Search results

  1. G

    Ammo availability

    I hate ta tell ya all but the good stuff ammo gets culled once before it ever leaves the factory...........then it gits culled again buy the faithful, consistent buyers that know which machines turn out the best boolitts .....learning the tricks of the ammo scramble is just part of the game, no...
  2. G

    Where do all the old bench guns go?

    Benchrest Conversions I've had three conversions, one CMP 40x custom stock, trigger and tuner & two 37 Remington's...sold ol'precious and the new owner put her back in factory original parts then put it where the sun don't shine lessen he opens the gun safe door ! I now have Gambler a...
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    trying i agree on the scope power.... the 6x is a divide the pie in four and square the xhairs + it's a guessing game i've never used with my sporter in the squirrel the sporter class mainly to attract new blood to the game ? jmho.
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    at home i call a mulligan....;)
  5. G

    Jim Finn

    just found this by doing a search for jimfinn.....damn The mighty Finn has left the range......I'm sad, he was so very good natured !
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    Tuner Question

    thanks Dave.....i'll do that
  7. G

    Tuner Question

    so I'm going to guess the shorter the barrel the heavier the tuner.......:confused:
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    Tuner Question

    I have a 24 inch barrel with the muzzle measuring .844, What weight tuner should I start with ? it's on a 37 Remington , factory barrel cut down !
  9. G

    Rail gun ?

    Butch Hongisto told me last week, his rail gun is for sale..............
  10. G

    one piece rest ?

    which one piece unit is the most user friendly, like made fer the village idiot ......i owe them nothing so i don't see how I'd be stepping on toes here to ask for tips , tricks and picts... we all know a bundle can be wasted by the uninformed.....$500./$800 dollar range. i like the sand bag...
  11. G

    Generally-Accepted Best .22 LR Ammunition at This Time

    I know of five Annies in our group ,three 1710s one 1712 and a 1416 that test every ammo on the market and they never cull CENTER X just a solid performer across the board:cool:
  12. G

    New Eck website

    i was there yesterday and only half of the buttons worked fer me.....bummer !!!!!
  13. G

    squirrel gun troubles

    fer two years i've been wastin time and money trying to put together a killer squirrel gun. i started with a NY,Kimber but never could get the trigger suitable, the i got a new cz 452 american and changed out every factory part , trigger springs bolts and nuts, then in April i sent it to a...
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    Is there some center fire ///rim-fire rift???

    i work in a gunshop, and most centerfire guys i talk to don't want the ammo chase connected to rimfire....can't make up their own loads,so not interested
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    Front Rest Decision

    hard to beat the fudd top
  16. G

    facebook connection

    anyone use the facebook connect at the top?, and how did that work out fer ya ? brothers an sisters of THE FACE, it's a tool of the Devil, ol'Satan has his hand in everthin !!! it may cause ya to hook up with yer old school flame, deevorce yer wife of twenty years, quit yer job, buy a vw micro...
  17. G

    Thanks for the Memories...

    don't know if this is appropriate i wrote this for another shooter who had lost his life companion, Bill was a great man in this sport and i hope this may help, Go on ahead take that path my dearest loved one it’s come time for us to part go on ahead to glory keep my love locked in your...
  18. G

    Black box out of stock

    ok, the point i'm trying to make is, the faster stuff was culled all winter so why did it dry up so quickly..has tuning to this stuff become easier, are there lots of new shooters, hoarders can't be buying up high dollar stuff, i get all mine at cost in a gun store has it's perks
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    Lapua center-x

    i think it's third from the top, like sk standard plus, or wolf match target...i'm going to try it if i ever see my gun again
  20. G

    Black box out of stock

    yes it does'nt like eley much ! for months i had been checking Eley inventories at zanders and Killoughs and they always had quite a bit of faster match eley, but it all seemed to dry up over night, i figured it had been culled, but why would that all sell out too..seemingly overnight ?????