Bouncing off the "parallel Node", Calfee

Friend Vibe

Friend Vibe:

"Give me ten men, who are stout hearted men, and I'll soon give you ten thousand more"

It's extremely difficult to change an idea that has been believed forever...

I fully understood this when I made the decision to set the record straight about the "cooked round" problem......

Vibe, raising the standard of rifle accuracy sometimes requires change.....

For some folks to accept change, means they might have to conceed that they were wrong all along.....some folks's egos will not allow that......this fine forum is full of those kind of folks.......

But Vibe, it's becoming obvious that you're not one of them....

I'm a dumb guy, but, I know exactly where I'm headed with this.....

Now my friend, you risk a "stoning at sunrise" if you align yourself too closely with Bill Calfee on this issue......

I'm headed to the range to test SPEC 4......

I have an idea.....of how we may determine if our muzzles are stopped....I want to examine it here, on Wilbur's fine forum.....

MY dear friends, we have a lot of work to soon as I get some time..

Your friend, Bill Calfee

I think I am going to become one of the ignorant... I can't seem to get you to actually answer a question...

I don't think anyone is saying water in the bore is not a problem....

...but would not the big difference in pressure and velocity also contribute to a flyer?

Does your test include firing a "cooked" round through a just fired barrel that has no water in the bore? ... and have that "cooked" round that has higher velocity and pressure that will cause stiff bolt lift go "in" the group of "uncooked" loads? Can you rule out the big velocity and pressure difference as any cause of inaccuracy?

3 more simple questions easy to answer...

How many seconds does it take for water in the bore to build up with a closed bolt? ... with an open bolt? How hot does the barrel need to be to have this happen?

i've found the way to induct nuclear fusioni nstead of fixation .. all you dosn't realize that the world could change and no more oil dictator...
but i'm tired now i'll go sleep ... i'll tell u somedays:rolleyes:

i know were Osama Bin Laden is but i've to work now ... later i give a phone call to the CIA ...:eek:

i know how to improve ur sexual appetite without pills.... maybe a couple of pics could solve this.... pm me and i'll send to you :D


ok i'm a beliver of Bill that wather affect accuracy, in fact i'm leaving tomorrow for Dobbiaco's Alpen Cup, and the weather report says .... RAIN RAIN RAIN
i'm a beliver that i could put my loaded round into the microwave for a minute and shoot it on record.

i'm a beliver that if i clamp my muzzel onto the bench board ( stopped muzzle) i've no flyer at all

man.... my personal idea is: GO OUT PRACTICE AT THE RANGE and learn what the flags are tryng to tell you sincerly .

My POV and i quit.

ps: Bill, my friend if u want to be belived , show ur results, rep at the answer , not only talk enjoing ur voice.......

GLF Gian Frizza
Friend Dennis:

Friend Dennis:

Just came from the range testing SPEC 4....

Dennis, I quote from you my friend: "I think I am going to become one of the ignorant... "

Friend Dennis, no you're not........Dennis, you already know the answer....

Dennis, I gave you a way to have the you can see for yourself....

See Dennis, the world is changing, and, you understand the change......yes you do.........

Now Dennis, even though you already believe the truth about the "Cooked round", you want to know why?

I've told you how you can know....

Your friend, Bill Calfee

Friend Dennis:

Friend Dennis, no you're not........Dennis, you already know the answer....

Dennis, I gave you a way to have the you can see for yourself....

See Dennis, the world is changing, and, you understand the change......yes you do.........

Now Dennis, even though you already believe the truth about the "Cooked round", you want to know why?

I've told you how you can know....

Your friend, Bill Calfee

Whoa. If anybody asks you to shave your head, put $5 in your shirt pocket, and have a drink of some tasty kool-aid, please decline.
Dennis as a SuperModerator you should take Bill up on his most generous offer and report your results here for all to see.
He is either right or he is wrong.We await your answer.

You would think there must be an easier way... like click on my name and send a private message... but here is my address...

but somebody needs to send Bill a stamp for a Canadian address ( it's slightly more than domestic I believe )...

Bill's address:
Bill Calfee
546 W. Main St.
Borden, IN 47106

My address:
Dennis R. Sorensen
1077 Verdier Avenue
Brentwood Bay, B.C.
V8M 1E6
Phone/fax 250 652-5610
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did I MISS the response to Wilbur's question???????????????????
Dennis as a SuperModerator you should take Bill up on his most generous offer and report your results here for all to see.
He is either right or he is wrong.We await your answer.

If Bill were half as generous as you believe why doesn't he simply type his manifesto test here for us all to see instead of clanking it out on a cast iron typewriter. That way we could all benefit from his wisdom in real time.

