Color of vanes from windflags


New member
Hi Guys,

Allround question:

What would be the "official" read most used, colors of the vane from the windflag? Got some Aussie flags from Fam. Stuart and they are as follows:
Wind from the left (propeller at left side) vane color is RED. Wind coming from the right side: (propeller at right side) vane color: GREEN.

What I see the most at the US games is the other way around, so can anybody tell me; what is "offical" or most used?

Red on right is what I went with [ wind from right and orange not red, but hey:D]. When I took them to the range that turned out to be typical. I do think it makes sense to go with the herd but someone will blast me for saying so. I like to look all across the range at times to see what is coming. It's better if your flags say the same thing everybody elses does.
Paul ...

Hi Guys,

Allround question:

What would be the "official" read most used, colors of the vane from the windflag? Got some Aussie flags from Fam. Stuart and they are as follows:
Wind from the left (propeller at left side) vane color is RED. Wind coming from the right side: (propeller at right side) vane color: GREEN.

What I see the most at the US games is the other way around, so can anybody tell me; what is "offical" or most used?


The picture of flags below [Rick Graham Flags] is pretty typical of the colors you'll see most often. :)


  • Flags in Box.jpg
    Flags in Box.jpg
    24.1 KB · Views: 472
Standard Navigation Colors

Use the standard colors - You will look at your neighbor's flags as well as your own.

Ignore the bullet holes.
Color Blind - Red/Green

What would b, e the "official" read most used, colors of the vane from the windflag? Got some Aussie flags from Fam. Stuart and they are as follows:
Wind from the left (propeller at left side) vane color is RED. Wind coming from the right side: (propeller at right side) vane color: GREEN.Paul

Just a comment from someone who is color blind when it comes to red and green, I can't tell which color is which and I have to base everything on which direction the vane is pointing.

I thought I solved this problem by going black left and white for right. This is ok except for certain vane angles and light. Then they are both white. Go figure.

I'm going to experment with some other colors and see what gives.

Has anyone else had this problem and what solutions did you use?

All the flags I've bought from Rick had big arrows pointing in the direction of air flow. I don't remember whether this is an option or standard on all flags, but it would surely help the color blind shooter.
Roy, having made a lot of

Just a comment from someone who is color blind when it comes to red and green, I can't tell which color is which and I have to base everything on which direction the vane is pointing.

I thought I solved this problem by going black left and white for right. This is ok except for certain vane angles and light. Then they are both white. Go figure.

I'm going to experment with some other colors and see what gives.

Has anyone else had this problem and what solutions did you use?


flags for color blind folks, the best solution I have come up w/ is to have VERY different stripe and geometric patterns on opposite sides. And, use colors that have HIGH contrast ratios in B/W

And as far as a "standard" color, for my personal flags, I want them as different from anything else on the field as I can make them. In that way I can recognize MY flags INSTANTLY. As to checking the rest of the field, that is only done when I have a bit of time to peruse. But, in the heat of battle, or down to the last few seconds, I want to be able to recognize MY FLAGS instantly.
All the flags I've bought from Rick had big arrows pointing in the direction of air flow. I don't remember whether this is an option or standard on all flags, but it would surely help the color blind shooter.

Arrows are an option.
David ...

And as far as a "standard" color, for my personal flags, I want them as different from anything else on the field as I can make them.

In that way I can recognize MY flags INSTANTLY.

As to checking the rest of the field, that is only done when I have a bit of time to peruse. But, in the heat of battle, or down to the last few seconds,

I want to be able to recognize MY FLAGS instantly.

You can't remember your flags are right in front of you? :D
All the flags I've bought from Rick had big arrows pointing in the direction of air flow. I don't remember whether this is an option or standard on all flags, but it would surely help the color blind shooter.

Black on one side, yellow on the other, for this color blind bat....
I picked up some yellow coreplast from my local sign guy. My flags are yellow with black border on one side and black with yellow border on the other. They do stand out from other flags. Not sure I like them any better than the ones I made with flourescent orange and flourescent green.

