3min sight in ruling



It may be a petty item and I am NOT one for reading a whole lot but it would be nice to see what a Director has to say on the matter.

I could toss one more scenario into the equation.

Your first match is a 10 minute match. Someone crossfires but it is not to your record target just the sighter target how is that interpreted?

It is a crossfire just not on a record target.
Sighter Targets Don't Count

If you crossfire on a fellow shooters Sighter, it is of no consequence.

The only thing that counts is the record area of the target..........jackie
It would seem to me

the whole bloody thing could be cleared up by simply having a sighting in or warmup match preceeding the record targets for each relay at each yardage and be done with it. The little bit of extra time and cost for targets, in the grand scheme of things, doesn't mean that much. If someone is so pushed for time another hour added to their day would be disasterous might want to consider if this sport is suitable for them.
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the whole bloody thing could be cleared up by simply having a sighting in or warmup match preceeding the record targets for each relay at each yardage and be done with it. The little bit of extra time and cost for targets ,in the grand scheme of things, doesn't mean that much. If someone is so pushed for time another hour added to their day would be disasterous might want to consider if this sport is suitable for them.
Pete as you know, the IBS and the Super Shoot do just that, a warm up match. But for a small club and a lightly attended event, that extra target may mean the break even point on revenue and in most clubs, the regular members don't want their range tied up in the first place, then if it is loosing money....plooey!! Now then, if the club charges for that extra target, then the shooters B**** about that.

Ain't no really good answer, but, if I were voting it would be for the 3-7 format at small shoots. I do really like the warm up match at big shoots since it gives a settleing in period to test loads, POI, etc., before things get serious.
Well, we have all small venues

Pete as you know, the IBS and the Super Shoot do just that, a warm up match. But for a small club and a lightly attended event, that extra target may mean the break even point on revenue and in most clubs, the regular members don't want their range tied up in the first place, then if it is loosing money....plooey!! Now then, if the club charges for that extra target, then the shooters B**** about that.

Ain't no really good answer, but, if I were voting it would be for the 3-7 format at small shoots. I do really like the warm up match at big shoots since it gives a settleing in period to test loads, POI, etc., before things get serious.

Where I shoot most of the time. We tradionally had three relays (Score events) but last year, because of lighter attendance, we now have two, pretty much. We don't have any scheduling problems as all the clubs have use of the range for the entire day of their event. By having only two relays, some of the guys who also work at the match, struggle to keep up with loading and trying to run targets, enter statistics, etc, etc. Some of us feel because we committed that day to go to the shoot, an hour more would not make any difference to us, in fact, would make it easier on those who try to juggle the "Balls" and facilitate being nearer to Dinner time so that we can dine at our "favorite spot" on the way home. In for a Penny, in for a Pound is kinda our attitude. Unfortunately none of the match Directors see it that way :( ,so far anyway.

We do ALWAYS have Warmup matches at each yardage.

For our Club Matches at Tomball, (non Registered), I was told by the Board of Directors that if I was going to be the Match Director, I could not shoot. So, I let someone else shoot my Rifle so I can dedicate my time to seeing that things run smooth.

We also have shooters hang and retrieve their own targets. It works quite well.

I know this is a little unconventional, but the important thing is we are furnishing a place for shooters to compete, and have a good time doing it.......jackie