Being Raked Over The Coals Over On 6BR Site

Typical Shortrange BS

Jackie and Dennis couldn't have missed the boat anymore if they were stationed in Kansas.My remark about self promoters had nothing what so ever to do with Jackie Schmidt.I offered Jackie my tuner and my weights to test his barrel.I also made the same offer to Gene Beggs both right here on benchrest central.
I also turned the light on for Jackie about the calfee testing as Jackie himself mentioned in the post started by Jim Borden.Read the post.
I also have been workng with Tim in Texas on getting Jackies tuner and having Tim set it up properly.I will now drop that offer as I really don't need to help anyone on the centerfire board here.
I did notice that Dennis and Jackie can post what ever they want but the post is now blocked for me putting in a rebuttal.I will chalk it all up to rank having its privileges.
Its a shame the centerfire benchrest shooters numbers are down but after reading what is allowed to be posted about someone offering help I can see a quick demise to this sport of Rank/Super Moderartors.
Good Luck With Your Shooting.
Oh yeah one question---Who posting on this thread so far has finished higher at the Super Shoot than Bill Calfee?

Al you didn't read any such thing from Fred.
Jackie and Dennis are putting 2 and 2 together and getting 631.678243 and for the life of me I can't figure them both out.The comment "I" made had zero,nada,nothing to do with Jackie Schmidt.Of course convincing him or Dennis would prove futile so why waste bandwidth.
If you look at the thread they are all crying about and see when it was posted you will see it all started at the same time they were crucifying Bill Calfee right here.
Again as you might actually be reachable Fred never said anything derogatory I am being given all of that credit but they haven't figured out who I was ACTUALLY talking about yet.
I will write you off forum.
Clarification by Moderator


#1: Lynn says the comments which you felt were aimed at you were NOT directed to you, but to someone else. It's unfortunate those comments were posted at all, but I'm pretty sure I know Lynn was not directing the most controversial comment at you. You have my phone number, call for explanation if you like.

#2: Comments were incorrectly (and unfairly) ascribed to Fred that were actually posted by others. I have tried to clarify that situation. As far as I can tell, the concerns arose from posts by Lynn.

#3: The forum receives tons of posts daily. I can't read them all the instant they are posted. I've gone into that thread FIVE Times in an effort to moderate/correct posts, and eventually locked the thread tonight. Perhaps I should have deleted the thread earlier, but I am reluctant to do so as deleting a thread is a "last resort."

#4: I hope you understand that the words of a Forum member don't represent some kind of attitude/policy at You can see from my posts in the thread that I value your contributions and have great respect for your success in competition. I have cautioned Forum members, in stern terms, that insulting or disparaging remarks will not be tolerated.

#5: Charles E. said: "Jackie, you are ours. We don't care what some popular magazine sort of website says."

As noted, any and all comments to which Jackie objected are those of the posters alone... not | I have deleted all derogatory comments where I could find them, locked the thread and cautioned those who stirred up the issue. In hindsight I would have locked the thread earlier today, but I was a little busy conferring with the reporter sent to Washington to view the D.C. v. Heller case, and getting the Supreme Court transcript online for site users as soon as it was available. Doing that "magazine sort of" stuff actually takes some effort believe it or not...
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Now I've been singled out . . .
#5: Charles E. said: "Jackie, you are ours. We don't care what some popular magazine sort of website says."

As noted, any and all comments to which Jackie objected are those of the posters alone... not | I have deleted all derogatory comments where I could find them, locked the thread and cautioned those who stirred up the issue. In hindsight I would have locked the thread earlier today, but I was a little busy conferring with the reporter sent to Washington to view the D.C. v. Heller case, and getting the Supreme Court transcript online for site users as soon as it was available. Doing that "magazine sort of" stuff actually takes some effort believe it or not...

I suppose I deserve it, & I'll allow that the "popular magazine" serves a valuable function. When I started learning photography, I read Popular Photography religiously. Learned a lot, found it a valuable source of information. Then after a year or so, it became far less interesting & I wondered if the magazine was getting worse. It finally dawned on me that over a year or so of reading, taking pictures, working in the darkroom etc., I had not only learned the basics, but gotten interested in a particular form of photography which wasn't mainstream.

