250 with 10-22

Joe, thanks for posting the different targets. If Nipper is talking about the IBS target instead of the ibr, it's no wonder he talks about a 250. The 10 ring on the NRA target is supposed to be 1 inch at 50 yards. I measure it on my printed copy at 15/16 of an inch and the 10 ring on the IBS target at 1/2 inch meaning in real life it is a bit bigger. Assuming best edge scoring, a 250 on that target with a 10/22 is very doable.

I am one of the ones who can shoot a 250 on the USBR target at 25 yards on RFC but have a personal best of 235-1X with my 10/22 at 50 yards. Nipper, come on over to RFC with your 10/22. The water is deep there.

Like many others, I could not be competitive at my benchrest sport no matter how much money I poured into the 10/22. The box stock Anschutz 54 I started with shot rings around it from the get go for a lot less money
ok. i think i understand now. i shoot at the ir50/50 targets. nipper is shooting at the nra targets. hell i could throw rocks 50 yards and get a 10 on that!!!!! yep. a 10/22 should be able to get a 250 on that if you put a easy $1000 in it.

water isn't the only thing deep on rimfire central. just look into the 10/22 sections and you'll be head deep in pure B.S. before you know it!!!! according to things over there they are the best bench rifles in the world!!!!
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sorry it wasnt clearer, i shoot the ibs target at 50 yards, there is no way i could ever shoot/or would even try and shoot some of the other tragets that were posted without another bolt action gun , instead of my 10/22

Ok, now it makes sense. As I said, the 10 ring on the IBS target is a little over 1/2 inch and assuming best edge scoring, a 250 should cetainly be possible with a good 10/22 and good ammo. And again, come over to Rimfire Central and play with us on the USBR target.
For whatever it is worth (not much) The IBS 50 yd target is dimensionally identical to the 100 yd target for IR 50/50. The 100 yard matches lasted only one year. Like wise the IBS match lasted one season at Black Creek. The second match showed how ridiculous that target is at 50 yards. I won the sporter target and was last on the 10 1/2 class. I shot the only 249 that day to gain last place. The shooters quickly lost interest.
A few months ago I shot a 250 on an RBA target at 50yds in practice. So it can be done. This was with an AMT [10/22 clone]from their custom shop. I shoot it about once a yr in a match the rest of the time I do shoot my Bolt gun because I know my scores will be higher. A 244 or a 245 14X is my high score in a match[2 matches so far]. It is my goal though to get that 250 in a match. It will consistantly shoot in the 240's. I have had it since the mid 90's and I still love shooting it.

in the first place this is a board for bolt action b/r shooters. there has never been a 10/22 win anything in the world of true b/r shooting. go look at some of the restults of shooting by this bunch.

not a one of them would even consider a 1022 for this sport. why because they know it would be a waste of money and effort. believe me it was feasable these guys would do it.

there is a lot of money made and spent by people trying to approach true b/r by 1022 boys but it will never be done. to get on here and ask for advice from these guys is a waste of time.

rimfire central is really the place for your questions as their requirements are nowhere in the ballpark compared to this bunch of shooters.

i have a 1022 but it will never shoot against my 40x which i might ads did not cost anywhere near what you are spending.

good luck

A Gold Mine . . .

Some of the shooters here on BRC seem to see Rimfire Central as a forum that is somewhat below the level of their accuracy standards. That's an easy assumption for those of us who play with $3000 custom BR rifles.

BUT, here is another way to look at it: At least the way I look at it. I see RFC as a GOLD MINE. There are 40,000 shooters over there and the big majority of them have never experienced the fun of match competition. A worthy goal "to me" is to get some of those keyboard marksmen "INTO" match competition.

When I first started hanging out over there, about ten years ago, I saw the problem, and the possibilities. I had a lot of e-mail talk about this with Tom Guerin at the time. Tom was Vice-President of USBR. I suggested the possibility of a "Postal League" to Tom. But: Without the postage stamps. An e-mail or "On-Line" series of matches with scores posted on RFC.

My idea was to start a match at 25 yards for the Ruger guys on the USBR Target. Well, Tom said: "Joe, Go for it, there are a 1000 kitchen table Ruger tinkeres for every rimfire benchrest shooter in American". So: I decided to mine the gold.

In January of 2001 I set up the first RFC On-Line Match. We had 28 shooters from 14 different states in that first match. We added a 50 yard match three months later. and the attendance started to grow. In the summer months we average about 90 shooters. In the winter more like 40 to 50. Our record month was 114 shooters. It is an attractive proposition for shooters who live a long way from clubs who run Sanctioned Matches.

We have introduced a lot of shooters to the match game, and by my count at least 40 of them have moved up to Sanctioned Matches.

