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    Difficult Bolt Lift?

    I would back out the action screws and try without the firing pin, then drop off the trigger and try. One thing I have seen is that, if you just changed scope mounts, a mount screw just slightly too long can do that.
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    Joy-Stick Adjustable Rest Top by Shadetree Engineering

    I own a Shadetree top with a Bald Eagle cast iron Y base. I have found this to be the perfect base for ABRA and other sporter competition. It sets up ideally with a Protektor sporter bag clamped in. It has more than enough range to cover an entire ABRA target without readjusting. I use a Farley...
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    ABRA Factory Class question

    The other thing I forgot to mention is that the rules are very specific that the barrel retain it's factory marking. Customs and custom orders, to my knowledge, do not meet this rule. I presume all Kidd rifles come with Kidd barrels and are marked as any Kidd aftermarket barrel; i.e. with only...
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    ABRA Factory Class question

    The same question popped into my mind when I first wanted a factory class gun three years ago. After thinking about it, I realized that rifles like the Kidd fail to meet the fundamental requirement of being a "Model". Kidd will build you a rifle to spec that meets all the rules of the class...
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    Cooper M54 benchrest 3in base

    Wow, this is confusing. OP asked about a stock with a "base", then threw out the name of a scope mount manufacturer. So far there have been responses about scope bases, stocks and rest tops. What exactly is being asked for?
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    ABRA Texas State Equipment List

    Just to clarify for people not involved, the rules do specifically state that all rounds must be fed from the magazine. As an aside, I think this is the single biggest unstudied issue with the auto guns. A good shooter in Ohio showed me that his (non Ruger) sporter class gun could shoot right...
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    ABRA Texas State Equipment List

    You seldom see Eley at an ABRA match. My personal take is that a lot of people like Center-X at it's performance vs price point. I have tested a lot of ammo over the last year and my personal opinion is that Eley just does not perform well in autoloaders. The flat nosed bullets which have...
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    ABRA Finals Week

    Seems like a fitting term. ABRA winds up the season with 4 matches over the next 8 days. Oak Ridge TN will hold its first match. Ohio and Georgia both have their final match of the year. I would like to close out the year with the great group of guys at Ohio, but I think Michael Blackard and I...
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    New to benchrest shooting First BR rifle recommendations? Advice sought!

    I have no dog in this fight, but that's built from all the top tier parts out there right now, and is just barely over the cost to buy the parts.
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    Gene Beggs

    Sorry, just reread the post and saw that you did use an email. I got a response quickly doing that just last week.
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    Gene Beggs

    I contacted him about wind indicators about a week ago, and he now has no more of either size. I used his email instead of PM and he responded back in a couple of days. Maybe he, like me, really doesn't like the PM system and simply doesn't check them often. Try a direct email.
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    RF barrel tuner needed

    I actually didn't know that Lilja made a reverse, though I have used and like a number of Benchmarks. With the Benchmark, as far as my experience goes, the ones which are that size on the muzzle end are made to be counterbored for sporter class, with the tuner cut internally to get around the no...
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    CZ 452 or CZ 455?

    I don't own a 452, but do know several who shoot and like them. I have a 455 which I bought as an experiment in "cheap" benchrest. I bought the cheapest 455 model available, added an off the shelf Lilja prefit barrel and a semi-inlet stock from Don Stith. bare, it wasn't anything to write home...
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    Ruger 10/22 for Rimfire Benchrest

    You need to go to the ABRA website and click on the rules section. Actually, Rugers are not required; the LVT simply is the most generally accurate model available under the factory rules. I understand that until it came out, the Remington 597 was a serious contender. The rules actually state...
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    New trigger

    Can't speak to the Flavio, but I did try a Bix'nAndy. I used it to replace a Shilen I had. Everything else is Jewell. The Bix'nAndy is definitely better than the Shilen, and better than the Jewell. It can be set lower than the others by a noticeable amount. This is on an absolute scale. On a...
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    Shilen nomenclature

    I have bought 3 Shilens in the last few months. All were rimfire marked 22, and all were Ratchet rifled. I assumed the RF was rimfire, but this makes me suspect the RF may signify a ratchet (5R type) barrel.
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    ARA or IR50/50 which to choose??

    I agree. I know several clubs that shoot both ARA and 50/50. The same people tend to shoot in both. It just gives them more opportunity.I also would highly recommend starting an ARBA club at the same time. If you have a lot of bench space you could shoot a bolt and auto match next to each other...
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    Looking for a benchrest stock for an Anschutz 54

    I have a Stith stock (walnut) and a Kelbly LV. I like them both. The Stith tracks better and I like the balance, but the glass stock seems to shoot slightly better. I suspect if I went back and rebedded the Stith in a manner similar to the Kelbly there would be little difference. I also bought a...
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    browning bbr

    I used to do a lot of work on my own Number 1's. They are 1"x16, just like the M77. Just a different length. As an aside, I lost all my faith in what I knew about barrel stress and sizes when I bought a new fluted takeoff 338/06 Weatherby barrel when they were moving the factory and changing...
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    need advice about used lathe

    I have a South Bend 13 I bought rebuilt almost 20 years ago. In comparison to a Heavy 10, it is more powerful, more robust feeling, handles rough turning better etc. It is simply more capable as an all around lathe. The rub is that almost all my gun work centers around barrel work. The headstock...