10/22 no one seems to like em here pics?



First, Beau does not care but when you use the word intelligence, it might serve you well to spell it correctly.

Second, get the chip off of your shoulder. No one cares about how well your rifles "walk the walk". The person pulling the trigger continues to be the key to any measure of accuracy. No one cares to see your targets shot at 50 feet to impress those at RFC. Do it at a sanctioned match with witnesses, surely you can do that.

Lastly, don't go away mad, just go away.

First, Beau does not care but when you use the word intelligence, it might serve you well to spell it correctly.

Second, get the chip off of your shoulder. No one cares about how well your rifles "walk the walk". The person pulling the trigger continues to be the key to any measure of accuracy. No one cares to see your targets shot at 50 feet to impress those at RFC. Do it at a sanctioned match with witnesses, surely you can do that.

Lastly, don't go away mad, just go away.

Texas Joe,

Your first few posts asked if there was any interest in talking about 10/22's on this rimfire section of a BENCHREST shooting website.

It was explained to you in very clear and accurate terms that no there wasn't much interest and the reason was that this site is about benchrest and a 10/22 no matter how tricked up and hot rodded it is will simply not provide a consistent level of accuracy to be able to compete with a custom bolt action.

You read those responses to mean that the guys were saying that the 10/22 wasn't good enough for here and all that stuff you came back with, like the guys here were snobs and the 10/22 was not good enough for them.

You are way out of line. You asked a simple question and got a simple and accurate answer to it. Fact is you didn't like the answer so you make something of it. Seems to me that you simply do not understand the level of accuracy that custom benchrest rifles display, if you did you'd totally get what these guys were saying in response to your initial question and that would have been the end of the thread. Question asked, question answered, done deal !!

I thought I knew what accuracy was until I got my centrefire benchrest rifle. Man, I had no freakin idea what REAL accuracy was. In the past if a varmint rifle got under 0.50 I was happy and I had a couple that would get down below 0.30 in ideal conditions. My bench rest rifle has just been fitted with it's second barrel and just yesterday in load testing I shot several groups under 0.20 and a couple under 0.100. That is what benchrest accuracy is all about and why factory rifles and hunting style rifles don't get much interest or discussion here.

To be honest, not being nasty, coming here asking about for 10/22 talk is like going to a forum for Indy car drivers and asking for chat about Ford F150's and how to make them go a bit quicker !! I am being quite serious with that statement. There is simply no application for a 10/22 in the type of shooting that most of the guys on this site are into and what this site discusses. Another way of looking at it would be that it is like going to a 10/22 site and asking for talk on benchrest shooting, what would be the point in that ??

If any of that sounds snobby I am sorry. It is just the facts. Once you have becomes used to benchrest precisions most other rifles tend to be a lot less interesting !!

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Pics of my 10/22 RAIL gun

Thought you might like to see my newest creation. It is a rail gun and shots great. Pushed almost 1000rds through it yesterday...what a hoot.

Enjoy...Yep, nothing to do with Benchrest shooting but it is a very nice break for focusing on driving them into one hole




no one can offend you without your permission. did you guys have something constructive to add or are you just gonna bash on us broke guys some more? i'm glad you can spell perfectly all the time. all those easy A's must have been nice in school. it still does not change who you are in real life. oh and BTW you cant argue with a fool. anybody watching cant tell who is who. so like Brad said in post 8 i'll leave this thread unless somebody needs something important. by for now.

TexasJoe is a fisherman and he has got you all hooked. If you don't reply he has no platform to preach from. Let it drop and this will die a silent death. We are talking diamonds and cut glass here, so let it go......

TexasJoe is a fisherman and he has got you all hooked. If you don't reply he has no platform to preach from. Let it drop and this will die a silent death. We are talking diamonds and cut glass here, so let it go......
Whats up AJ..............:p :D
glenn (buckeyeair)
Thought you might like to see my newest creation. It is a rail gun and shots great. Pushed almost 1000rds through it yesterday...what a hoot.

Enjoy...Yep, nothing to do with Benchrest shooting but it is a very nice break for focusing on driving them into one hole


I thought rail guns were return-to-battery.