The aim of the magazine, to give people those basics & report on new products, had not changed -- and why should it? But the model of the magazine, many of the advertisers it attracted and their products, and the audience it attracted, had a certain character, and it was no longer "mine." Time to move on, nothing wrong with the magazine.
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Paul (Yo)

As I said in my originol post on your web site, when I read what was said about the discussion concerning tuners on this site, it read like I first said, that we were a bunch of bubbling idiots who stumbled around in the dark untill we happened to find a light switch. Regardless of what the originol poster intended, that is the way it read. No amount of editing, or re-write, can change that.
That is the problem with many contributors who might have good ideas, but cannot seem to convey them in the written word without coming accross as crass and crude. It is difficult to carry on a cordial debate about any subject when the persons you are having discussions with can't stand to be around you.
That is how many posters come accross. Regardless of how they may be in person, they have a fatal flaw in their writing style that renders their arguments to mute status because of this very point.
I would venture a guess that if took a pole of shooters who know me personally, they would tell you that I am the exact same in person as what you read in my post. First, I like to talk, A lot. Well, more than a lot. It is a flaw that serves me well in some areas, (business), but can be an annoyance when manifested in group settings that revolve around general discussion. Since I am 60 years old, and have suffered from this malady my entire life, I doubt I will improve in the near future.
Another item that posters should be wary of is dealing in absolutes. Bill Calfee has come on this Web Site many times and made statements that were in every sense, absolutes. "sooner or later, Centerfire Benchrest will see the light and come around to my way of thinking". That, of course, is a para-phrase, but think how asinign it sounds to seasoned shooters, especially when it is coming from a one who doesn't even participate in Benchrest. Seasoned shooters, who are already shooting, (agging at), a level that he just might be ignorant of.
And that is just one example. This entire "stopped muzzle" concept that is being touted as a fact, and for some applications, it might be. But the demands of 100-200 yard benchrest are such that the concept borders more on wishfull thinking than ballistic fact. Once again, it is probably due to ignorance of the concepts.
I chalk a lot of this up to ignorance. (incidentally, that is not a derogatory term. It simply means lack of knowledge). As I have said before, I would look pretty foolish trying to tell 1000 yard, F-Class, High Power, and Rim Fire shooters how to improve their discipline. Because that is not what I do. Many so called "gurus" in the firearms industry have the same problem with Benchrest. The simple fact is,they do not have a clue, or understand the concept, of what it takes to be competitive. They seem to think that we are a bunch of old fuddys living in a bygone era, and refuse to get with the 21st century concepts of shooting. Nothing could be further from the truth. They do not have a clue about the constant experimentation and thought that goes on. I suppose my favorite one is "but you all shoot the same cartridge". What they fail to recognize is we make subtle changes within that basic concept, ringing out every last tid-bit of accuracy.
A good example is when I decided to go with a "zero" freebore when using the combination of a .237 4-groove Krieger, N133 powder, and the Bruno 00 Boat Tail Bullet. I sensed that the with the older, and longer freebore, the characteristics of this combination had moved the pressure curve too far up the barrel, causing a very narrow tuning window. Bringing back the freebore, hense lowering the overall, (effective), powder capacity of the chamber, seemed to be a way to get the pressure spike back toward the bolt face. I think it worked. How do I confirm this. By the only way a person with my limited education can. At the range, looking over the flags, and shooting aggs. I reviewed my aggs over the past three years, and last year was the best, (as in most consistant), aggs I have ever shot. I might not have won as many matches as the year before,, but that is because the Competition gets tougher every year. You do your best. If you get beat, well, you just get beat.
And, I think what I am about to say is worth repeating. This web-site is recognized as the site where shooters can come and get real, down to earth information concerning extreme accuracy, especially when it conserns 100-200 yard Competitive Shooting.. They know that the information that is given is proven in Competition, where the demands are such that nothing can be left to chance. We owe it to the shooters, who are willing to spend their hard earned money based on what is read on this Forum, to guard this privilege vigorously. We do this by asking that who ever comes on this site making bold pronouncements, or trying to push a product or service, to be ready to back it up with real world results that pretain to 100-200 yard Benchrest.
I personally do not think that is asking too much.........jackie
Engineers and blue collar workers

Fred, I understand what you were trying to ask when using an Engineering Design Concept..I worked in the Engineering Department in a Large medical device manufacturing company..when we were problem solving we would spend 2-6 hours in a meeting with about 6-8 Engineers and support people using Engineering Design and we went thru the what and what if questions and FMA (failure mode analsys) etc..when working on a very complex problem with an unknown resolution..What one usually gets is generalities and assumptions and FishBone name all of the BS..acronyms...
When we went out to try and solve the problem it was the average blue collar mechanic and electrician trying this and that and a Engineer looking over his shoulder and watching as the trial and error worked thru the problem, and then the Engineer would document all of the results using the format of Engineering Design Concept (less the trail and error part) and send it up to top managment as how we solved the problem...
In short I don't think an Engineer can anwer the questions on what material in what shape in what position will control the barrel vibrations to a predictable result that will control bullet dispersion (stopping the muzzle):cool:
Even rocket scientist still use trial and error to get to where we are today in space technology....

