This might be a Regional Thing. Here in The Gulf Coast Region, quite a few shooters make use of tuners.
While the Super Shoot is far an away the biggest thing in Benchrest, keep in mind it is not the only thing in Benchrest. There are dozens of Region Level Matches taking place every week end through out the Country.
Shooters tend to flock toward what the competition is using, especially if the competition is beating them.. A few shooters in The Gulf Coast Region stared doing quite well with tuners, and it was a natural progression that the shooters who had to compete against them saw fit to give it a try.
The Regions on the Eastern Side of the Mississippi River, it seems, see tuners as more of a detrement than a plus. And, as long as they have success with the current equipment, it will stay that way. Why fool around with something that you are convinced is of no benefit. Or, at least, does not have enough benefit to warrant the hassles involved.
Benchrest is still about Competition. Whilemany of us are always tinkering with something, we always try to stay close enough totghe tried and true formula that is a proven winner.
I plan on shooting my 30BR's at the 100 yard legs of our remaining matches. But, I always have that 6PPC sitting there ready to go........jackie