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  1. Randy Jarvais

    Big shootout at Palmetto today

    Congrats to Hillary, Dean and Dewey Great job Hill! Awesome. If my numbers are correct the race for SSoy has Dewey in the lead with a 409-403 but Dean has 7.5 points in his vest pocket when the record committee decides. As Dewey probably knows as well as I that the record is a done deal as...
  2. Randy Jarvais

    IBS Score Nats. at Ashe county

    Mainiacs Agree! I won't repeat all the verbiage but everything was outstanding....kudos to Ashe County from the Mainiacs and thanks.
  3. Randy Jarvais

    Not as good as Stinnet's,

    2012 and 2013 are both faster than my 2009. I don't know about 2011 as I haven't had any. When I switched to 2012 from 2009, I had to drop my charge by 0.5 gr to keep the same speed. The 2012 was also more dense so I didn't have to compress the powder as much if at all when seating. With a...
  4. Randy Jarvais

    Not as good as Stinnet's,

    Lot # The orange sticker has 11 digit code on it. The first number is either a 1 or and 8 depending on whether it is a 1# jug or an 8# jug. The next 6 digits are the date in mm,dd,yy. The last 4 are the actual lot number.
  5. Randy Jarvais

    Not as good as Stinnet's,

    Bullet weight? Keith, what is the weight of the bullet and the ogive. Most of us shooting 115-118 grainers are hitting that node. You have to be careful though when changing lots of powder from different years. I was using 34.9 of 2009 lot and when I started using a jug of 2012, my measure...
  6. Randy Jarvais

    Not as good as Stinnet's,

    God, that sure is sweet it must be. Care to share pertinent component info???
  7. Randy Jarvais

    Congratulations to Reed Garfield!!!

    Sorry I missed it! Reed, congrats big guy! Wow, you probably can count on your fingers how many matches you have shot in competition and you already have a 25x. I always told you that bench one was sweet. :) Any idea how many wipe-outs? What hurdle will you conquer next??? Great job by...
  8. Randy Jarvais

    Powder Question

    Gerry, that is interesting. I am shooting 34.4 grains of H4198 (2012 lot) with 118-7 1/2 ogive bullets and my chrono reads 3060-3080 fps. You are using less powder, much heavier bullet, and going 25-40 fps faster.
  9. Randy Jarvais

    Powder Question

    In my 30BR with H4198, which I believe is a little faster than N130 although not by much, and 125-10 ogive bullets, I had difficulty getting much over 2900 f/s. With a 135, I would think it would be even less likely to get to 2900. I think you are on the right track thinking slower powder...
  10. Randy Jarvais

    Possible New VH Agg Record

    It is utterly amazing what KL can do with that 6 power rifle. Congratulations KL.
  11. Randy Jarvais

    robinett 30 br trim lengh

    Mine is supposed to be Robinette at 1.500 so I trim to 1.490. Many of the BR's are 1.520. I have never measured my chamber and my reamer is housed at my smith's shop. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Randy J.
  12. Randy Jarvais

    Randy Jarvais leads the pack at the Bud Pryor.

    Thank you. Greg, I thought about your idea but I know from experience that the people south of the Mason/Dixon line like to put a whipping on me and that's not good for my mental status. It is pretty shaky as it is. Besides, at some point this barrel will stop shooting, although I hope I have...
  13. Randy Jarvais

    MAINE Firecracker 100-200-300 IBS Tournament

    Friendly Redneck country Just think of all the fun to be had. If the weather is good which is the present prediction, the black flies with be out in all their glory and of course the mosquitoes with all the wet weather will be big enough to carry you away! How great is that...and there is no...
  14. Randy Jarvais

    250-13X at 300 yards

    What a great start to 2014 Great job Wayne. Rarefied air for sure! Randy
  15. Randy Jarvais

    Sako 22PPC neck sizing

    22ppc usa If the barrel has 22PPC USA on it, it is factory and you do not need to turn necks, at least not mine. If it doesn't have the USA part then it is an after market barrel and could well be tight necked. Randy Jarvais
  16. Randy Jarvais

    Herb Llewellyn IBS VFS Score Shooter Of the Year, Orland Bunker wins Hunter

    Congrats to both gentlemen on a great season. In the inaugural year of combined VH and Htr, I would have bet on a VH winning the honors but Orland got'ur done. Great job guys. Randy J.
  17. Randy Jarvais

    March Scopes keep on winning

    March was present when setting a score grand agg record March was on my Rimrock built by Borden when I set the present record of 500-40x at the VT States this fall. I had been using a Nightforce (not the new lighter ones) and giving up barrel to make weight, but with the March I don't. It...
  18. Randy Jarvais

    100-/200-yd. Grand Agg Record Stands ... 500/40X

    Thank you gents. Let's hope so Jackie but I bet the same was said to Ludinski in 08 when he set it at 39x. With help from sites such as this, great equipment getting better all the time, and success of some cartridges such as the 30 dasher and 30 brx who knows where the limit will go. It will...
  19. Randy Jarvais

    New IBS Grand-Agg Record ...

    Thanks I truly appreciate the kind words, thank you. It was about as perfect a day's shooting as I have ever had. I was able to avoid screwing up what the equipment was trying so hard to accomplish. I hope the esteemed committee finds the results the same as the people involved this past...
  20. Randy Jarvais

    On the subject of ethics - -

    Pete, why do you ask? As match director, if you don't want or have a score, you have but one option...doing it yourself. If the others don't like the results maybe one will volunteer to take it over. When we were scoring several years ago, I did what others have already stated, I got the refs...