That was a well written explanation of how engineering interfaces with mechanics and comes up with a solution. Our industry used to have a program where young engineers would be assigned to one of our maintenance teams for 'seasoning' and experience. This gave the young engineer an opportunity to try ideas, with real world input from crafstmen, to the test. It was a good exchange of ideas, experience, engineering, and problem resolution.

Regarding rocket scientists using trial and error. I had the good fortune to meet one of the early NASA engineers whose name was Porter Brown. Porter was one of those people that are a rare blend of genius, talent, humor, and down to earth personality; the epitome of a southern gentleman. Porter's room mate during college was Chris Kraft, one of the first NASA Capcoms. At any rate, Porter's description of the early days at the Cape were of mass confusion. The engineers didn't have a clue as to how they were going to put a man in space, but through trial and error, they achieved their goal. Just thought I'd share this tidbit.
Your reference to "old fuddys living in a bygone era" hits a little close for one who did his best BR shooting back in the late seventies and hasn't done much since!
I can't understand why anyone would criticize the concept of proving an idea in competition. To me, in competition or in the hunting fields are the only places where firearms testing counts. When I see or hear someone spouting about the superiority of their rifle building system etc., I expect them to have proved it in competition. If their gear isn't successful on the firing line, they are only pretenders.
I like to think I know quite a bit but I have learned quite a bit more from competitive shooters and gunsmiths on this site and others. Even self-promoting blubbering idiots set forth some solid facts from time to time. Regards, Bill.
jackie sir

your input is just as valuble to 1000yds shooters as it is to 100yds shooters.we still have to put them in one hole at 100 if we are to have a chance of shooting a good group at is just as hard to shoot 100yds as it is to shoot 1000yds. lynn has helped me and i thank him for that,but now it seems i am the one that he is talking about being self promoting and not caring about tuner advancement.i am sorry it appears that way to you lynn.i do value yours and bills experience and would not ever argue with what you or he says.i am just saying what the test appears to look like at the time until i am shown otherwise. just trying to help the people that have helped me including jackie and you and give back somthing to this forum. i dont win much and dont claim to when i compete but that doesnt mean i dont care,everybody helps everybody no matter if competing against each other or not. that is a rare occurance in this world as mike said. so lynn lets just find out if this works once a for all? tim in tx

Perhaps the remarks were aimed at all of those who would dare question "the Gospel According to Bill". That seems to be what we are seeing........jackie
Jackie Schmidt - re your post #21 of 3/18/08 this thread:

It would appear that I owe you a specific apology with regard to competition as a testing/proving ground. I did not mean to imply in any way that competition was not or is not an appropriate testing/proving ground. Nor did I intend to imply that you over emphasize the use or results of such testing. Quite the contrary, you are one of a select few that I would want to have testing my designs.

As an old shooter that did compete when I was much younger I highly value match results. I particularly find it very significant and close to definitive “proof” of the validity of your own tuner design that as a winning shooter without it you went on to also win, win more often, and win with better margins when using it.

Allow me to correct the time table of my engineering background. I did my experimenting with tuners and most of my competitive shooting as an apprentice to a gunsmith/competitor mentor. That experience is what drove my interest in and desire to study for engineering.

To those dubious of my engineering emphasis:

I started my engineering career as a field service engineer. First on the Saturn 5 boosters and despite the chaotic nature of the overall space program of the time, the Saturn 5 booster systems had a 100% launch success rate (so maybe we were not all just book-smart). I also spent 4 years on Space Track radar in the western Aleutians (were we were 1500 miles from the nearest hardware store and 6000 miles from the plant and engineers that designed and manufactured the radar) and during that time we had an overall operational availability of 96% and many months above 98% (we worked 12 hour 7 day shifts). Note that this radar was of the vacuum tube electronics and big (60 foot diameter) mechanical antenna era. So I think it is fare to say that I came to my appreciation of engineering methods from the dirty hands on oily coveralls side of the game.

Wilbur (BRC) and Paul (6mmbr)

I owe you both an apology for being the one the started the tread that ultimately was were this battle was joined. I’m sorry for all the extra work that has resulted for both of you.

