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  1. G

    Brock's Gap - NBRSA SE Regional Championship 100 Yard Stage Full Results

    Thanks Thanks again to Steve and Ann... congrats to the winners and all shooters who braved the 100 degree heat. I for one, will declare I am a coward, much to hot for me.
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    Tennessee State Championship July 12-13, Johnson City, TN

    Congrats Good shooting Steve.
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    Super Shoot small group 200 yard HV

    Wow Great shooting Bart.
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    Super shoot lv 100

    Thanks Bart, keep the post coming.
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    For those of us with ringing in our ears...

    Yes Brian, I did mean"If I forget them for a week"...sorry terrible at typing.
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    For those of us with ringing in our ears...

    My Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor suggested Lipo-Flavonoid ear pills that can be purchased at Wal-Mart . I have Tinnitus and these pills really help me. If I get them for a week, the ringing gets much worse. These are a little expensive at 28.00 bucks for a bottle that last one month.
  7. G

    Common Benchrest Faults and Fixes

    Thanks Bart for the article and Thanks for helping us old fat man at River Bend. I am not referring to Jim, just me
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    Brock's Gap 4 Gun results!

    Congratulations to Bart,Billy and all the other fine shooters. I would also like to Thank the Brocks Gap crew, Steve, Bo and the fine target crew. It was a wonderful weekend.
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    Tennessee State Championship-Unaka Rod & Rod Club-July 13 & 14

    Sorry Mathrew Have a Great Grandaughters 2 year old birthday Saturday and i can't miss that. will certaily miss you guys.
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    Howard "Snuffy" Smith

    So Sorry R.I.P will be missed.
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    Brocks Gap Results

    Hi Scottie I certainly would like to se you. I hope you do come back to shoot with us. I had to miss this shoot but hope to make all the fall shoots and the spring shoots next year.
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    Brady Knight is back

    Interesting Thread I do think I have read more than I need to know on this Tread....hope to be down your way soon Brady to visit for for a few minutes. Wilbur says things that are To TRUE.
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    Left the Range: Norman Jones

    So Sorry So sorry mathew...Prayers for you and the family.
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    Bart Sauter Wins 2013 Gene Mowell Memorial Tournament at River Bend

    Thanks for posting Thanks Steve...sure did miss being there.
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    Brady update 3-1-13

    Thanks Gary Jan and I visited with them last weekend for a short time. Please continue to prayer for both of these wonderful people. Both of them has given so much of themselves for Bench Rest members and everyone else who has had the privilege of meeting them.
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    Winds of Manatee 2013 Results

    Thanks Thanks Steve!
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    Brady Report

    Thanks Thanks Mickey, that is wonderful news.
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    BRADY UPDATE PLEASE READ...... (from his daughter)

    Thanks Scott Praying for Brady, Diane and family.
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    2013 Southeast Region Schedule

    Thanks Steve.
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    Brady Report

    Thanks Thanks Mickey, Talked with Diane tonight and she said you would post a report tonight...So happy he is improving.