Anyway, I know what we can do. Let's have a spelling bee.
thanks nemohunter and buckeyepair

nice gun mystic. post 31 sums it all up here for me.othere than a few,how about some honesty,i was hit with the elite,dump on my gun crowd.
I've got a 10/22 had for over 30yrs cost me $1 in a deck-of-cards raffle on a construction job; I even shoot it once in a while. I got two banana clips and one teardrop mag, load 'em up, bam,bam,bam,bam, oops stovepipe, bam,bam,bam,bam, it's a blast. More time loading than shooting. Thanks, Douglas
Texas Joe,

You want some honesty, here goes, now you do your part and take it as honesty and try and understand that these guys are not the elitists that you think they are.

You are simply asking in the wrong place about the wrong rifle to get the response you were looking for.

Nobody is dumping on you or your gun, benchrest just isn't the most likely place to find a 10/22.

There is no Elite BS going on here, non benchrest shooters simply do not seem to understand what benchrest is all about at the level this forum represents and what benchrest shooters are interested in.

Not all shooters are interested in all rifles. I have very little interest in rimfire rifles at all, even benchrest ones, just not my bag. I have absolutely zero interest in a 10/22. Not being some elitist, I am just not interested in them.

Please believe me when I say I am just trying to explain this situation like it really is from the point of view of the guys here. You are reading something into these guys answers that honestly isn't there because you don't get where they are coming from.

Either that or you are just stirring up trouble looking for a bit of a giggle !!

heres my custom 10/22. it's a total custom on the inside. nothing ruger but a hull. i shoot it with other semi-auto's and that is truely were it belongs. they are a stepping stone to get people to start br shooting. if a person can't afford a real bench rifle and stays in the class were these belong there is no problem at all with that. the problem begins when somebody thinks they will shoot with a real bench rifle. mine started out as a 10/22t. wouldn't compete then so i stepped on it alot. i've had 3 different match barrels for it, 3 different stocks. all trying to get it to shoot with real bench rest guns. it's had bughole tuners on it, pressure points, freefloated(it shot the best that way and remains free floated), 2 triggers other than the factory trigger. it's got a piller in it, its glass bedded to perfection and it simply won't keep up with bench rifles. now with semi-auto's 10/22's and thier vq liken do rule those semi-auto group shoots. bench rifles will post tiny groups all day long if the shooter does his part. they have alot less moving parts when the gun is fired. the more moving parts a gun has in the action when it is fired leaves to many parts that simply don't perform the same way every time the trigger is pulld. that is one reason they simply aren't as dependable in how accurate they are. they will not produce the tiny groups everytime like a bench gun will. no matter how good the shooter is the gun is the flaw.
closing thoughts..

thanks every one on both sides,my post 31 says my point,nice gun derek,i guess we are both in the real world.
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Texas Joe,

Got any pictures of nice centrefire benchrest rifles ? I'd be keen to chat with you about that. Lets see what you have got.

Friend derek casey

Friend derek:

My life is so booked up that to attempt to build a semi-auto, and, do everything I could to take it to it's full potential, will probably never happen....
but, I've thought on it a lot.......

I have a silly idea......I think there is a way to delay the blow-back breech bolt just enough, won't take much, so the bullet will completely exit the crown before any motion, of the action, takes place........some folks believe the bullet has exited the crown before any motion takes place in the action......I'm not so sure.........anyway, that is not why I posted here..

derek, I lived in Standford till I started the third grade......every week-end a friend of our family, our family didn't own an automobile at that time, would take my mom and us kids to Danville.......when we would get close to Burke's Bakery, man, the smell of fresh baked bread would fill the old Dodge....we would always stop and get some fresh baked bread, and real butter, and have a feast........that hot bread and butter from Burke's is a pleasure one never forgets........

Burke's Bakery is exactly, today, like it was when I was a kid living in Standford, fifty five years ago......some things never change.....Burke's is one of them......and I'm glad......

Your friend, Bill Calfee

First, Beau does not care but when you use the word intelligence, it might serve you well to spell it correctly.

Second, get the chip off of your shoulder. No one cares about how well your rifles "walk the walk". The person pulling the trigger continues to be the key to any measure of accuracy. No one cares to see your targets shot at 50 feet to impress those at RFC. Do it at a sanctioned match with witnesses, surely you can do that.

Lastly, don't go away mad, just go away.

would someone please feed bill

everytime i start reading posts he starts talking about
food, then i get hungry and get something to eat, i'm
gonna weigh 300 lbs by summer if i keep this up.