If you would rather that I desist from posting on your forums just send me an email to that effect and this will my last post.
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Jackie and Dennis couldn't have missed the boat anymore if they were stationed in Kansas.My remark about self promoters had nothing what so ever to do with Jackie Schmidt.

I have also posted this on 6mmBR..

Lynn, I will accept your word.
I assumed the derogatory slur you posted was about Jackie and I apologize for that error and the comments I made because of that.
Dennis Sorensen

I guess we can all gather 'round the campfire and sing "kumbaya".
Let me get my guitar.
But, since I have been working on The Stones "Honky Tonk Woman", we might have to settle for that.
Francis, you can be Mick, ........jackie
jackie sir

you are probably right.i am only trying to help figure this out.i hope lynn knows that . and i hope he stays and joins us ,his opinions are always open for consideration,i just think he is iritated as is everybody on this issue .everybody needs a cool down period. well good luck to everybody hope we can resolve this issue soon. tim in tx

Please do not think I am irrated at all. I will simply continue with what I do, competing in Matches, with my tuners, and with what ever limited skill I can muster.
I am one of the shooters in this "arguement" that has no agenda. I am not trying to sell anything or push an idea so someone else can. All of my work on this subject is geared toward one goal, to improve my shooting. If something I happen to stumble on improves Benchrest in the proccess, then we all win.

By the way, did you get the parts??.........jackie
Tim In Texas

Tim you are definitely not who I was referring too and I wish Paul would have left the post on 6mmbr intact.
I stand behind everything I said then and I haven't changed a single opinion.
Jackie admitted he didn't understand what Bill Calfee was talking about on enough posts that this should be common knowledge to all who visit here.

The type of tuner we are discussing hasn't been around for longer than 3 months to anyone but Bill Calfee.I have used a regular tuner for just as long as Jackie and I understand how they work in a competition setting.
Fred was being fed the same old style tuner news and I responded with the newer Calfee approach.

I do find it amazing how you guys can take something totaly out of context without posting a single question first and then spread your own derogatory commentary as gospel.I am now a "keyboard Retort" shooter.
Maybe somebody can show Jackie an updated NBRSA records list so he can see who is actually on it.

My father is 73 and he has read all of the commentary about Bill Calfee and he does think derogatory things have been said but not about Jackie.He thinks you guys circle the wagons very quickly when the shoe is on the other foot or is perceived to be on the other foot.

We have both been laughing about the fact that none of you 100-200 yard gurus have answered the question in my post.Do you know the answer? or do you need help?

Y'all ease up.


I can't see a thing you need to apologize for. If some other folks posted on your thread and misbehaved its not your fault.

I have no horse in this race and may regret posting even now but I don't think Fred did anything wrong to anyone. I thought you had very pertinent questions and comments.
We have both been laughing about the fact that none of you 100-200 yard gurus have answered the question in my post.Do you know the answer? or do you need help?


I have never said anything about Bill Calfee but I have never understood his way of trying to get a point across... for me he talked riddles... and I gave up trying to decipher his posts... I don't think I am alone ...please don't go the same way with the riddles...

I have said two things about Bill Calfee that could be considered derogatory.
The first was simply asking him to build a 10.5 lb 100-200 yard Benchrest Rifle using his ideas, and get it in the hands of a competent shooter, (I even voluntered), so the principle could be tested. I was railed on by his friends for even suggesting such a thought. It seems it is our responsibility to chase this cat around the tree.
Second, I suggested that he might look into taking some community college courses on basic writing skills and composition. Trying to follow his train of thought was borderline painful. OK, I admitt, that was rude of me. But that does not change the reality of the situation. If people cannot get past you prose, they will never understand your thoughts.
Lynn, the only question I have for you is this. Since you stated, (over on, that you were not being derogatory toward Fred, Tim or me,then who?. I want to know who the shooter is who is a regular poster on this site but is only out to promote his own status and cares nothing for the further development of tuners..........jackie
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Dennis Sorensen

Dennis I am not posting in riddles.My first post on this very thread asked a very simple question and nobody as answered it.I will re-ask the question for you since you seem level headed.
Who on this thread has ever placed higher than Bill Calfee at The Super Shoot?

There is a misconception that he can't shoot centerfire benchrest or grasp what is required to do such.Now I will ask the same question for the third time but I will re-phrase it.
Has Jackie Schmidt ever placed higher at The Super Shoot than Bill Calfee?

I hope this isn't taken as a riddle but as a honest question.


I believe the correct answer would be that anyone that has shot the SS has finished higher than Kathy because I don't think he has ever shot there. Pumpkin