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  1. R

    2008 conclusion

    Direct result of Jerry Jones and Wade no-coaching Phillips. The most talented Team in the NFL and do not have a coach or a Owner that cannot keep his nose out of the team. But,the Packers went to the tank,the Jets and Brett tanked,Denver Tanked,so the Cowboys will join a bunch of Rich...
  2. R

    Need some serious help please

    Wow,you have a christmas tree of possibles. The Cheetah is a raging thunder,IMR-4320 is a good powder for it as is IMR-4064,i would start at 38 grains and work up. The ppc,both 6mm and 22 are probably tight neck chambers,you will need to know neck dia. and the 6br is also a possible tight...
  3. R

    Why the 52 grain?

    Gerry,thats the best answer yet,it was established way back then,the 52 grain bullet with a 14 twist was the best for accuracy and balance and for that twist. I have made bullets at 40 grains to 60 grains,but the 51 to 53 grain bullets were the Best. I have tried all the way up to 90 grains...
  4. R

    Custom rifle assembly

    You will need a Lathe,reamers,turning bits. You need a stock,JB weld,ect. You get the action,then get a barrel blank,thread,chamber,crown,fit to action. Then,i would get a stock with Molded in color,try Kelbys,get a jewell trigger. as for barrels,get a Shilen,Kreiger,Hart . Then sit...
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    Get a bottle of eliminator,it will get it out in a few minutes.
  6. R

    Hunters . . . but not shooters

    I hear that about 2-3 times per week,and always at almost dark,i live in the cluntry,plenty of deer,we kill about as many with cars and trucks as with rifles. A lot of young hunters get excited and want to make some noise and then tell a story that they shot at a big buck and just missed him.
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    Hunters . . . but not shooters

    Lardy,we have 850 members in our club,as president, i get 50 calls per week and 20-30 emails per week on sighting in a rifle or what ammo to use ect. I go to the skeet fields to shoot and about 10 hunters will show up and ask for help sighting in their deer rifles,i have to listen to stories...
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    Farley compact or Shadetree

    Get the shadetree,it's made by a great guy and will bend over backwards to please.
  9. R


    The 6x45 is a very good round and .223 brass is everywhere. Just expand the neck,loade it and fire it and the case comes out pretty. It will perform with powders that are used in a ppc and shoot just about as good.
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    222 Remington

    The best benchest loads i used was 24 grains of ww-748 and a 52 grain ZIA bullet. i shot a .222 shilen built DGA rifle until i shot the throat out,won a small group in UL class and shot several mid 20's aggs with that load,i used norma brass.
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    Ball C Lot 1 powder

    Dew,it was great in the .222 don't know about a ppc or other cases. It was like ball-c2 and most ball powders,need to clean often and it shoots best at max loads.
  12. R

    30 br and powder burn rate

    Al,i have 2 jugs unopened of the 322 extreme i was planing to try in my 30 br,what did you find to be unique.
  13. R

    Another way to chamber?

    I agree,that whole set up scares me,it is interesting but i'll stay with centers and steady rest.
  14. R

    PO Ackley Resources

    Tony,i have both vol.1 and vol.2 of Ackley's handbooks. They are very interesting,but nothing new that most don't already know. The one case he talked about way back then was the 20/222 mag. He stated,that using the 20/222 that the .222 mag case would make a better cartridge,so today we...
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    Sound Off on GUSTAV:

    Jackie,i m Glad it wasn't as bad as it looked a few days ago,i hope there was no lost of life. We got to watch Hanna,it is projected to head for North Carolina. We can use some more rain but not all at one time.
  16. R

    Sound Off on GUSTAV:

    Yep,and people could be killed and lose their homes,jobs and just a bad thing. We got almost 7 inches of rain here in Reidsville ,NC and did some damage to out gun club,we don't need either Hanna or Gustaf coming up here,Faye did enough.
  17. R

    Exploding gun

    Tod,it's the stinking powder,i went through the same thing with Reloader-15,i'll never use t again in my dashers. I use Varget or h-4895,but never re-15 again.
  18. R

    How I make the 30-30 Agg.

    Mike,i chambered a barrel with a 15 twist for the 30-30 and i turned the rims down to ppc size,i head spaced the case off the shoulder and put the barrel on a heavy rail gun. I used 125 grain Bergers and h-4895 powder and also the old gi-322. Yes,i was supprised how good it shot and the aggs...
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    30PPC and N120.....Redux

    Ok,thanks a bunch,i'll start at 28 and work on it.
  20. R

    30PPC and N120.....Redux

    Jackie,i had 2 -8lb jugs of n-120 was going to try it this week if the weather gets better. I;m using the new berger 115 grain bullet,so far it has shot great with 4198 but i want something better. what was the max load with n-120 you consider safe on cases.