Jim Finn



Sadly, Jim Finn (who posted here from time to time over the years) was killed in a car accident earlier this month. He was knowledgeable in several areas and often humorous. Life is fragile and sometimes much too short.
I had a chance to meet Jim while I was in Anchorage a few years ago. Sadly our tour bus was delayed and he had to leave before I was able to meet him. Have spoken to him several times and he was quite friendly. Promised next time, he would wait. Everyone in his circle will miss him.
Its hard to believe' Jim and I paled up several years ago. He's been busy haven,t had much contact .
The last time we talked he had changed jobs. He will be missed. He came here some time ago on the way back from Boston, I had a great time with him . I took him to Hart Barrels and introduced him around the shop.
I'm sure his pals will miss him Dick Center and the guys at the gun club. I know I certaily will miss him he was a good guy.
Jim was a very nice guy, he used to run the small hole groups and the 5 x 5 groups on RFC. He scored the smallest group I ever shot and sent it back to me. I still have it.

just found this by doing a search for jimfinn.....damn The mighty Finn has left the range......I'm sad, he was so very good natured !
Jim and Joe Haller left for the 'big range' about the same time, just over three years ago.

I know our shoots are no where near the same without Joe being around, coaching and encouraging.