For the IBS is there a suitable alternative to Precision Shooting Magazine?

Jerry if you want match reports read the NBRSA news. Thats all thats in it. At least you guys have articles of SOME sort in your magazine. We dont even get that.
Jerry if you want match reports read the NBRSA news. Thats all thats in it. At least you guys have articles of SOME sort in your magazine. We dont even get that.
Vern, I get and read the NBRSA News. It is not match reports but summaries of the top 10 or top 20. I also shoot IBS and IBS results do not appear in the NBRSA News, comprande? Match reports are mailed to the participants of that event and are sometimes posted on line, and thanks to those who take the time to do that!
Sharrett, you're a trouble maker...

I happened to really like the gun on the cover. It was made by a benchrest shooter on a Kelbly action and it was in my favorite caliber. I thought the lines (stock shape) were quite loverly.

I get free subscriptions to several gun magazines. Before you complain too much about Precision Shooting, ya really need to take a close look at your options.

Dick Wright
I happened to really like the gun on the cover. It was made by a benchrest shooter on a Kelbly action and it was in my favorite caliber. I thought the lines (stock shape) were quite loverly.

I get free subscriptions to several gun magazines. Before you complain too much about Precision Shooting, ya really need to take a close look at your options.

Dick Wright
Yes, but, Dickie my friend, where does it relate to the subheading on the cover of PS mag??

I don't really see any options. What would be wrong for PS magazine to go back to the information rag it was in the '80's and '90's??

Yes, there were shooter and gunsmith articles but the incentive for those was led by Mister editor his self? Like for example, all those question/answer articles like those that appear in the Benchrest Primer.
Anyone that doesn't think the articles in the current PS are about precision shooting hasn't read the "Mr. Clean Sweep" article carefully. In it, the author says something along the lines of "while the new rifle isn't as good as my M-70, it at the century mark (100 yards?), it groups an average of .075in ". I was amused.
I find a lot of the historical articles very interesting. Stories about the 338-06 as a follow on to the 313 Jeffery and 318 Westly Richards seem out of context.

Would product reviews be out of place? Articles on bench manners, reading winnd flags? While I'm thinking about it, wouldn't a quick survey of the topics here make for a nice list of prospective articles, if they were done in depth? Vibration/nodes, barrel (or action) steel, electronic wind flags, new lapua/norma/etc. brass, no-turn/minimal-turn necks vs "traditional" necks, effect of temperature/humidity/density altitude on various powders? Seems like a lot of meat there to me.

What about putting up forms, outlines, etc. online to aid people in submitting articles? I know that I would try...don't know how well received it might guys are a really tough crowd ;) .

That might start the transition to an all-online magazine. It looks to me like, in the majority of cases, print publication is quickly headed the way of the passenger pigeon.
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Francis as Jim said at a meeting. Precisions shooting is the prescibed , Official magazine for IBS.
Pretty sure it's in the bylaws or charter. Maybe I, wrong but i,m pretty sure thats the way it went down at the meeting.
Personaly I would just like it to cover more of the things i had mentioned in my post. IBS does buy pages for match reports.
the mag is not all bad some of it 's quite good in fact.
just most of it is not precision shooting stuff.....i would start a petition for a choice of the mag or not. BUT I'm i did not renew my membership yet.....i will need to join ibs or nbrsa soon so i can shoot the 200-300 yard nationals in KY this year.

George, as I mentioned earlier, precision shooting is a moving, living term imho. If I'm shooting a single shot 45-70 and trying to get 2" groups at 200 yards with irons, that is precision shooting to me and my platform. It's NOT all about benchrest precision shooting. The world is a lot bigger than that! You gots to get out of KY sometime :) I like the magazine, some issues better than others. The gnarlry thing is it used to come religiously the 1st or 2nd of the month, now can be any where from the middle to the end of the month. --Greg
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George, as I mentioned earlier, precision shooting is a moving, living term imho. If I'm shooting a single shot 45-70 and trying to get 2" groups at 200 yards with irons, that is precision shooting to me and my platform. It's NOT all about benchrest precision shooting. The world is a lot bigger than that! You gots to get out of KY sometime :) I like the magazine, some issues better than others. --Greg

Well said, Greg.

I've always found it odd that for less than the cost of a box of primers, some won't support the only magazine that gives Benchrest any exposure.

Jim Morrison was right: "People are strange......" :rolleyes:
Well said, Greg.

I've always found it odd that for less than the cost of a box of primers, some won't support the only magazine that gives Benchrest any exposure.

Jim Morrison was right: "People are strange......" :rolleyes:

Ditto! I've always found it strange, and I'm guilty of it too, that we try to adapt life to our wants and needs(which is ok to a point) and expend little effort in adapting ourselves to what life has to offer. It doesn't mean you can't try to change things, but abandonment doesn't meet the test. I find myself happier when I try to do the latter.

I like history the older I get. The "Last Post" series, which features shooters, lawmen, gunfighters...shootist in absolutely a fantastic series. Lots of interesting facts about people with like interests who have gone before us. There is just nothing else like it in the shooting publication world that I've found. Just my thoughts.
glp said:
The world is a lot bigger than that! You gots to get out of KY sometime Greg

You gotta be kidding???

Well, there is Virginny and Teneseeee.

