Search results

  1. J

    Cartridge Holders?

    Good evening Tim; Yes, of COURSE I remember your name. 5238 E. Fox Hill Ln. You bought that on 8-25-98 ! In fact, I remember most of the names that have purchased one of my products. Yours had a particular ring to it. Honestly, I still can't believe that came out of my mind. But then, there...
  2. J

    FN - Special Police Rifle - SPR in 308

    I have an FN and installed a Timney on it years ago. Also, If memory servers me, the FN's were not a remake of anything. They were the original Mauser actions, ( mine was made in Belgium) ( '98). We copied them with the 03-A3, and Win. copied the bolt design as well with the positive feed .
  3. J

    Cartridge Holders?

    Thank you Wilbur, I have one left as I stated above , (with my name on a brass tag). I forgot you had one for the pics. Had I known you were that fond of it, I probably would have made you a gift of it. Wouldn't be the first time. If you've forgotton details, I have some exquisite color photo's...
  4. J

    Neck turning lubricant

    Here in WI. a local company makes a solvent called DC-99. the finest de-greaser I know of and easy on the hands, if you cut it with water. I use a 50-50 mix and the lube simply lets go. Put your cases into a plastic container, squish it around some, remove your brass and stand them up on...
  5. J

    Who makes this tool ?

    I appreciate your humor Fran. No matter. Homer was a great person to know. They were copied ( like everything else ) by others. Skip had another version.
  6. J

    Who makes this tool ?

    Homer Strickland was the first, ( I believe). he's the fella I was referring to above. Seems to me Gammon had "some" at a match at Holton. As I recall, Homer and Bill thought highly of one another.
  7. J

    Who makes this tool ?

    Bill Gammon has what I believe to be the originals created by a fellow shooter previously from Canada, whom unfortunately is no longer with us. I have one as well. They've been around for awhile.
  8. J

    Cartridge Holders?

    Hello Al, Thank you I certainly remember the names. Al & Penny. You were one of the first.
  9. J

    Cartridge Holders?

    I sometimes regret discontinuing the ones I came up about 13 yrs. ago. My cost to have them CNC'd was $26.back them. I still have one I kept just to look at now and then.
  10. J


    Butch, It's not necessarily all of our fault. This whole thing went down the drain in the 60's. Try as we may, they listen to their "friends" rather than parents. Now and then there are exceptions. That seems to take place when BOTH parents are pulling in the same direction...
  11. J

    Do Groups Grow Bigger with Distance?

    often happens to me. I'd just as soon do away with the 100 and just shoot the 2. I think maybe I try harder knowing the outcome if you don't.
  12. J

    Bullet Seating Depth

    I don't know of anyone who makes more usual.
  13. J

    Help me identify this bullet please...

    I had some 200 gr. .35's in the 60's that appear to be the same.
  14. J

    WWCCA Dog Days of Summer match results

    Great shooting guys ! See you at Holton.
  15. J

    Long range elk whacker

    Me Neither.
  16. J

    Engagement Rifle!

    Dang it Gerry. Thats the first thing came to mind.
  17. J

    powder scale & making coffee

    Now Francis, Don't be knocking us Starbucks drinkers. I went to the extreme because After reading the book, " The joy of coffee", you find out how to make really great tasting coffee. The whole history of the beans, where they come from, and who buys what type is contained there-in. A "Burr"...
  18. J

    Competition Pocket Scales

    Francis; I have something to send you but do not have your e mail.
  19. J

    Interesting bumper sticker

    Always good to get Wilbur involved and read his words of wisdom !
  20. J

    Interesting bumper sticker

    I'll second that. We won it all but lost a Senator from my hometown. The guy that lost was a retired cop, and the one who beat him, was beat the last time around himself. He's been teaching at a local school here. This person refused to serve his country when called upon and went to canada...