30 br and powder burn rate

Dave B

New member
I've installed a new 1.450" 17 twisted kreiger on a stainless steel rail gun I have. After lopping off 2 inches on each end it finished off at 32 inches. I used a stainless rail I had around because of the weight. Without the barreled action it goes right at 100 lbs. Recoil is mild.
I've shot the recommended loads of 4198 and 117 grain bullets I've read about and it shoots about a .160 hundred yard and about a .375 200 yard.

As I look at burn rate charts it looks like H4198 is real close to 133 while 130 is quite a bit faster. The 4227 that some people shot early on is alot faster.
Why haven't I read of more people shooting 130?
And don't forget to try some 322, just because it's "dated", it still shoots dots.....just dump some in, set the bullet on it and shoot it :)

Probably because it is more difficult to find. Just my guess.

Dave, N130 shoots very well in both my 30BR's. Benchmark is another overlooked powder for the 30BR.

I had some similar 200 yd. issues with one of my 30BR's. Once I hit the neck clearance and neck tension that it liked at 200, H4198 shot equally well as N130 but the 4198 has performed better across a much wider range of temps. and humidity than N130. At least for me.

I've also worked with H4227 and blended H4227/H4198 (H4212.5?;)).

The 'new' H322 Extreme acts very differently than the 322 we're used to. In the small case .30's with their volume to bore size and expansion ratio, current H322 Extreme takes on some fairly unique characteristics.

Good shootin'. -Al

N-130 has recently become available from the US distributor again. I use to use N-130 in my 30's, all of them. I never found any problems with it except it became hard to find and expensive, relatively speaking, and I didn't like the way the US distributor does their business so I switched to Re-7 and H-4198. I have not had any issues with either of those and they are readily avaliable.

I have not tried Benchmark but I have tried H-322. I have always found H-322 to be slow; shoots good but is lagging on the FPS's. I think the same may be true with the Benchmark but havent run it over the crono.

Wish someone would have a powder designed for the 30's so that we could all get in on the lot that would need to be made up, aye?
...Why haven't I read of more people shooting 130?
Just as you fall in love with N130 it becomes impossible to find. Eight months later you'll find it again but the price has gone up 25%.
130 in 30BR

I have (6) 2 lb cans of 130 from about 8 years ago. I'll try it and if it works, shoot it until I'm out. I still have have (2) 8lbers of the old H4198. So far I'm shooting Cheek 118's. There are a few cans of H4227 rattling around here also.
I'm really surprised with the lack of wind drift. The small tail flips that would move my 6 bullets out of a group doesn't seem to effect these 30's as much.
I'm not planning to shoot this in anything other than club matches but so far its quite alot of fun.
What I want to do is set up 3 rails, 1 being a 22, 1 being a 6 and one being a 30. Have the middle shooter be the wind flag reader and the other 2 shooters just being trigger pullers. When the flag reader fires, the other 2 people are to fire as quickly as possible. This little test my tell me something but as of yet, I'm not sure of what. It might be fun though.
The burn rate

of the 130 I have used over the years has been somewhat consistent I think or I am not good enough tuner to notice the difference. I think , like with most stuf, older WAS better.

I never found temp to be much of an issue with N-130 in my rifles when I shot it.

Many years ago, L.E. Wilson did the very test you are planing to do. He did it with a 222 and a 308. He set up two rail guns next to each other and fired them just seconds apart so not to double, with no regard for the wind. In every group the 308 was smaller. The groups were nothing to talk about, but they clearly showed there was less wind affect on the .30 cal bullets. I think this was written up in Precision Shooting some time back in the '70's with pictures of guns and groups.

For small aggs.

Steve Kostanich
Al What are the "quirks" of 322 Extreme in a 30BR? I have not shot anything else in my 2 30BRs. Also has anybody shot IMR 4198 in a 30?
Al What are the "quirks" of 322 Extreme in a 30BR? I have not shot anything else in my 2 30BRs. Also has anybody shot IMR 4198 in a 30?

If you wouldn't mind sharing your 30BR/H322 load data with me, you can E-mail me at avangorder at aol dot com.
Dave, N130 shoots very well in both my 30BR's. Benchmark is another overlooked powder for the 30BR.

I had some similar 200 yd. issues with one of my 30BR's. Once I hit the neck clearance and neck tension that it liked at 200, H4198 shot equally well as N130 but the 4198 has performed better across a much wider range of temps. and humidity than N130. At least for me.

I've also worked with H4227 and blended H4227/H4198 (H4212.5?;)).

The 'new' H322 Extreme acts very differently than the 322 we're used to. In the small case .30's with their volume to bore size and expansion ratio, current H322 Extreme takes on some fairly unique characteristics.

Good shootin'. -Al

Al,i have 2 jugs unopened of the 322 extreme i was planing to try in my 30 br,what did you find to be unique.
I saw some new IMR recently

Al What are the "quirks" of 322 Extreme in a 30BR? I have not shot anything else in my 2 30BRs. Also has anybody shot IMR 4198 in a 30?

It looked a lot different than the old IMR i was use to seeing. I don't remember what the numbers were but I think the bottle said it was made in Australia!
Different Direction

Couldn't a barrel of 32 inches use a slower burning powder than the powders used in 21.5-22.5 lengths? Randy J.

So far, I haven't found that to be the case. I've tried a few different things but it seems that the loads people are shooting in their VFS guns are also shooting well in this beast.
At first I was afraid it would be muzzel heavy but that also hasn't been the case. The only advantage I can see to a 32 inch barrel over a 22 inch barrel
I'm 10 inches closer to the target.
I think you will find with the 130 you will have to shoot 1 gr. more than 4198 to get the same velocity but some barrels do dearly love it, that being said unless I can see an improvement with 130, I'll shoot 4198 for the price and ease of buying. Steve
What's unique about H322 in my .30 BR is that it shoots better than H4198. I don't know what Al is talking about but hopefully he'll be back to tell us.

I started out using old IMR4198 and it shot fine but it doesn't measure as well as the new H4198 and its was hard to get enough powder in the case.

I shot old H322 from 1991 and it shot great but I was almost out so I switched to what everyone else seems to use - H4198. H4198 just never shot quite as good as H322 either old lot or new. My groups are rounder and smaller with H322. That is likely not the situation with other guns or so many wouldn't be using H4198. I have shot H322 in very hot weather and the cases just fall out of the rifle. I have not shot H322 in real cold weather much but will some more this winter. The bore stays nice and clean with H4198 and H322 - for whatever that's worth.

I'm using 214 clicks of H322 Extreme in a Jones measure with a BIB 118, 10 ogive. Dropped slow its about 1/16 below the case mouth so the bullet sits right on the powder with no big compression going on. I can get 218 in but its packed full and hard to handle when seating bullets. Either load is fine in my gun. 214 shoots better. Your mileage will vary so don't come back complaining if that's too hot in your rifle - start lower and work up. I have not chronographed any .30 BR loads. If it shoots small groups I'm happy.

I still have a couple of H322 scotland jugs and I'll gladly give it a try. Thanks for the help.
I'll have my wife (Sue) take a picture of this beast and post it this evening.