Guess you have

You can't remember your flags are right in front of you? :D

never had a situation where ther was 3 sets of flags in your lane. or been on a range where the benches are spaced 4 feet on center. Either situation will put an absolutely psychedelic confusion of flags out in front of you. You need to have a flag that you know intimately and is instantly recognizable.

The recognized color scheme is red, orange, or something similiar on one side, and green, lime, or something similiar on the other.

But, the important thing is to get the colors correct. In a left to right condition, you should see green. In a right to left, you should see orange........jackie
Who'd a thought a mnenomic valuable in boating would show up in shooting sports ? :rolleyes:

David ...

Guess you have never had a situation where there was 3 sets of flags in your lane. or been on a range where the benches are spaced 4 feet on center. Either situation will put an absolutely psychedelic confusion of flags out in front of you. You need to have a flag that you know intimately and is instantly recognizable.

I know what you mean. I have shot in matches where that was the norm. However, I've always chosen to refrain from adding to the confusion by not using my flags. I guess I'm just the type who can use other shooters flags and my sighters to ascertain what the conditions are and make the proper adjustments. Perhaps there should be a rule that only allows one set of flags on a lane at anyone time. If there are 3 shooters they could look at each others flag design and agree which one they liked best. But that may be too simple of a solution. :)
flags for color blind folks, the best solution I have come up w/ is to have VERY different stripe and geometric patterns on opposite sides. And, use colors that have HIGH contrast ratios in B/W
And as far as a "standard" color, for my personal flags, I want them as different from anything else on the field as I can make them.

I agree David.

I'm thinking of black diagonal stripes on the white side (right to left). I'm still undecided on what or if anything, for the black side (left to right). Back to the drawing board.


I agree David.

I'm thinking of black diagonal stripes on the white side (right to left). I'm still undecided on what or if anything, for the black side (left to right). Back to the drawing board.


What I have done most is the stripes you describe and an arrow or diamonds on the other side. The issue is to make it visually recognizable in greyscale rather than in color. Helps to be a photographer.

Hey Hooooah

I agree David.

I'm thinking of black diagonal stripes on the white side (right to left). I'm still undecided on what or if anything, for the black side (left to right). Back to the drawing board.


I have a set of flags that I use most of the time that are just what you are talking about. I made them that way because after watching a lot of flags decided that Orland Bunkers flags, which are colored that way, were the easiest flags to see a quick contrast with. I don't see Orange well, for some reason and find Red to be better. I have the balls on my flags painted red and I can usually tell which way the flags way down range are pointing but sometimes I have trouble being able to see which way they point no matter what the flags are.

I also have a good set of Daisy flags. They are painted Orange on the right and green on the left. I can use them but my Black and White flags with red balls are my favorite.

That being said, if there ever was to become a "Standardized color scheme" for flags I would be glad to conform. I find the mix of colors to be very distracting in matches where there are more than one line of flags in my lane. I am all for only allowing one set of flags per lane. Perhaps folks could be assigned a lane to use there flags on in full rotation matches. I believe that would go a long way toward solving what are problems for some of us.
Peter Wass

Whoooo Peter--Why do I need to be handicapped because of your handicap? Why do I have to be forced to used someone else's flags of which I know nothing about because you can't see all colors or can't handle clutter? Randy J.
Simple is better

Ever notice how every traffic light in North America(might be that way all over the world,I don't know)is primarily red and green ! Are color blind people engaged in more intersection accidents than everybody else ? What if every municipality was granted "artistic license" in regard to the color scheme of their traffic lights( stop on fuscia, go on burnt umber)? There would shure be a lot of horn blowin !
I've done some experimenting and what is most visible to me is a chrome naked woman mudflap emblem for a left to right wind and a horizontal Corona bottle for a right to left wind.With a Racoon tail attached to the bottom hole.
Anybody want to be on my rotation at the Super Shoot ?
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