For the IBS is there a suitable alternative to Precision Shooting Magazine?

I think we grossly under estimate

the number of folks who are interested in Benchrest and the equipment that goes along with it. I think there are, perhaps, as many folks who have never fired a competative shot but have BR rifles, scopes, rests, bullets Brass and Powder. I think it's sort of like folks who own Sport Cars in Race Trim who never intended to race, ever. They just like being part of it Vicariously. It would be interesting to know how many Leup Comp and March Scopes have been sold vs the number of folks who actually do compete. I have sold rifles to guys over the years who have never used them in matches that I am aware of. There are a heck of a lot of Benchrest Rifles in Folrida, for instance, that are never shot in competition, I know for sure about. They might be shot in friendly club type matches but not in organized Competition. One sees rifles in the classifieds from all over the place, many of which the owner bought because they liked the idea of owning a reallllly accurate rifle.

I was in Dan Greenlaw's shop the other day. He told me he works exclusively on Rests and related Rest items now 5 days per week and does "Specials" on Saturdays. How many of his rests do you see at matches?
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This is not a new Topic. It has been talked about at the annual IBS meeting before.
A lot of us don't hate the magazine but would rather see it get back on track,
I remember talking to Rick Hornbeck and Wally Hart about the expansion of the magazine .
I pesonally thought it would be a great idea, IE including other types of shooting. Small bore , High power, long Range Br Etc, Then the newest Things becoming available to the shooters in each type of shooting.
Free articles from the People developing new ideas, I don't think the pay idea is the problem either,
How about some Nostalga articles about some of the old shooters? Those were really great people..
Then theres the ranges where we all shot years ago and other tid bits of the game.
the number of folks who are interested in Benchrest and the equipment that goes along with it. I think there are, perhaps, as many folks who have never fired a competative shot but have BR rifles, scopes, rests, bullets Brass and Powder. I think it's sort of like folks who own Sport Cars in Race Trim who never intended to race, ever. They just like being part of it Vicariously. It would be interesting to know how many Leup Comp and March Scopes have been sold vs the number of folks who actually do compete. I have sold rifles to guys over the years who have never used them in matches that I am aware of. There are a heck of a lot of Benchrest Rifles in Folrida, for instance, that are never shot in competition, I know for sure about. They might be shot in friendly club type matches but not in organized Competition. One sees rifles in the classifieds from all over the place, many of which the owner bought because they liked the idea of owning a reallllly accurate rifle.

I was in Dan Greenlaw's shop the other day. He told me he works exclusively on Rests and related Rest items now 5 days per week and does "Specials" on Saturdays. How many of his rests do you see at matches?

I meet a lot of these guys up here in MI. They got nice stuff. Can't talk them into competing. Then mention the NBRSA fee. They are done. Gone.
But, then there are all kinds of guys at work who want to come out to the range. Try to get them to be a member. $100/ yr. Most say "why should I pay, I'll just show up when you shoot".
Tell them you don't have to be a member to shoot at the smaller club( Hand guns). Competition is free. They still don't show up.
I didn't notice a problem with PS till I started coming on BC. I was paying PS before I joined IBS/NBRSA. A year or so. Then started looking at BC. Lurking for a while so to speak.
I have to agree. Want to change PS ? Write some articles....
Joe Krupa, JD Mock, Dick Wright, and the other writers. Thank you for giving back to the Sport.
I look forward to reading your stuff.
This is not a new Topic. It has been talked about at the annual IBS meeting before.
A lot of us don't hate the magazine but would rather see it get back on track,
I remember talking to Rick Hornbeck and Wally Hart about the expansion of the magazine .
I pesonally thought it would be a great idea, IE including other types of shooting. Small bore , High power, long Range Br Etc, Then the newest Things becoming available to the shooters in each type of shooting.
Free articles from the People developing new ideas, I don't think the pay idea is the problem either,
How about some Nostalga articles about some of the old shooters? Those were really great people..
Then theres the ranges where we all shot years ago and other tid bits of the game.

Gerry and Jim Borden thanks for that insight.....
If folks stopped complaining about the magazine and used the time to constructively try to improve it, they would have no time to complain. Wouldn't that be nice...for a change?

How many amoung us have the ability or time and inclination to be a Writer of Magazine Articles? It isn't up to the readership to properly run the magazine. Our money is as green as the other guy who buys the product.

Why don't more of those who do write good articles write more of them? It seems to me that for a person to have their name listed as a "Staff Writer" they should have an article in the mag at least every other month. How can a person who writes an article every now and then be a "Staff Writer"? No, it's not up to the consumer to wright the ship. Our only recourse is either to not buy the product or complain about what we believe to be inferior. Many of us don't have the choice to not buy it if we want to shoot IBS events.
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Pete I think you have missed the point. We are not consumers. WE are members of a VERY small community.
I don't even know where there is an IBS Club. But, I am still a member.

