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  1. J

    Flat shooting varment calibre

    Cant speak for the 17's but in a 20 go for an 11 twist using 40gn and less. the new non lead frangible bullets although light are fairly long requiring extra stability. No sense limiting yourself out of their use. The 12 twist seems to be just on the edge of stability in 1000,s of factory...
  2. J

    Flat shooting varment calibre

    Launch the same weight pill out of a 20 cal and look at the trajectory/drift gains:cool: Now I can tell you from experience launching a 40 at 4000 is not something you want to achieve with a 204 Ruger. But a Beggs or PPC, piece of cake using the right powders. Plus the OP has the choices of...
  3. J

    Front rest top... hard vs soft

    Understood Boyd. FWIW my prerookie problem was my cheapo 3'' bag would work fine with light recoiling rifles. once I started toying with larger fare I found it constantly became misshapen due to torque. My fault im sure but my homemade solution worked flawlessly. 100% consistent in shape and...
  4. J

    Flat shooting varment calibre

    some sage advice about checking other forums more geared towards the question of pelts. I did a quick search on, one of my old haunts. seems theres good reports of the 32's and 39's vaporizing after penetration with no exit wound on foxes. Given that I would expect all the new...
  5. J

    Front rest top... hard vs soft

    Sandbag The Front Sandbag shall be a bag, without additions, containing sand only, and at least 1⁄2 inch thick over its entire surface. The bag must be able to be deflected horizontally at least 1⁄4 inch with finger pressure at any point. The portion, which contacts the rifle, shall contact the...
  6. J

    Front rest top... hard vs soft

    We should not forget sand is in the rule books. I've built some rest tops with flexible sheet foam and felt. If the rules allowed I wouldn't be using sand in the front.
  7. J

    Flat shooting varment calibre

    The 204 or variant thereof would be my choice. Most factory rifles come with a 1-12 twist which has proven to be barely adequate for the 40 gn pills. You,ll find them fussy. Some barrels will like the 32's 35's but not the 40's. Every once in awhile you'll find one that likes the 40's and not...
  8. J

    Open 'er up

    Exactly right. This is the danger the American people are being led blindly into. When just a few key players decide the US dollar is no longer worthy of being the worlds currency the entire shell game will collapse making default look like just a bad day at the bank. Default would speed up the...
  9. J

    Head Space?

    It's good you scrapped the 12+ fired brass. That's a good move. Firing your brass out of a friends rifle really won't tell you much and now your subjecting it to forming to another chamber. The only chamber that matters is yours. If you feel it's beneficial to do so just shoot a few and toss em...
  10. J

    Head Space?

    If I may make another point. Buy new brass. Using brass fired in another gun multiple times is not a good idea. Brass hardens with firings whether necksized or fl sized. Now take that brass and put it in a different chamber and it will not as easily,reliably expand to the new chamber...
  11. J

    Viper DP and glue in questions.

    Interesting, L-32 in the major. What do you normally use Mike. Ever try AA -1680? I know some use it in the 30 ppc but its a bit fast for the 30 BR as far as I could tell. I just gotta ask. What powder did you use in the major with 155's. I have a ten twist 30 BR tube that I eventually would...
  12. J

    Viper DP and glue in questions.

    Thanks for all the great advice guys. Seems easier now. Another tip I learned for oozing top ends is cheap drinking straws cut up in short sections. They'll conform to just about any shape and scoop up a lot of excess. Not all but most. Keeps the q-tip work to a minimum. Mike, this was gonna...
  13. J

    Viper DP and glue in questions.

    Let me start with the Viper. It's presently out of the stock. Edge stock. I'm considering opening up the drop port to allow 30ppc ,30 major to exit. Would this cause any feeding problems with 6 ppc? I think not but always safer to ask those who have experience. I'm going to re glue the action...
  14. J

    Ladder Test

    Yes, what you learned is shooting an Audette style ladder at 100yds with an accurate rifle tells you nothing. Lets say your PPC is persnickety/fussy. When you shoot an Audette like that at 200yds with a fussy gun you know you hit the jackpot on component choice. =) You can use Boyds idea of...
  15. J

    Gabby Giffords husband buys AR-15

    Yes a Navy Officer and Astronaut must have a hard time passing a background check. It seems he's keeping the 45 and always intended too. Why one semi auto is acceptable and another is evil I cannot imagine, especially considering his wife was shot with a pistol. This little gun buying spree has...
  16. J

    Gabby Giffords husband buys AR-15

    Hypocrisy at its finest Man is he taking a beating. Good...
  17. J

    New Book

    Downloaded. C'mon guys, lets make Rob famous.=)
  18. J

    homeland security NEED some PERSONAL DEFENSE CONCEALABLE guns.......

    Well somebodys training for something folks.
  19. J


    Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual). —Ayn Rand Just wondering...
  20. J


    I realize your post is aimed at Bill Ohio. I cannot speak for Bill. I do not know Bill at all. Wether Bill knows it or not he just began to espouse the philosophy of Objectivism. Like any philosophy its much too complicated to explain in a forum. If your interested in how someone (can't speak...