match unless we are in fact..a member.
I Agree With Joe

Why not have a BR Forum reserved for NBRSA/IBS members. Problem is Joe nobody is willing to stand at the door and check Memberships.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
I can't believe that this thread has drug on for three pages. I believe that the Competition Benchrest - Only forum was put on here to just show the fact that no matter how you label something or mean for it to be will always end up being the same as what you tried to get away from. That was also the whole reason I believed this forum shouldn't have existed in the first place and that even now, the threads should be moved to the Centerfire forum and this one deleted. Hovis

I'd like to see both forums consolidated into a 100/200 yard Benchrest forum. Which is where, to my way of thinking, most of the [capital "B"] Benchrest is shot. What yardages are the Nationals and Super Shoot shot at ??? Art :)
Well everyone else has had an opinion on this subject, so I might as well put my 25 cents in (inflation, you know?). I am a registered member of NBRSA and shoot both registered and club matches, mostly not very well. But I enjoy the competition and meeting old friends and new friends. I think there is an assumption among the general shooting public that frequent a forum of this type is that everyone is also a hunter and probably has a safe full of hunting rifles. Some competetors hunt and some don't, so that is probably the reason we get questions about loads for a 223, etc., on this forum. Lack of knowledge. I used to hunt but gave that up in 1975. So instead of flamming someone, just politely direct them to the proper forum. Now as to only registered members being able to post here....what would we talk about. Most everyone that has been competing for several years already has his/her mind set on how to go about playing this game. So we are not likely to change opinions in this type format. I have only been competing for 3-4 years but I learn a lot here. Doesn't mean I always follow that information but it is good to know of others opinions. I think Wilbur has made it about as clear as possible about the difference between "Only" and the "General" Benchrest forums. I am sure there are a lot of shooters that just "lurk" and read all that is being talked about here. I would hazard a guess that many get the idea that this is an elitist group by some of the posts I have read. I hope I have never been perceived that way, because I am still a novice. I think we will just have to put up with an occasional "off beat" question or statement and rely on the moderators to delete threads that are detremental to our sport. Hope some of this made some sense and hope everyone has a Happy and Safe New Year. May all your groups be bugholes or X's.

I'd like to see both forums consolidated into a 100/200 yard Benchrest forum. Which is where, to my way of thinking, most of the [capital "B"] Benchrest is shot. What yardages are the Nationals and Super Shoot shot at ??? Art :)

but what about the 200/300 score nationals...
they cannot talk here ?

again wilbur has been pretty clear....

its his site, so why are we talking again on the same subject ?

is it just winter ??

mike in co
I moderate on another board dedicated to a different topic. We have tools to conveniently move threads. It's powered by phpBB version 3.

Moving threads is a powerful tool. Threads can be moved to where they belong, keeping things "in order". Threads can also be moved, in whole, to the moderators forum that is invisible to non-moderators. That gives us opportunity to discuss it.
Likewise I moderate on another board with similar moderator tools.

However, Wilbur seems to have expressed a board policy that seems to me to be pretty comprehensively expressed by his most recent smilie - )chill( - and he's the man!

Wilber is doing an Excellent Job.
He's very patient too.
Look at what he has to put up with.
I'm sure he really hesitated to delete the post.
Sometimes we get a little carried away.
Keep up the good work wilber and Jackie.


My comment may have been taken somewhat out of context, (if you will)
It was not about cardholders having more knowledge, but to insure that the people posting here would be a member of NBRSA -IBS.

The name of the centerfire forums herein is "Competition Benchrest", and is to include all people from all lands. Being a registered member is not too much to ask.
On that note, we cannot participate in a registered match unless we are in fact..a member.

My comment wasn't directed at you. I was just generality of the posters on the board, me included.

I am

going to apologize before I say my peace of mind.

Fellows I am sorry for what I am about to say but it must be said.

Wilbur I feel this discussion has run its course and it is time for the chief cook and bottle washer to call it dead.

Bottom line is Wilbur is the boss of his fine forum. We will all agree to disagree on this topic.
