For the IBS is there a suitable alternative to Precision Shooting Magazine?

Well George, You right

the more I think about it the more I realize we are getting a heck of a deal and every now and again Mr B does something that makes it all worthwhile; like the short article on Carlos Hathcock this time. That made up for the rest of the crap so far this entire year. Perhaps since Rattlers have quit ratteling, because of predation by Hogs and Folks and Dogs are being killed or nearly so , by silent Rattlers, there will be an article on shooting them. They got to be harder to hit and more sporting than Crocks. :) (I.E. Precission Shooting)
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You should know that we are no longer allowed to shoot rattles in TN, or any other snakes. Growing up we learned they were good to eat and over the next 60+ years that was all it took for the powers to be to take all snakes off the target list.

Maybe after all this a few of the folks will take the time to send in a few more articles.


You should know that we are no longer allowed to shoot rattles in TN, or any other snakes. Growing up we learned they were good to eat and over the next 60+ years that was all it took for the powers to be to take all snakes off the target list.

Maybe after all this a few of the folks will take the time to send in a few more articles.


Just read an article online yesterday. A village in China raises over 1 million snakes a year, some for venom for medicine others for food. If you like eating them, check you local CHICOM WalMart, they should be in the frozen food section soon!! :)
i don't buy that.. between IBS NBRSA F-CLASS 600 YARD 1000 YARD and A HOST of other shoots around this country .
A quality precision shooting magazine IS NEEDED AND WANTED.

TILL then we have this.


Thanks for giving Target Shooter magazine a plug.

Although we are UK based, we would love to carry 'accuracy' articles from any American shooter who would like to submit the odd article. As long as it's target shooting, we will cover it.

We are also available as an Apple iPad app now - download the June issue for free.

We are three UK shooters who do it for the love of the sport. I will be shooting benchrest at the Worlds in France in a couple of months, one guy is shooting in the rimfire Worlds in America next month and the third is captain of the GB F/TR Team.

Vince (UK)
Hey Vince...

Long time...

I remember meeting you at the World Championships at Kelbly's.

Keep up the good work.

Dick Wright
Vince that is a really nice magazine. Wish I would remember to read it more.
I usually see a reminder on
Good stuff. Thanks.
Hi Dick,

Nice to hear from you - hope you are keeping well.

I'm just getting ready for the Worlds in France next month - are you still shooting that 22 'short'? I finally gave up on mine - then tried a 22 Beggs and gave up on that too!

Zippy - thank you for your kind words - we launch on the first of every month at but our Apple app is usally a few days behind. It's so nice to have American readers and we would welcome articles from the USA

Best wishes
Vince (UK)

I live abroad and renew my Precision Shooting subscription for 2 years. And it costs me a lot more than americans pays.

I just love Precision Magazine!!! It is one of the very few and rare magazines that really deals with precision shooting with independence and in dept thecnical articles.

I do know for a fact that in my part of the world we apreciate a lot Precision Shooting, although not many subscriptions (may be lack of more advertising on web?). It is a good way to try to "stay in touch" with what happens on "american shooting wonderland" (as we foreigners that loves precision shooting see america, God bless you for the freedom you conquered!).

The last magazine I received yesterday (june 2011) are really good! That is life with all shooting & guns magazine, some months are really good, others are not soo good. But in the end, I love Precision Magazine!
Mr. Campos,

Bless you for the nice things you said about the magazine. You are a man of rare and discerniing taste. Please ignore the Southern person who started this thread. We are way too liberal in this country and all those who should be in jail aren't.

Cliff. I am still shooting the .22 Short. Did some load work-up here on my home range yesterday. Everything went very well.
Tomorrow is the match. Hope the results are the same.

See here, Sharret... you coming to Holton for the IBS Nats?
