10/22 no one seems to like em here pics?

Kind words............

Hey Brad,........don't go thinking anyone likes you[they were just closing ranks against "the duece shooter"] HaHaHa.
Just kidding amigo[i crack me up]:D
10/22 Br

I once saw Bill Simms shoot a 10-22 at a 50/50 match in the sporter class, don,t remember the reason, could be he was without a real benchrest gun to compete with that day (knowing that he could have had his pick of many guns there that day as a loaner because nearly any snob at any range I have been to will offer their weapon to any shooter in need) or he could have just been playing. If memory serves he did well. (Bill does well a lot) I also witnessed a doctor shooting a 10-22 at a 50/50 match (no telling what that gun cost) didn't do that well but I don,t remember any of the snobs with the zillion dollar bench guns giving him a hard time, could be they didn't have anything to say or maybe they saw an entry level competitor and hoped he would be wise enough to cipher fun gun from man these guns will shoot
mmercy :D:D:D

I have one. A TNZ that cost me $300. It is fun to shoot and can really smash a squirrel head consistently. It shoots good enough to be fun and I did manage a USBR 247 or 248(can't remember for sure) at 25 yards with it once. I am sure it will do better some day when I get better.

I also shoot a VQ 22 WMR but not as often. It is a bit more expensive to shoot and cost me over 3 times the money to buy. I had to sell 2 rifles to get it and do not regret it. I take it out varmint hunting. It is plenty accurate enough within 100 yards.

No neither are dedicated benchrest rifles and probably wont be winning any matches but I like them just the same. Heck even Mr Calfee thinks about semis once in a while.

One day I will buy/build a BR rifle when funds allow. For some crazy reason I bought a snowmobile today instead. I have been thinking about saving for a CMP Kimber 82. I have not seen much talk about them yet either around here. Maybe Mr Frosty still has that Sako for sale?

BTW Ale I think there is something to be said for quick shots when wind conditions are good.
Hi Chum:

I sold that Sako with the Lilja barrel to Don Wenglikowski from Barbeau, just after the August Match last year.

I know of some Suhls and maybe a couple of 40xs that will be up for sale at our Gun Show on April 5 & 6. Maybe a Ruger with a Lilja barrel and laminated stock too. Yea: That black Grade 10 is gona go to the highest bidder.

Joe :)

Hi Joe,

I am sure Mr. Wenglikowski will enjoy that rifle. He got a whole lot of rifle for his money. So will the new owner of your Suhl. I look forward to shooting with you this summer. You Yoopers really know how to make a person and their friends and family feel welcome. Your matches and club members are first class. Thanks.
BTW Ale I think there is something to be said for quick shots when wind conditions are good.

I was just wondering if there could be a trade-off between shifting conditions and a perfect ogive versus perfect conditions and a little lead shaving.

BTW Chum, I have a CMP Kimber 82 and except for a long "box cutter" mark in the stock, it's a very nice rifle. I also have the H&R M12 with Palma rear sight as well as the 40X.

-- ale
wilber, i live just out of danville. i do think they still have what you were asking about.
My 10/22 Story

For the first ten years or so of my gun career I mostly shot handguns. I owned a few rifles but none were very accurate and I didn't shoot them much. Then around 1998 I read some articles about 10/22s and they seemed interesting and looked like a lot of fun so I had Claude Gatewood build me a tricked-out 10/22.

I didn't have access to a good outdoor range at the time so I shot it from a bench at an indoor 25 yard range. And lo and behold -- it shot really small groups.

I'm not saying this was a superhuman feat or anything. I realize it was only 25 yards and there was no wind. The point here is that I had never before shot such small groups and when I saw them on the target I got hooked.

And the next think you know I was buying a Remington 700 .223 and reading everything I could get my hands on about reloading for accuracy and bought a Sinclair front rest and Protektor rear bag and some windflags and joined a range where I could shoot at 100 and 200 yards and spent a lot of time working up loads and trying to shoot in the wind. And one day, Bill Dittman, who runs our matches at River Bend, saw me shooting and invited me to shoot in the next monthly club match, where I could shoot in a factory class. I took him up on it.

That was in 2001 and I have missed few of the monthly matches since then. Eventually I bought a real benchrest rifle and then another and now centerfire benchrest is my passion. I'm not very good at it but I have a lot of fun doing it and have met some great people in the course of it. My 10/22 is not a benchrest-grade rifle, but if not for the fun I had shooting it, I wouldn't be shooting benchrest right now.

Fun, my friends, is the name of the game here. Whether we shoot a 10/22 or a $3000 rig, we do it for fun. And we get enough grief from people who don't like guns that I cringe when we rail against each other.

So the next time someone mentions their 10/22, smile politely, acknowledge the joy they get from shooting it, and if you are fortunate enough to own a benchrest rifle, invite them to try yours.

Dave Rabin