250 with 10-22

Due to complaints I have removed the caustic remarks... you have 9 posts in total, all contributing nothing. Did you join just to be offensive?
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well better idea why dont you go over there and stay there idiot

you know see just a guy like you to ruin b/r rimfire shooting. a guy comes in here nice someone tries to help out but you know just everythng. ive seen some of the junk you jackasses send out to people not very honarable stuff but you are probably drunk its fri afternoon isnt it..

this guy wanted information if you will go check and i found him some stuff i dindt see you doing any work for him maybe he will be a top notch b/r but of course then competition right!

he wanted to see some targets i found him some by one of the top shooters in the nation i have no idea what rifle he shoots but your poor attitude weill probably run him off.

no doubt 6mmbr is the place for you.

Due to complaints I have removed the caustic remarks... you have 9 posts in total, all contributing nothing. Did you join just to be offensive?
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In this case I think you are off base and outa line.. That conversation did not involve you. And regarding what cwop called you in his post, "If the shoe fits, wear it".

Due to complaints I have removed the caustic remarks... you have 9 posts in total, all contributing nothing. Did you join just to be offensive?
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10/22 benchrest

I sure wish we could get 10/22 guys to come shoot with us! We have trouble covering the rent and it would be fun to have an un-official 10/22 class for the beginning bench rest shooters. I remember how proud I was of my 10/22 when I shot my first ARA target with no zeros! Just make a brass catcher (I used and old stub axle flange with a cut down tropical fish net hose clamped on) so you don't annoy the shooter on your right with hot brass. Anyway, a bolt gun IS better. "it's always cheaper to do it right the first time" but
"Don't take yourself so damn serious":rolleyes:

good point and even better post. this would be good for r/f b/r as these guys have never seen true b/r shooting. my exposure has been to those great targets posted and scores shown.

oh to be able to do that!


Hi Pat . . .

Seems your San Diego club had a few 10/22s shooting when you were with us in the RFC Matches back in 2001 to 03.

Our local club has had a difficult time trying to attract the semi-auto guys and keep them coming back. Thinking back to nine years ago, when our club started rimfire benchrest and hooked up with RFC: Most of our shooters had 10/22s. Those that stuck with us moved up to the Unlimited class. The rest dropped out.

We still use the RFC rules and have a Semi-Auto class at all our matches. Last year we had seven matches from April to October. In April we had 2 semi-autos. In May we had 1 and in August we had 3. NONE in the other 4 months.

I had hoped that our 25 yard matches would attract them. Guess I was wrong. If there were some way to get them interested, they are a good potential group for moving up to the more accurate classes.

We call them keyboard marksmen, but some a those guys must have competitive blood running through their veins.

Joe Haller


sadly the same thing applies to ham radio the fcc has made it possilbe for anyone to get a ham ticket in order to improve numbers while the rest of us had to study theory of electronics and morse code.

hard hard work. same applies to shooting there will always be wannabees in anything and cattering to these people does not improve participation. ham radio members are falling like leaves now so that hobby is dead.

now here is what i saw at ham club meetings. the big guys were always gathered to a corner leaving the other ones to themselves they had a million questons but were ignored. we call them big guns and they have the bux to do it.

consider this does it happen at your shoots and what can be done well encourage those great b/r shooters to mix with the 1022 boys. offer them up advice and kindness no remarks. let them shoot your guns free of charge.

do this and you will get some it takes work as in everything else. you will neve get them all but you will improve the sport.

I've been following this thread for a while and there are some very good points being made here as I see it.

First post that really catches my attention is David Valdina's post #46. To me, as a long time shooter with both military experience and a serious interest in precision shooting, I have been following the development of high accuracy semi-automatic sniper rifles by the military and I think a rimfire semi-auto of very high accuracy is possible. I do not know if the semi-auto sniper rifles have reached the stage of development for use yet however some of the test results I have seen are amazing and definitely prove the the technology exists for a precision made semi-automatic rifle capable of competing in the 25 and 50 yard rimfire matches that we shoot...

I also believe of what hardware is available today, it most likely will be a gun of the basic 10-22 design that has the best chance of accomplishing this. Mainly because of the third party components that are available to accomplish this. Picher, in post #48 brings up the matter of the aluminum receiver and the method of mounting the barrel in a 10-22 being a weak point when looking at the goal of building a high accuracy rifle, however there are two companies that now offer a CNC machined stainless receiver for the 10-22 as well as the possibility of having a threaded receiver and barrel which eliminates these weaknesses from the basic 10-22 design.

I believe it was Nipper who mentions using a pressure pad to support the barrel, and this is also a proven technology that can be used to fine tune the barrel very effectively. I can support this claim with a Model 52D Winchester that I have been shooting for years that Winchester includes a barrel pressure/support tuning device close to the end of the forearm in the manufacturing of this fine rifle, and this 52D rifle today still outshoots both Anschutz and Cooper target rifles that I own and shoot.