Having just read this post from beginning to end I've come to several conclusions.
First and foremost I believe I'll fire off ten fast rounds this weekend. Then grab a rod and patch, dump some Perrier on it run it through the tube,shoot and check the velocity.
My bet would be on reduced velocity.
If I'm wrong and the bolt flies through my skull I can rest in the knowledge I'll never read another post like this. I'm almost hoping I'm wrong:D
I think we all know that 99% of the shortrange shooters aren't about to take Bill's word or his results as truth.If we do his test we will have first hand knowledge of which posters to ignore and which to follow. Lynn

Lynn, maybe you haven't been paying attention. All Bill posts is conjecture and theory, no results. Matter of fact, most his posts all say pretty much the same thing...nothing at all. Why don't YOU take point on this one and do this testing for Bill, so he can keep testing SPEC 4. After all, a man's gotta eat.
Dennis as a SuperModerator you should take Bill up on his most generous offer and report your results here for all to see.
He is either right or he is wrong.We await your answer.

Lynn, this appears to be you challenging Dennis to do the testing and post the results for all to see. Am I missing something?

I just want to make sure that we are getting this story straight.

Lynn is going to snail-mail Dennis some stamps so that Dennis can send Bill Calfee a self-addressed stamped envelope. Then Bill Calfee is going to type up some test results. This is where I get lost. Is Lynn going to perform the testing, then snail-mail the results to BC? Or has the testing already been performed, but BC just hasn't taken the time to type up the test results on his Underwood?

Then BC is going to snail mail the typed up results to Dennis. Then Dennis is going to post the results here, so that he can share the wisdom that BC is capable of typing on a typewriter, but not willing to post here.

Does this procedure seem a bit strange and certainly un-scientific to anyone besides me? I'm sure that it does. Will there be any proof of anything as a result of this pen pal exercise? Probably not. Will the entertainment value of these posts increase or decrease? You be the judge, on the next episode of "As the Worm Turns".

Type up.

Type up - Bill's words, not mine.

If you'll send me a self addressed, stamped envelope, I'll type up, and copy, the tests, and return them to you......they are very simple, but my friend, they will be eye opening to say the least....

Bill Calfee
546 W. Main St.
Borden, IN 47106
Friends Lynn and Dennis

Friends Lynn and Dennis:

Man, I had a minute so I thought I'd add some to the discussion about how we might determine if our muzzle is stopped, but I forgot what page that was on..........

It would be nice if folks could have a serious discussion about accuracy on this forum.......but.....I fully realize that this forum is public, so serious folks have to put up with the, what I call, "funny folks".....folks who like to make funnies.......I wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea for friend Wilbur to start a "Comedy" forum? I got an idea it would be the biggest site here....

Hey, I like to make funnies too......but not on someone else's thread..

Lynn and Dennis: I will send both of you the tests....I need Lynn's addrress my expense....

Here's the deal.....I do not want either of you two, to reveal the tests to anyone....after you run the tests, feel free to come on this forum and state that the tests were valid, or worthless......nothing more.....please...

I love to discuss accuracy, but, I don't owe the "funny folks" a gift of my time or knowledge.....let them obtain it like me and Smith-Barney did....we worked for it, so can they.........

Well, I've used up the time I wanted to use to explore our stopped muzzles...

More when I have time.....

Your friend, Bill Calfee

I received your fax with the described test.

I will not be able to do the test as described as I do not have a return to battery rifle.

I am a bit disappointed that you have chosen me to view the test but not to reveal the contents.

However I respect your wishes.

I wish you would post this test for all the others to pick at or agree with...

Lynn - Bill wishes me to send this to you... contact me with your fax or if you want me to scan it and email it to you...?

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Friend Vibe:

For some folks to accept change, means they might have to conceed that they were wrong all along.....some folks's egos will not allow that......this fine forum is full of those kind of folks.......

But Vibe, it's becoming obvious that you're not one of them....
Thank you for noticing. :D

I'm a dumb guy, but, I know exactly where I'm headed with this.....
I think that you truly believe this. And I think you have the required skills to get there! But not without some changes in theory. (My opinion).

Now my friend, you risk a "stoning at sunrise" if you align yourself too closely with Bill Calfee on this issue......
Bill. I'm just a tad bit like you. I don't really care about that so long as better accuracy is the result. I'm not going to let my ego (or yours) keep me from examining the "whys" of what's going on.


On another thought. Want to find out "exactly" how much water we're talking about? Try this.
1) get a 2 plastic zip-lock baggies, weigh both (to check for uniformity)
2) Put 10 patches that fit your bore snuggly in one baggie and weigh that whole bag.
3) Go to range with at least ten rounds to do the test.
4) Fire a round and quickly cover the muzzle with a patch. Wait a while, say a minute or two. Longer the better.
5) Open bolt and push that patch through. Collect it in the other baggie and seal it.
6) Repeat steps 4) and 5) for all patches.
7) weigh the sealed baggie with the "wet" patches.
8) put the patches in the oven at 250°F for 15-20 min. allow to cool
9) reweigh the patches and the baggie.

This will tell you 1) how much residue is left in the bore and 2) how much of that residue is water.
Using 10 patches just gives you 10x the resolution. If you want to do it 100 times to be more precise, be my guest. :D