10/22 no one seems to like em here pics?

You rimfire central kids should take your squabble back over there, you are just lowing the tone with your petty bickering on this site.
Friend derek:

My life is so booked up that to attempt to build a semi-auto, and, do everything I could to take it to it's full potential, will probably never happen....
but, I've thought on it a lot.......

I have a silly idea......I think there is a way to delay the blow-back breech bolt just enough, won't take much, so the bullet will completely exit the crown before any motion, of the action, takes place........some folks believe the bullet has exited the crown before any motion takes place in the action......I'm not so sure.........anyway, that is not why I posted here..

derek, I lived in Standford till I started the third grade......every week-end a friend of our family, our family didn't own an automobile at that time, would take my mom and us kids to Danville.......when we would get close to Burke's Bakery, man, the smell of fresh baked bread would fill the old Dodge....we would always stop and get some fresh baked bread, and real butter, and have a feast........that hot bread and butter from Burke's is a pleasure one never forgets........

Burke's Bakery is exactly, today, like it was when I was a kid living in Standford, fifty five years ago......some things never change.....Burke's is one of them......and I'm glad......

Your friend, Bill Calfee

mr. calfee,
i love those donuts!!! remember "burke's bakers bake better"!! nothing like getting those donuts when they are fresh out of the oven. oh man they are a slice of heaven aren't they. my mom used to work there when she was a teenager, and mr. burkes son was my high school math teacher.
it nice to hear somebody from our stae has really gone on to make a name for themselves in the shooting world, and you sir have a very highly respected name. thank you for taking the time to post. if you are ever in danville again let me know and we'll go get some of those great donuts and some bread and just chat. doesn't have to be gun chat either.
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You rimfire central kids should take your squabble back over there, you are just lowing the tone with your petty bickering on this site.

i shoot in sanctioned competiton why should i leave? i love ARA and everything about it.


heres my gun. no i dont win but i have fun and help others out. i wish more did.

I didn't mention any names.

I didn't say leave, just take the squabbing some place else.

That aint no 10/22, best you post a pic of a 10/22 to keep this Texas fellow happy. He doesn't seem interested in talking about benchrest, at least you are doing it, isn't that what this site is about, not some hot rodded semi auto's !!
Honestly look how this started.

First post: Nobody seems to like 10-22s here.
Second: Not accurate for the folks here but they have a great 10-22 forum at rfc
3rd: I sense a tone here.
4th: No tone, they just aren't up to BR levels.
5th: Nobody likes them? Even nice ones?
6th: Most people here have nice BR stuff and aren't into 10-22s. Nothing against what they are but they aren't up to level for the competition here.
7th: I understand but CZs are mentioned.
Then people get a bit more annoyed with the repeated remarks about why 10-22s should be accepted and responses seem to get a bit more to the point and a bit harsher. The real insults start flying both ways and everything gets out of hand.

Lets face it, 10-22s aren't up to the BR standard. They are fun guns and rifles a lot of people on here have or still own. They just aren't BR rifles. A few may be shot in semi auto BR matches but those are few and far between. They are all but unheard of in any serious competition and aren't bench guns in the sense everyone here takes the term to mean. I have one and like it a lot. I don't talk about it here. This forum isn't to discuss 10-22s. It is to discuss competition BR guns which really doesn't often include semi auto BR guns as it isn't a major discipline. Take the responses here how you want. If you had brought in a world class 10-22 and showed it off and the groups it shoots that would be one thing. Instead you asked if people cared for them here. The honest truth is that while some may enjoy plinking with them all but nobody here likes them as competition rifles. That was said in a calm and nice tone at first. Then a little sharper and sharper until it turned into a fight. This is comparing apples and oranges. They aren't the same type of gun. This forum isn't one that really cares about 10-22s. Again like it or don't but when you push oranges on apple lovers eventually they get upset and tell you all they love are apples. The people here aren't didn't go over to RFC and talk about how crappy 10-22s are and that everyone who likes them is wasting their time, though I haven't read that thread texasjoe started over there about how mean everyone here is. If people continued that type of conversation on that forum it would be just as instigative.
JOE!!! Texas Joe that is . . .

Come over to the MATCH section of RFC:

Look over the the "ON-Line-Matches" we sponsor. We have a match for your Ruger 10/22. Look in here:
and scroll down to the:
Enter Match scores: 25 yd SEMI-AUTO
Enter Match scores: 50 yd SEMI-AUTO
Take a look at the scores in there for February. We have a new set of matches every month. Some guys shoot alone on there home ranges. Some shoot in shoulder to shoulder matches at their club, and report scores in the MATCHES secton of RFC.

