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    Buddy Ross wind SE Regional 4 Gun

    Good shooting Buddy, your getting to be Mr. Consistency but a close-up of you, ouch! ;)
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    Nbrsa Southeast Regional Championship 100 yd at Brock's Gap Aug 23-24

    10 shot UL I might be mis-remembering but I thought we voted several years ago that at the least the Southeastern Championship would always be 10 shot matches, did I just dream that? IMO there's not much fun in dragging a rail-gun to a 5 shot match.
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    Yea I will have to join in here to congradulate the new HOF member's Larry, Bart and Harley. I missd the SS again this year but not being there for the induction of these three added to my aggravation (work blah!). Larry does deserve double congradulations for the way he shot last year, the...
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    Super shoot status?

    Hey Jim I see you weren't able to make it either. I don't know how our crew is going to do without us being there to coach them or a least moderate the alcohol intake! Hope to see you in Birmingham.
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    Winds of Manatee

    Yea come on down Looking forward to seeing all you benchresters all primed for the first match of the year. If you need assistance of any kind give me a call at 813-390-1335. For any first timers if you need any food, fuel etc. you might want to get it before you get to the range we are kind...
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    Dale Rose----sad news has more details about the accident. A real stunner, Dale had become a fixture at the Southeastern matches with his big booming laugh, no end of funny stories and always upbeat attitude. He will definitely be missed. We have lost another good man way too early!
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    Wayne Campbell wins first Brock's Gap NBRSA Shoot!

    I to would like to echo the others in both congradulating Steve and his crew for putting on a well run first match and the Brocks Gap Training center for allowing the shoot to take place. I look forward to attending many more matches there in the future. Congradulations also to the match winners...
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    Rachel's Glen update..........

    I certainly second Jim's words of appreciation Mickey. We all know the work you put into the range on a year-round basis besides actually hosting the match and all the myraid details that intales. Thats why Rachels Glen will always be a "can't miss match". Thanks again.
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    Powder Scales @ Shortrange Benchrest Matches

    I can assure that there were quite a few more Chargemasters in use at the Shamrock than three, quite a few are used by Southeastern Division shooters year-round.
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    Art Kelley

    Passing of a real inspiration What a shock, Dana and I had just spoken about going to visit Art tomorrow to tell him about the match of this past week-end and "berate" him for not being there and helping out! We all knew how bad his situtation had become but Art was tough and had fought for so...
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    Southeast Region Blog updated ... latest results and Shooter of the Year/Top 20

    Hey Steve thanks for the updated information. Another person donating his time and energy to Benchrest.
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    Rachel's Glen - David Reynolds Memorial - SE Region Championship results

    Thanks Mickey! I would like to echo the thanks of the others to Mickey for putting on another great match. All of us shooters are extremely fortunate to have an individual that essentially donates his time, property and money so that we enjoy can the sport of benchrest. If more ranges around...
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    Bench Rotation

    Rotation is the fairest way to conduct a match. Not going to a match because of rotation is a petty excuse (spelled lazy).
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    Confused about scope modifications

    I have a Tucker Conversion on a 45x Leupold that has seen thousands of rounds over the last five years without fail. In addition when I had an issue with the scope horizontal adjusment after the rifle was dropped, I sent it back to Cecil who repaired it free of charge and returned it within a week.
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    Wayne Campbell wins SE Regional 100 yard stage at the Rock!

    Yes it was a trigger pull, every time Wayne pulled the trigger the bullet went into the same hole, plus he was sitting in the honey hole, all he had to have was a superbly tuned rifle and the uncanny ability to read the wind, what's the big deal?:D Truthfully it was fun to watch, much more fun...
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    SER Championship 100yd 4-gun at Rockingham County GC July 9-10

    Roy I plan on being there Thursday am. Are the camping arrangements the same as last year and what about that #%@& pine tree at the first entrance, still there?
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    Unaka Rod & Gun Club, Tennessee State Championship June 18,19

    I plan on being there Thursday morning
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    David Reynolds

    Our matches here in the Southeast will not be quite the same without David. Our heartfelt prayers go out to Donna and the children. Another good one gone too early.
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    What does it take to shoot a "zero" at 200 yards?

    Also look up Johnny Stewarts .075 200 yard record setting target shot at the Unaka match in 2009.