30BR at the NBRSA Nationals

Electronic measurement:

I participated in an event not long ago that scored the targets with a scanner. I did not choose to stand in line for protests and I was not even close to winning so I opted to just leave.

I went through those targets last evening and plugged the ones I questioned. I found 4 that I believe should have "Gone" that were downgraded.

Based on that experience, I am not real hot on Electronig scoring. Let's say two of the 4 went, My place in the standings would have been somewhat better. I don't think this is a situation where a Machine can do things better.
Here is something i am curios about, and it really has nothing to do with this subject directly. I don't know how many gentlemen are on the scoring committee, But what i would like to know is if each official score taker shares his measurement with the next score taker and so. Or are all the measurements kept private until all the committee members have determined there measurements? Not that this has anything to do with anything, i am just curious as to how this works. I didn't know if the measurements are shared among the committee or kept private until all members have measured? If so then is there one member who concludes the official measurement? Just curious. thanks Lee
I don't have a horse in this race - the only BR I shoot is 1000 yards - but it seems to me that you decide on the technology that you'll use & live with the outcome.

Think how tedious many of our sports have become since replays, sensors & other technology initially brought in by TV broadcasters has been forced on us by them with all the consequential delays to the game, to say nothing that we've lost that lament, "The ref/umpire robbed us"! Tennis is delayed while we verify if the ball overlapped the line by a thousanth or missed it by the same amount. How many replays from every angle does it take until you decide if the quarterback made a forward movement or if a knee was down before the plane of the line....

Then we have the cost issue. An ISSF world cup can't be contested unless the mandated machines, targets & timing gear are used. How would it be if your match had to absorb or pass on the cost of a sports standard software & hardware package - it would be useless arguing that the setup Butch wrote & assembled was good enough? How much more will you pay for a match?
Who thinks that 30BR will finally rise to the top and win a National Yardage, or continue to be a second class citizen?
I just recieved my NBRSA News with the Nationals Results. One 6.5 Grendal came in seventh place in Light Varmint. It was the only caliber other than 6PPC that made the top ten,in all four classes. No mention of the 30BR. Dave
Dave is that score or group nationals?

Ted, that was Larry Feusse showing off again. This was the NBRSA Group Nats at the Hodgdon Range in Olathe, KS. He shoots his own 78 grain bullet behind a load of H498 and has placed high with it in several other shoots in the 2010 season.
I knew he had to be getting good bullets from somewhere to shoot that well at the nationals. I the 6.5G case is the parent case for the 257TED.
I wonder how he gets his jackets.
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Ted, that was Larry Feusse showing off again. This was the NBRSA Group Nats at the Hodgdon Range in Olathe, KS. He shoots his own 78 grain bullet behind a load of H498 and has placed high with it in several other shoots in the 2010 season.

I think it was a 6.5 Grendal for 2010.
And The .30 Gorilla for 2009. This was for the Michigan State Score Champ.......
The .30 Gorilla works. With some BIB 112's.....
Larry always has something going on.
And I am glad he lives "upNorth". Or my wallet would be a lot lighter.
Larry is a great guy.......