We also have matches for the Unlimited Class, and we are just as serious about accuracy as the guys here on BRC. In fact, many of the shooter here, STARTED in the Rimfire Central On-Line-Matches. To help introduce new shooters to the benchrest game, we set up that Semi-Auto Class AND a class for Factory Sporters. Also: A NEW class we call Vintage Smalbore for the old un-modified wood stock NRA Smallbore Match Rifles. In January we added a 50 yard class for IRON SIGHT rifles, and it is already attracting a large number of shooters.

We use the 50 yard USBR 25 bull target in our scope sight matches: The same target, at both 25 and 50 yards. We seem to be the only group of shooters that have 25 yard matches. The new 50 yard iron sight match uses the NRA 5 bull A-23/5 target.

Our matches are not sanctioned by USBR. Some a the guys over here call us "OUTLAWS".

Joe Haller ( Mr. Frosty)
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Thanks for the invite Joe, i will do my research,thanks!!:)
It is interesting that 10-22 owners argue fervently the accuracy is unequalled. We all love our Anschutz's, 40X's, 52's, Hall's, etc, but we never get as wound up as a 10-22 owner.

I think that about covered it.....

This graphic . . .

. . . is always interesting for shooters those who have never seen all the target together for comparison.

Michigan Joe :)
Let's be Fair

The 50 yard prone is a gimme target. The 50 meter reduced A27 or International A50 would be a more interesting comparison.



  • Targets.JPG
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tell everyone how well your $4000 gun did in sanctioned matches. i would rather have a $400 gun and get last than your gun and get next to last:confused:

At least Brad shoots instead of getting his rocks off by hiding behind a screen name trying to put people down!!

Maybe you ought to get your facts straight before trying to put someone down. Brad never finished next to last. In the first sanctioned match that he shot he finished 27th out of 30 shooters with an agg. of 1851, which is pretty good for his first time. His second match he finished 21st out of 29 shooters with a 2000 agg. All this was against some of the best shooters in the country, shooting custom rifles.
At least Brad shoots instead of getting his rocks off by hiding behind a screen name trying to put people down!!

Maybe you ought to get your facts straight before trying to put someone down. Brad never finished next to last. In the first sanctioned match that he shot he finished 27th out of 30 shooters with an agg. of 1851, which is pretty good for his first time. His second match he finished 21st out of 29 shooters with a 2000 agg. All this was against some of the best shooters in the country, shooting custom rifles.

That right Jerry...and I'll also bet Brad doesn't have a $4,000 rifle.

Beau and Fiddler

Just got back and took a while to actually find where I left off.

Maybe I should have put my rail in quotes as in "rail" gun - sometimes refered to as a play on words. I guess you didn't get the attempt to ease the tone and appease both sides of the fence.

You know - ease tension, have a little chuckle.

I am more then aware of what a BR rail gun is. Thought the use as it applied to my "rail" equiped 10/22 might chill things a little.

Guess not.

Oh well, back to the regular programming...;)


PS Kathy (Bill Caffee), I bet putting 1/4oz of lead into the bolt will delay things enough. As would cutting the barrel back to 14 to 16". Then we could play with recoil springs and.....
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Here's a serious question for discussion...

We know all the arguments against using a semi-auto (like the 10/22) in benchrest competition, but wouldn't one advantage over a bolt gun be the possibility of quick follow-up shots when the flags are "just right?" Just curious...

-- ale
If your shaving lead, the shot won't go where you want it anyway so it's just a quicker miss.
Unfortunately, shaved bullets are a very real problem with the mag system on the 10/22. NO issue when plinking but might cause problems in a BR application. Maybe a tuner can adjust that out?

Don't have the resources to go experiment.

Actually Jerry you had them scores backwwards. I shot the 2000agg the very first match. But thanks Jerry and Charlie for sticking up for me. You both are great guys that definately know how to shoot. It was an honor to meet you Jerry and to shoot with you. Charlie, I hope to meet you soon. No I don't have $4000 in my Suhl. Actually I have less than $2500. Pay no attention to Chris. He just likes to post only where I have anyway. He keeps coming back here with new names. Wilbur will hopefully take care of him. He is only here to put me down. Check every post that he has made here under his new name and you will see that I am right.
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