10/22 no one seems to like em here pics?

Joe, buddy, some of the guys tried to give you a direct, honest answer that you don't seem willing to accept, there's nothing wrong with it , it's just a bit out of context on this forum. Responding with a bunch of stuff reinforcing the fact that you're unfamiliar with benchrest does'nt help much.

And more people should follow your polite lead!If it was phrased as yours,fine.:)
I'm a fan of the 10/22; they are lots of fun. What's on your mind to talk about?


What kind do you have? Do different barrel lenghts affect on 100 yard groupings! Best brand barrel? Thanks,Joe.
awfull nice of you fellows to turn somebody elses thread into your pissing contest. all the man wanted was some pics so here they come. hope you aint on dial up baby.











Thanks friend! Those are beautiful! I want more now! looks like AAA walnut for sure! Any suggestions on a brand of Laminates? I have a yukon extreme coming Monday, Looks like green mountain Barrel? Also, what brand wood stock on the first one? You are a fine example of a forum user!:)
Tex, Nemo,

I didn't mean to turn this into a pissing contest, but when a guy comes to start the pissing, with smart comebacks as he did, well he got what he deserved. Like I said this is a benchrest site and not a 10/22 forum. You have RFC for that. I don't have anything against 10/22 owners, but the owners need to remember that when they come here to stir it with their cocky attitude like Texas has, he will be get things put in the right perspective.


rudeness is not a perspective,I asked a simple question on a rimfire site.I only counterpunched,thanks,You,happy shooting!
This Texan is in the real world!! I can buy any thing,any ranch I want,for that matter.All I asked on the sight was,gee,any 10/22 fans here.I never stated that same old acurracy argument,BUT you unfriendly,stuff shirts,self rightous ones start in. SOOOO, the TRUTH is,you guys practically weld your guns to the bench,and maybe have a fan blow the 2 oz trigger!! it is no longer shooting skill,its who can build the machine. When I am at my club with my high end gun,and someone sits down with a basic rifle,I would not be pugnaious and say,"get a real gun,bla,bla bla" Show a little comraderie.

No you didn't come looking to piss people off. :confused:

I remember a guy at RFC that used to say bla , bla, bla, in hist post, too. You wouldn't be any kin to him now would ya? :eek:

well my friend,it just so happens as an example ,if you went to shoot somewhere,took out your gun.put it on a bench,then rude comments starting to fly,would you not get mad.What if I started telling you something you did not ask? Saying thats not good enough here! Just some pics please,thanks,Joe.
well seems like not much interset in the much loved 10/22 on this sight.:confused:

Seems like your very first post was asking if there is any interest in 10-22's here, or do you speak a different english?

When someone politly told you why, you kept trying to force it..

Guess that is the reason this site is called Benchrest.com.
ok,so i have been told i have dyslexia,I am not in the real world,10/22s are not accurate enough to be discussed here,do I speak english and so on..
The pictures are nice, but that seems to be a trend with the RF central types. There seems to be much more emphasis on the stock than on the actual ability of the rifle. Is it a nice laminate, Meistergrade, AAA walnut, etc. That also seems to hold true whether it is a Ruger on an Anschutz. Maybe there's the big difference in the sites.
No you didn't come looking to piss people off. :confused:

I remember a guy at RFC that used to say bla , bla, bla, in hist post,

That sounds like u Brad.....why don't u leave Tex alone....
glenn (buckeyeair)
Why don't he leave us alone and keep his laser 10/22 not pointing in our direction. You can stay in his corner if you like.

no wonder bench rest is small and getting smaller. we have farking ice holes calling names, questioning peoples intelligance, making rude comments and just general over all bad i'm better than you attitude. FWIW all of those rifles that i posted pics of WILL walk the walk. there is not one pretty face amongst them. all have shot zero's or better time and again not just once in a while. will my bench guns do better? absolutly and so will all the other purpose built guns on here at least i hope so. BUT there are semi auto BR matches and thatsd what two of those guns were built for. BR = bench rest. semi-auto = 10/22. all that means they belong here just as much as all the 40x's and turbos and halls and even Suhl 150's Brad. they all belong. the dumbest question is the one never asked. FWIW i'm glad SOME folks left RFC. we miss a FEW but not all of ya.

the top stock in an S&K extra fancy $400.
TexasJoe "a nice guy" came here looking for exactly what he's getting. He's having a good time. Everybody else might as well have fun too.
Texas Joe, I am

I understan what your saying,but to be honest,there are some postings here with cz.QUOTE]

one of those guys who is posting about the CZ's. I ended up posting about the build because I ended up getting some feedback of interest in how my build will turn out. I decided to tell as many people. I myself admit that the CZ is a VERY ENTRY LEVEL boltgun for competitve rimfire competition but it is what I have to work with and can afford at this time. I thought it would be a fun project to pursue. I have read a bit and have had some e-mailings with a British shooter who won there nationals with a CZ so that sparked my interest in trying it.

My heart is with the bigger boomers on the centerfire side.

I for one also fell for the 10/22 craze. It was fun but that is about it. If I would have taken the money I put into it and the money I am going to put into the CZ I think I may be able to have one on a custom. A real shooter. I am not happy with the accuracy of my GM barrel and it is probably the barrel but I am not about to sink more money into it. I would sell it and should have B4 I got my 10 year old daughter shooting it. Tears have been shed by her wanting me to not sell it so I didn't for her. It is hers to shoot until she is old enough to say "Okay Daddy you can sell it."

On another note, in regards to the VQ's, Do you like there triggers? I here all to often about how wonderful they are. Honestly, I thinkthey are horrible. My reworked trigger feels a whole lot better than the money one has to pay for the VQ. I admit I have a VQ hammer but that is the only aftermarket part. The rest was done by myself. It weighs in at about 10-12 oz and has yet to fail me.

Gee your bringing back all the great memories. :D

I'll say it once more and you can have the last word if you like. The guy asked a question, he got several answers. His attitude just like your charm here is what let his mouth overload his rearend. Don't start throwing pucnhes if you ain't prepared to be hit back. His charisma arrogant charm is what got people to where they said what they said to him because of his put downs. I think the others here will agree when you come here and say we ain't shooters with our bench guns that have triggers that go off by themself is just provoking a fight. You have some nice guns by the way. I'm sure they will shoot.

Good luck.
