Calfee Sporter

Tuner vs weight

View attachment 8737Keith, this was a shade tree tuner put on several different rifles. we were testing to see if any tuner and any weights helped. and in every instance they did. from this sort of testing it became apparent that any weight of tuner helped and it was only a matter of the correct weight for each rifle.:confused::confused::confused::confused:

Thanks Martin.

I was going to go into a long explaination about the difference in the improvement weight makes vs actual tuning but I know it's been covered many times.
View attachment 8737Keith, this was a shade tree tuner put on several different rifles. we were testing to see if any tuner and any weights helped. and in every instance they did. from this sort of testing it became apparent that any weight of tuner helped and it was only a matter of the correct weight for each rifle.:confused::confused::confused::confused:

It's not a matter of the correct weight at least in the context you use it. It's a matter of when you no longer receive a return from adding weight. Most of the time, it will be around eight ounces.
moving tuner during match

you must not have shot with HL wickham, Glen Angle or Scott Hamilton. They wil turn a tuner in a heartbeat. I don't, but then this is not a one size fits all sport.

My old green turbo which is ten years old has had tape on it since then.. And was tuned for the old lapua back then has never been moved! It still shoots good and has won some stuff in the last couple years.. Harry..:):):)

It's not a matter of the correct weight at least in the context you use it. It's a matter of when you no longer receive a return from adding weight. Most of the time, it will be around eight ounces.

Not to argue the point because we are really on the same sheet, but I will point out, it is not weight alone that helps. 8 ozs does not tune every barrel. It is the combination of weight and leverage. Thinner barrels require less weight to tune than heavier barrels. What we are really talking about is the torque we put on the barrel by the use of weight on one end, and it being cantilevered on the other. (e.g. torqued)

In the dark ages (PRE-Calfee), we all shot very heavy barrels, some still do.

Calfee and others have clearly showed us we don't need a heavy barrel for accuracy.
"Thinner barrels require less weight to tune than heavier barrels."

Are you absolutely sure about this statement?

My old green turbo which is ten years old has had tape on it since then.. And was tuned for the old lapua back then has never been moved! It still shoots good and has won some stuff in the last couple years.. Harry..:):):)

And here I thought you taped your tuner so Jerry Graves would not change it when you were hanging your target.

"Thinner barrels require less weight to tune than heavier barrels."

Are you absolutely sure about this statement?

Absolutely positive!. Try putting a light tuner on an 1 1/4 barrel and see what happens.

Answer: very little!

Put the same tuner on a lighter barrel and see what happens

Answer: more.

I'm just speaking of vertical on the target. If you don't go past too many node (tune) points you will reach tune with less weight than you will on a stiffer heavier barrel. Just try it, it really doesn't take long.

While it is true heavy barrels (stiff) will normally out shoot lighter barrels if neither are tuned. It all evens out when both are tuned. It will take more weight to get the torque right on a stiffer barrel.

I'm saying torque but perhaps stress is a better word.

If your experience is different, keep doing what you are doing, it seems to be working for you.

Take care, see you at Luray?
I've not done a lot of posting on this forum. Actually I haven't spent a great deal of time viewing it until the past few weeks.

In the short time I've been viewing something just stands out. The three top topics are all about Calfee in one way or another.

It looks like there have been about 10,000 views on those three topics. it don't look like if you add up all the other topics they will come to that figure.

Is this normal for this forum?

I'm not saying it's good or bad, just an observation.
There are about 150 regular readers here. Depending on how rapid the responces are, there will be about 150 views for each post on a thread. On a thread that has 10 responces, you will have 1500 views if the responces are spaced enough to have everyone view a post before a new post is made. There are several posters that will post on every Calfee thread and either argue with any other idea or pat each other on the back for their comment. The Calfee threads are usually about something that we all are curious about but don't agree on. Therefore there are lots of posts and lots of views.
But as luck would have it (and contrary to some opinions) you don't have to wade through "views"...only posts. :D
But come to think of it..The Horsepower thread (may it PLEASE rest in peace) wasn't about Calfee at all. But I don't think it was in "Rimfire Benchrest" either.
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Well, I know you don't have to wade throgh the views and depending on the poster, I may not wade through the post. But Calfee and Calfee related things get a lot of hits. Is he popular or notorious? I met him years ago. He seemed like a decent guy then, but was probably neither overly popular or overly notorious.
If self-promotion and stirring the pot on this forum were Olympic events, Bill Calfee wouldn't be able to lift up his head due to all of the gold medals.
You know I see advertisements all the time and I thing "people don't fall for that" but they must or the advertisers wouldn't keep spending money on it. So, if Calfee self-promotes, it must work. But, you rarely see him post.

you must not have shot with HL wickham, Glen Angle or Scott Hamilton. They will turn a tuner in a heartbeat. I don't, but then this is not a one size fits all sport.

You must be right I don't think I have shot with these guys. I'm sure they are all great guys, and even greater shooters. But if they will keep adjusting their tuners while we actually shoot the match I will be happy to shoot against them.

If any of them plan to be at the Unlimited Indoor Nationals this weekend at Piney Hill, perhaps we can try it this Friday. They normally have a few money matches Friday night so we could try it during one or two of these.

I'll shoot with my tuner where it is when we start and never move it, and they can adjust as often as they feel they need, but must adjust after every say 5 rounds, and yes, they can shoot as many sighters as they like within the 20 minute time limit.

Sound fair, or really stupid?

Depends on who's perspective.

You have a point, it does depend on who's perspective, but I've got a dollar 298 that says I would like to try it a match or two.

Hey look at this way, we have both Harry Deneen, and Tony Boyer competing this weekend.

I want to find something I can win at! Or at least think I can!
Since Tony is new and we want to help him out, maybe you could go down to his bench and show him how to adjust his tuner during the match. If he is going to play this game, we need to get him started on the right foot.
My friend Bob Barnhardt is another one of those guys who can twist a tuner during a card and win the match. I've seen him do it. I once shot beside Bob and every few shots he'd raise up and turn his tuner. I was thinking, Bob's having a rough time. As it turned out he ended up the target shooting a 2350!!! I don't recall if it was a PSl target or an ARA? Doesn't matter, 2350 is a good score on either. There are some folks out there that can do it.