So, yes, I think that given the right components and gun smithing skills to put together a semi-automatic rimfire rifle capable of being competitive in rimfire BR shooting is very possible.

I'd like to make a suggestion, what we need is several of the companies involved in 10-22 third part components and or private individuals with an interest that can afford, to put together a cash award, say something like $10,000 or more if possible, to the first individual to win a major match using a rimfire semi-automatic rifle. This award could be prorated something on the order of $1000 for any winning target at 50 yards in an official match, $5000 for any clean target shot, and $10,000 to the first person shooting a top aggregate score in any official state or national match...

I think if something along this idea of an award could be put together, you'd start to see some amazing customized semi-automatic rimfire rifles capable of an even higher level of accuracy start to appear...

By the way, I am an old school shooter, all my competitive rifles are single shot bolt action guns, I do own one semi-automatic rimfire rifle, a Marlin Model 60, so no favoritism here, just a vision of what I think is possible...

Happy Shooting, Y'all...
Mitch & Shadow...
I hear it at almost every gun show

There's alway a table with 10/22 after market components. that make the claim, their 10/22 will hold it's own with any bolt action. Problem is, they never show up at a BR match to prove it.
10 22

fred i agree with you. first of all an accomplished b/r shooter will never have confidence in a 10/22 there are just too many parts to go bad on that last shot you need you want the best you can find and thats in most cases a 4000.00 rifle..

second no one can machine those parts to work right 100% of the time. its been admitted that some of the guys here started with a 10/22 and what are they shooting now. the 1022 sets in the back of the safe.

i would almost bet you ask a professional sniper is there such a thing i think is to take an automatic rifle out to do a death defying job either him or the enemy just what do you think his answer is going to be.

i do have a deer hunting story i took my browning bar out one time. here come a nice deer i shot all i got was click. i had forgot that bolt has to be slammed hard the first round or it will not work. you know it the bar sets now i want results when you set 8 hours on a stand and get this. that was it for me.

read one shot one kill and look into the world of a genuine shooter a far cry from b/r for that matter and see what he used. the old relalble.

am i against auto s or autos no but they have their place but the world of b/r shooting the 1022 is not it.

but bill ask some honest questions didnt he and i hope he stays encouraged and is considering a bolt action b/r gun as we speak because i saw potential in that guy for b/r he can shoot.

i hope if he goes to a shoot the big guns look after him and help him to further the sport.

i would like to ask the guys trying to get their 10-22s
to shoot well, are you feeding singly or from the magazine?
if singly do you use some sort of adapter?
my own thought would be to use a steel receiver with
a solid bottom no cutout for a magazine, with a single
shot loading ramp with the bolt holding back after each shot.
thanks tom c.
it's fun tinkering with those 10-22's. i enjoyed biulding mine and had fun with it. i hope you don't give up. i too believe you have a chance at being a great shooter with a bolt gun. don't give up. you'll know when your 10/22 has reached the best it's ganna be. the next step will be to get a starter bolt gun. buy a used custom rifle or something like a 40x or suhl. don't give up. you'll realize you need to step up to a better platform and then the real fun will begin!! ammo testing, different rests, and you'll make alot of great new friends who will help you along the way. hang in there, you'll do fine.

i tried a m77/22 one time. had a shilens match barrel on it, after market trigger, and a nice stock. they to surfer from the ruger problems. two piece bolt is the starting point. the way the barrel is mounted to the action is another(just like the 10/22). they are good hunting rifles but not good match rifles!!!!

a 10/22 winning a ir 50/50 match will never happen unless it is a field of nothing but 10/22's. there are simply to many parts moving and never moving exactly the same each time. they never do the exact samething each time. they maybe close but never the exact same. a bolt gun is as close as it will get to doing the exact same each time.
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Well Davey Boy, I could care less what you think. I will continue calling out CWOP until the endless incoherent ramblings cease............

Well, I see there is at least one other person that finds this CWOP as annoying as I do.


for this sort of money why not buy a suhl and play around with it. lets see a dont stith stock and a good bedding job and you are good to go with a rifle that will shoot.

i havent heard too many that wont have you? but we get all excited about our 1022 and start spending money for this and that while all along the winning rifle was right in front of us at a good price.

its fun to go auto with those things thought isnt it?

good shooting

i just wondered how they were loading if they're serious about a 250
they wouldn't be going semi i don't think.
i just wondered how they were loading if they're serious about a 250
they wouldn't be going semi i don't think.

Tom, I've tried it both ways and if the mag is tuned and polished it's the best and most cosistent way for me....Bernie...