Tennessee State Championship July 12-13, Johnson City, TN

Steve stayed steady this past weekend regardless of what weather came through. On Saturday we had a little squall come through that soaked the last 2 matches of the day and it had no mercy on anyone. Rain shots cost more than a couple a shot at finishing well. Great job Steve fighting through. Jeff Summers was triumphant Sunday afternoon after being a victim of the one of the squall's rain shots on Saturday. Jeff shot well all weekend. Chris, Sean, Dalton, Crystal and I would like to thank everyone who showed up to shoot with us. We enjoy putting on these matches for you, as some of the best people we know are benchrest shooters. Everyone is a delight and again, thank you for shooting with us. We certainly missed the ones who weren't there, and hopefully we see everyone in September!
I wasn't able to make it this year due to a family health issue. I wish I could have been there. Congratulations to Steve, Terry, Jim, Wayne, Jeff, Gary, Kenny, and all the great shooters. I do remember what those rain squalls can do. I seems rare that a Unaka match doesn't have some rain, and usually a lot!