Oh, and LA (Lower Alabama).

The rest of it ain't worth paying the taxes on!!!
And as David Apple pointed out, A proposal for a By Law change can be made and submitted so that PS is no longer the "official" communication to the IBS membership.
Also, IBS buys nothing in the magazine. IBS gets heavily discounted rate for subscription from PS and is GIVEN the pages it uses to publish match reports and organization business.

Seems there are fewer "volunteers" for the BR articles of many years ago when the magazine was subsidized by a few interested souls that wanted to make sure that some form of communication is available to the membership.

Think about your statement concerning that you would not want to read your own article-if each person that wrote articles felt the same way-there would be no articles. Where are these magic articles going to come from?

As Wayne said-times have changed-if members want the IBS to change what it uses as its official publication-then use the system that is in place to make that happen. Ranting about it, or dumping on those that have contributed to making the magazine what is is helps no-one.

Kind of like situation in showroom today. Nice gentleman was here and had seen a review of what will be published in PS about Ferris Pindell as a tribute(I have not seen it yet). He told me he did not think it was enough-"Somebody" sure ought to put something together. Well, who is that "somebody"? Seems in these days and times "everybody" looks for "somebody" to do the work and the old friend "nobody" shows up to so it.

So-want a change-put together the needed action and be the somebody that makes it happen.

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I started reading PS back in the mid 90's, all borrowed from someone else......this is what got me interested enough in Benchrest to finally give BR a try in the late 90's.

Seems a few on this thread want PS to change, but don't want to contribute to the change.......perhaps they should all get together and start a magazine related to "Precision Rifle Accuracy" if it was any good I would subscribe.

Since I'm not in the US I'm not a member of IBS or NBRSA and neither of these organisations hold matches here in New Zealand. But if I was in the US I would be a member of both.

Since it cost US$50.00 to join IBS and US$50.00 to join NBRSA and the only difference is with IBS you get PS magazine and with NBRSA you get NBRSA News I can't see why some IBS members are bitching about getting PS magazine.

Lets look at Jim Bordens reply "Also, IBS buys nothing in the magazine. IBS gets heavily discounted rate for subscription from PS and is GIVEN the pages it uses to publish match reports and organization business."

Now if the members of IBS want to save the "discounted PS subscription fee" they will have nowhere to publish IBS results or IBS business so would need something like the "NBRSA News" or have no voice at all (the way I read the complainers is that they don't want to pay for having information published).......the possible result of this would be dwindling membership etc through lack of public exposure.......Is this what the IBS members want? If not, what they save in PS subscription fees would go into paying for a "NBRSA News" type publication, and this would only happen if they found someone to do it.

Now Presicion Shooting Magazine is what Dave Brennan and the people who have submitted articles have made it. If I go back to some of the early examples of PS it used to be a few pages thick with one or two articles and some match reports......nothing much of interest. Then along came Dave Brennan and a few regular contributors, boy did the magazine become very interesting......articles related to BR shooting were predominant. As time went on contributors changed, and so did BR, and what the contributors wrote about changed.

In short PS magazine is only as good as the articles that are published and it can only publish the articles that are submitted.......if people don't want to submit articles that they would like to see published then I don't think they have the right to complain about the content of PS magazine.

(Putting on the flame suit now)

Ian Owen
Some have received a British Publication: Target Shooter by email online
Why not save the $ from printing, postage, and the trees and produce PS in the same format and email it to us.
Have as many advetisements as U wish...Face the Future and Grasp it.
As i Said before"'' I would rather see PS get back on track then see it go.
I think it's still a great asset to shooters.
Some have received a British Publication: Target Shooter by email online
Why not save the $ from printing, postage, and the trees and produce PS in the same format and email it to us.
Have as many advetisements as U wish...Face the Future and Grasp it.

Like I said, if you would like to change put forth the proposal and get it voted on.
it's about choice...if someone don't want the magazine they should not have to pay for right now i chose to shoot UBR no membership fee's at all. just the range fee....
NO UBR don't have the status of NBRSA OR IBS. give it a few more years and it WILL. the competition is the same.
GOD bless the USA that we do have that choice.

If it's about choice, you HAVE the choice, you can either be a member of IBS or not............NBRSA membership comes with NBRSA NEWS.......NO choice in that either but I don't hear people complaining about that. In fact a lot of memberships come with a printed form of "News letter" and you don't get the choice to opt out of these either.

My question is why do members want to opt out of the association news? The way I see it is that PS comes "Free" with IBS membership and most people always want something for free.
Perhaps those that don't want to get PS as part of the IBS membership will be happy paying the $50 membership fee and not get PS??? In that case write to IBS and PS and make the request.........Ian
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Some have received a British Publication: Target Shooter by email online
Why not save the $ from printing, postage, and the trees and produce PS in the same format and email it to us.
Have as many advetisements as U wish...Face the Future and Grasp it.

Now this is a great idea............Target Shooterr is free while Precision Shooting is not.

How do you propose to make it that one subscription doesn't end up being copied several times.........a bit like film piracy.....the advent of this would be PS would go out of business in pretty short order.

Perhaps it should only be available online and you pay to access the site to view it, with no ability to print or save it........I would rather still have the printed copy, at least I can view that where ever and when ever I want with no computer or electricity.........Ian