

cook and bottle washer
I've got an "inkling" that folks don't put a big weight on what I write but I've got some good advice this time. Based on my single experience with Ivan (150 miles inland), I can recommend without reservation to the folks in the path of Sandy....DON'T TAKE THIS LIGHTLY!!!

If you've got anywhere else to go - GO!
I've got an "inkling" that folks don't put a big weight on what I write but I've got some good advice this time. Based on my single experience with Ivan (150 miles inland), I can recommend without reservation to the folks in the path of Sandy....DON'T TAKE THIS LIGHTLY!!!

If you've got anywhere else to go - GO!

Weather question to the Atomic science expert, is Sandy a he or a she??
I watched Camile come in from the vantage point of New Orleans 90 miles away was too freakin close!! Wilbur is correct, if you ain't gone yet this is one condition you don't want to wait out.

Prior to sometime in the 70's no one had ever heard of a "Himicane" - Life's a B**** - THESE STORMS ARE WORSE.
Well as most know my Grandson is in college in West Virginia. How prepared is he? He wasn't really aware of what is going on. Told him he needs to fill his tank and buy some groceries. He said hewas good as he had TV dinners. I asked how he was going to cook them without power, he said he would eat can goods. I said how are you going to open the cans. He said Papaw I have an electric can opener. Well, how does it work without electricity?
I hope somebody out there will look over him.
A big thing missing in young folks. Common sense. I don't think it is teachable in school. Our fault, as we take decision making away from them at an early age.
Between being in Cubs and Boy Scouts, and being raised through several ice storm power outages lasting up to a week at a time - all 3 of my boys have at least a bit of a clue now that they are grown. Gotta love a P-38
A big thing missing in young folks. Common sense. I don't think it is teachable in school. Our fault, as we take decision making away from them at an early age.

It should be called "uncommon sense". Ever since the '92 election, common sense hasn't been common. Imagine what the younger generation would do without their mobile devices. Answer: not much.
I wonder where all the protesters are.

Hopefully they'll all gather on the beach with signs :)

Here's a true one...... we were at the beach to watch the fireworks. Out here we are still allowed to drive the beach, you can drive out into the water if you want. So when they do the fireworks there's thousands of cars parked three deep for about a two mile section. Fireworks go from 9:30 to 11:00PM, tide rolls over at around 9-9:30 that evening :) :) so we got folks parked clear to the waterline, at LOW tide.......average tide out here is 6ft above mean with 10's and even 12fters common... dunno what that night but suffice it to say,

friggin' CHAOS....

Lines of city-folks SCREAMING at the cops for scheduling the tide right on the fireworks...ladies weeping, children all bug-eyed watching the "adults," cars under water, local rednecks with their 4X4's making $$$$.$$ as fast as they can drag people up to high ground, college kids swigging booze to just make it all go away....

All in all a very educational (and expensive) evening


A big thing missing in young folks. Common sense. I don't think it is teachable in school. Our fault, as we take decision making away from them at an early age.


It's not necessarily all of our fault. This whole thing went down the drain in the 60's. Try as we may, they listen to their "friends" rather than parents. Now and then there are exceptions.
That seems to take place when BOTH parents are pulling in the same direction...
BTW I cain't ride this train about "the young folks of today"...... I've GOT kids, 8 of them and they're ALL smarter than me. And have more "common sense" than I had at their respective ages.

and their friends too.....well, some of them ;)

I know, I know I'm again shouting into the wind, but I know a LOT of really bright youngsters. REALLY bright youngsters, like "make me feel old" youngsters.

makes me all warm and fuzzy


Between posts #10 & #13 I was having a hard time to keep from falling out of my seat. Couldn't stand up to relocate to a safer location because my eyes were watering so bad I couldn't see either. Not to mention my belly was convulsing like a number 10 earth quake on the rector scale.

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Well, here we are in the morning. Wilber was spot on about Sandy. The damage is horrific. I fear there is much loss of life. It doesn't matter how stout you are or how swift you are, you are a bug to Mother Nature.

We must pray for those people.

Concho Bill
Must we pray for the muggers, thugs, and vagrants in the subways, too? Someone once said that a hurricane does a lot of good in that it flushes things out of the rivers and tributaries.
I pray that they went quickly. Though the muggers and thugs will probably be well insulated - the homeless, many of them Vets who simply could not adjust, will be some of the hardest hit....again.
BTW I cain't ride this train about "the young folks of today"...... I've GOT kids, 8 of them and they're ALL smarter than me. And have more "common sense" than I had at their respective ages.

and their friends too.....well, some of them ;)

I know, I know I'm again shouting into the wind, but I know a LOT of really bright youngsters. REALLY bright youngsters, like "make me feel old" youngsters.

makes me all warm and fuzzy



Kids just need an opportunity to think about it for a moment, and then offered a viable alternative. Additionally, they should be allowed to fail, helped to recovery, and if possible presented a similar situation. Thing is, a drill bit, a tap and a new bolt is not under five bucks these days.......if you catch my meaning in that simplistic example.
A LOT of wind here. I thought I'd put out my garbage can last night, (today's pickup day) I looked for it this morning and finally found it about a block away! Butch, has your Grandson gotten to witness a "sofa" barnfire yet? Usually after a big home win the students living in rental houses throw the sofa's off the front porch's and into the street. They lite um up and party on !!