By the way. Pete you write pretty good here on BC. You have a pretty good opinion.
I am surprised you are not a contributor of PS.
For what it's worth. If you do wish to contribute with an Article , Please remember that it takes time for Brennen to get it ready for the magazine. even after the corrections , like typing etc. it has to be sent into 2 months ahead of time for the printer. Dave could say more about this. Even a match Ad has to be sent in That Early
Remember he only accepts Snail mail,
Only "accepts" snail mail...

Well gentlemen there you have it... I am sure you can figure out the rest.
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Only accepts snail mail..

This would seem to be at the heart of the problem. Seems to me it is long past time to step up to the new ways of business.

Publish on line would save a lot of $ for postage.

I now get my newspapers on line. Fast & they are never wet or delayed.
OK then I'll write a article on UBR and take pics of guns and people shooting this new game of god if the powers at be can take calfee's write'n thay can dang sure take mine ! lol.........i'll print it out and send a memory card.

George, give the Editor a call and run your ideas by him. You'll likely find, as I did, that he'll offer constructive criticism. He'll also let you know in what format to submit your work. Dave has published several of my articles in P.S. and I found his tips (and editing) very helpful.

Good shootin'. :) -Al
I meet a lot of these guys up here in MI. They got nice stuff. Can't talk them into competing. Then mention the NBRSA fee. They are done. Gone.
But, then there are all kinds of guys at work who want to come out to the range. Try to get them to be a member. $100/ yr. Most say "why should I pay, I'll just show up when you shoot".
Tell them you don't have to be a member to shoot at the smaller club( Hand guns). Competition is free. They still don't show up.

They're all saving their money for the Nursing Home :)

When I joined IBS ten years ago, I could hardly wait to read each PS. I particularly enjoyed articles by Dr. Frank Murphy whose mentoring of new shooters was remarkable. Some time ago I wrote to Brennan and asked him to find another writer with similar skills, but he ignored my request. There remain a few good writers: JD Mock and Dick Wright, for example, but their numbers are diminishing. These days, I have little interest in the magazine because of the diverse content.

The conclusion is, of course, that Brennan has little to choose from these days. Surely there are some in this game with the ability and interest of preparing how to articles for the novice and HOF shooters alike.
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The cover of my newest issue of Precision Shooting, the official publication of the IBS, on the front cover the usual title "Precision Shooting dealing exclusively with extreme rifle accuracy". Then the cover picture is a checkered stocked 223 Remington.

Remembering that this magazine is the official publication of The International Benchrest Shooters I really can't remember a cover photo of any benchrest rifle being on the cover. No, F-class is not benchrest in the classical sense since it is not shot from a bench.

For many years many the articles were about some part of the benchrest sport. Even the editor used to shoot benchrest and write about the sport his self.

Now??? At least change the line under the magazine name that reads "Dealing exclusively with extreme rifle accuracy" so I will not open the pages with the expectations of seeing something, anything, about extreme rifle accuracy. The 338/06-dressed up....,field shooting using the rifle....,improving the 17 mach 2...,trying to figure out the 7mm Weatherby...,Lone Star stock maker...???

Hi Jerry,

Just to make sure we are talking about the same magazine, the current (June) cover of Precision Shooting shows a .222 rifle, not .223. Also atached is a cover of the July 2009 Precision Shooting magazine showing one of my guns used in benchrest. My experience with the editor has been one where he was more than happy to recieve ANY article or information regarding benchrest for publication.
While I enjoy reading a few of the articles once in a while I do not feel it is worth $39.00 of my membership dues. Hot Rod, Guns & Gardens, House Beautiful and Southern Living are all $12.00 per year. I can't remember the last time i saw a recipe for poached 8208 in Precison Shooting.

Best regards,
David A.
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David, 222, 223, same difference. Don't see any on match reports for any of the benchrest disciplines though, do you??
My solution to all this is to ask IBS not to send the magazine when I renew my membership. Until enough people do that, I'd guess they'll not take notice.
David, 222, 223, same difference. Don't see any on match reports for any of the benchrest disciplines though, do you??

Page 94-100.

The IBS has a method where changes can be brought forward via an agenda item to be discussed at the winter meeting and can be voted on by the members attending. If you don't like paying dues for the magazine, put together an agenda item, get 25 signatures on it and submit it. and the chips will fall where they may. Sitting in your living room, beating on a keyboard is achieving nothing. Running down Dave Brennan for doing or not doing his job is not being productive. You don't like the lack of benchrest articles but don't want to write any. Hmmmmm
Page 94-100.

The IBS has a method where changes can be brought forward via an agenda item to be discussed at the winter meeting and can be voted on by the members attending. If you don't like paying dues for the magazine, put together an agenda item, get 25 signatures on it and submit it. and the chips will fall where they may. Sitting in your living room, beating on a keyboard is achieving nothing. Running down Dave Brennan for doing or not doing his job is not being productive. You don't like the lack of benchrest articles but don't want to write any. Hmmmmm

Why would anyone who wanted to read Benchrest articles want to read one they wrote themself? There is a certain incongruity there, don't ya think?