30BR at the NBRSA Nationals


Young and Handsome
Who thinks that 30BR will finally rise to the top and win a National Yardage, or continue to be a second class citizen?
Al, I sent Randy the targets, he had talked to enough people, and seen photographs of them, but he wanted to actually get the targets, gather up several experienced shooters, and measure them for himself. He was a tad perplexed, as are a lot of shooters.

I gave him permission to post the pictures. I suspect he will in the next day or so. He might also post the results of the average of all of their measurements, which I believed totaled eleven different measurements with several different "official" measuring devices..

We can discuss this after he post the pictures, and his comments.

Keep in mind, this has nothing to do with the NBRSA or any of it's official findings. That proccess is over with, and is history. But, many people have asked to see them. They are simply to be viewed as a really great agg that was shot on a July Day in Midland.

At the very least, they are a good example as to the capabilities of a 30BR. ...........jackie
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Al, I sent Randy the targets, he had talked to enough people, and seen photographs of them, but he wanted to actually get the targets, gather up several experienced shooters, and measure them for himself. He was a tad perplexed, as are a lot of shooters.

I gave him permission to post the pictures. I suspect he will in the next day or so. He might also post the results of the average of all of their measurements, which I believed totaled eleven different measurements with several different "official" measuring devices..

We can discuss this after he post the pictures, and his comments.

Keep in mind, this has nothing to do with the NBRSA or any of it's official findings. That proccess is over with, and is history. But, many people have asked to see them. They are simply to be viewed as a really great agg that was shot on a July Day in Midland.

At the very least, they are a good example as to the capabilities of a 30BR. ...........jackie

It would be cool to see those targets scanned into a computer measuring program and see what they would measure when magnified to 50x...I have done it on a couple of small groups shot by my 30BR...it does make a difference in the final measurement...
Maybe I missed something but it looks like Frank Scheboth won the 300 yard Hv and Russ Boop won the 300 yard LV and both of them were shooting 6ppc's according to the equipment lists? It also looks like the LV Grand was dominated by 6ppc's and the first four spots in the 2 gun were taken by 6ppc's. So the question is still in my mind of whether or not the 30 br can really agg well enough in a 10.5# rifle that a guy can win a weekend-long, 2 gun event solely shooting a 30br. Not being antagonistic here. Just genuinely curious.

Paul's post didn't say what year the 30 BR took that match, I believe it was 2006. That is not the only occasion that a 30 BR has been used exclusively to win a 2 gun event. Matter of fact, a 30 Grendl and a 30-30 Win (no, I'm not kidding) have done the same in the last couple years. All that said, the only reason I will shoot a LV 30 at a group (and I have shot them at the Nationals and SS) match is if it is my best shooting gun at the time. It's really a lot more recoil than I want to endure unless it could put me on top at the end of the weekend.
Maybe you 30 BR guys could use a strap on shoulder pad, and a slightly shorter stock to counter the recoil of a 10.5# rifle and the concentration of recoil that comes with the current crop of stocks that have such small butts. Just a thought.... If shoulders were protected, would the recoil still be an issue?
Al, perhaps you're being facetious and if you are, I apologize. But I thought that when the records committee measured the targets, they came to the conclusion Jackie's agg was not a world record.

Pleading "Guilty" to the charge of being facetious....:D
Maybe you 30 BR guys could use a strap on shoulder pad, and a slightly shorter stock to counter the recoil of a 10.5# rifle and the concentration of recoil that comes with the current crop of stocks that have such small butts. Just a thought.... If shoulders were protected, would the recoil still be an issue?

I think it would. The amazing thing is they shoot well in spite of the upset from the recoil. I don't think pain is the issue...till it hits the nose or brow. That hurts!--Mike
Maybe you 30 BR guys could use a strap on shoulder pad, and a slightly shorter stock to counter the recoil of a 10.5# rifle and the concentration of recoil that comes with the current crop of stocks that have such small butts. Just a thought.... If shoulders were protected, would the recoil still be an issue?

I do just that, as do Allie and Lee Euber. It helps no doubt, but not enough for me to want to do it on a regular basis.
Al, I am sure that you came up with the exact same conclusion as that of everybody else that has seen those five targets. Well, almost everybody.........jackie
Knuckle draggers

Gentlemen and 30 caliber shooters,
It is time that we cut to the chase and really define the crux of the argument of the 6mm vs 30 caliber. It boils down to the civilized verses the barbarian. Look at the 6mm shooter. Observe the spark of intelligence in his eyes, the overall superiority of his countenance; the high forehead obviously housing a large, brilliant brain. Contrast this with the appearance of the 30 caliber shooter. You see clouded, filmy eyes under large, overhanging supartoris ridges. His mouth hangs slack with a protruding tongue wet with copious drool. His stance is hunched and he scratches at the callouses on his right shoulder. The words of the 6mm shooter flow forth from his mouth like a Mozart sonata born forth on breath that smells like a beautiful perfumed woman. The 30 caliber shooter issues forth with guttural grunts laced with a fragrance reminiscent of weasel dung.
6MM shooters do not be complacent! The barbarians are at the gate. Rome fell. The Middle East fell to these decedents of Genghis Khan. Let us not do the same. Tim
Goodgrouper, as I said before. This has nothing to do with the NBRSA, records, or any other official recognition. That time has passed. But, we shoot groups all the time, we measure them. We all know what a great set of targets look like. I think that since this is the first set of targets other than a 6mm or 22cal that have even been considered for record measurement in a long time, everybody will get a kick out of seeing them.

Wait untill Randy post the pictures. I suspect everybody will be scratching their heads. Or maybe not. Just pretend that they were never submitted for record consideration, it will make for an interesting discussion.........jackie
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