To those of you who "look down your noses" at the RFC guys: Think of the possibilities. There are almost 40,000 guys over there who have never experienced the FUN of shooting in a match. I am working on them, and a few of our RFC match shooters contribute match talk to some of there HUGE number of threads. How about some of you guys helping out. Get over there and talk about match competition. Some of them will listen.

Joe Haller :)
as stated before i have a plan to build a benchrest "bolt action" based on the soon to be on the market--stiller action. the 10-22 is just a hobby to spend money on at the moment, is it to much to spend on one, please let me decide, i wont tell you where to spend your money.


I don't see anything in the title of this forum that states "Bolt Action Benchrest Central". Just because someone owns a 10-22 or another semi-automatic and wants to shoot benchrest with it, doesn't bar him from this forum..

Lighten up...

I don't see it that way either. I just see some good shooters giving some good advice. If you want to play a certain game and there is a class for what you want to shoot, go for it.
Work on that 10/22, tweak it, shoot it, and enjoy yourself. Shoot that USBR target that Joe is talking up. It's a lot of fun. At 25 yards you can definitely do a 250. At 50 yrds you'll be scratching your head.

I think you stated your goal quite clearly. Mess around with the 10/22, have a good time and put the money into the bolt-gun you want to build when the time is right.

Sounds like a good plan.

I had a request for a picture so here you go. Jewel trigger threaded Shilen barrel. It was their BR-50 model. This is the rifle that 1st got me interested in RFBR. I now have a 40X that I compete with, but the AMT is still one of my favorite rifles to shoot. Hey Shooter now lets see yours here or PM. I love these rifles and think they shoot very well.

I may have been the first to shoot a 250 on a USBR target with a 10-22, but it was indoors at 25 yards. I think it's "possible" to shoot a 250 outdoors with a 10-22 on the IR 50/50 target, but only on that rare occasion when the rifle is perfectly modified/tuned, the right ammo is found, all planets are aligned and enough prayers are said to the right entity and a favorable response is received.

Until then, I'll use my bolt gun.


P.S. It's not fun for shooters at the bench to the right when they're pummelled by empty shells from a 10-22. We put up with it when necessary, but prefer that shooters bring shell barriers with them to prevent that situation. If not, sometimes we ask them to move to a bench where there's no one at the next bench to the right.
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Work on that 10/22, tweak it, shoot it, and enjoy yourself. Shoot that USBR target that Joe is talking up. It's a lot of fun. At 25 yards you can definitely do a 250. At 50 yrds you'll be scratching your head.

I think you stated your goal quite clearly. Mess around with the 10/22, have a good time and put the money into the bolt-gun you want to build when the time is right.

Sounds like a good plan.


Mike, as always, you hit the nail on the head. Seems Nipper's goal is to have fun. That should be the name of the game. :)


i agree and if i offended anyone im sorry but i consider this site a place for the true b/r boys and a 10/22 wont cut it. now on rimfire central there is a place for this rifle.

im sure he didnt realize what sort of equipment these guys use and some of them are big hitters and winners in this sport. i can just hear the snickers going on.

i own some pretty good b/r bolt rifles but i am not a competitor like some of these shooters are. i can assure you they wont even consider a 10/22 for their sport.

theres a big difference between a tricked out 1022 and a 4,000 dollar rifle bolt action b/r rifle that a 1022 cant even touch. oh some guy may have a good day we all have those but not consintly.

i liked his questions though and im sure he learned some good things but to spend big bux on a 1022 and to think you can compete here is wishful thinking.

good luck

You know putting a tuner on a tricked out 10/22 seems like a real good idea.
Has anyone tried that?
John Pitcher's memory . . .

Your right John!

Your memory is better than mine. I have all those early RFC scores in a database:

High 25 yard score in the 1st On-Line Match: January 2001.
John Pitcher - 249-9x from Maine

High 25 yard score in the 2nd On-Line Match: February 2001
John Pitcher - 250-12x from Maine

High 25 yard score in the 3rd On-Line Match: March 2001
Ted Kerns - 250-21x from Colorado

The first 50 yard match was shot in March of that year.
Michael Hanson - 234-5x from Utah

Joe Haller
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The barrel tenon on the 10/22 is pretty insecure. Even with short bull barrels, 10/22 guys have to jump through hoops to get a stable set up. Seems like putting an effective weight tuner out on the end of the barrel would be problematic.

My son and I have matching "kitchen table" 10/22s. Love plinking with them. Shooting his got my son interested in shooting and he now has Cecil Tucker's old 6PPC sporter and we're getting prepared to load for it.

Accessibility and sheer fun are the strengths of the 10/22.