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  1. M

    30 BR Load data

    All I have used in the 30 BR is 322 it has always shot well (in 3 different barrels) at the 35-36 gr range
  2. M

    Any air rifle matches in SW Penna?

    Are there any air rifle matchs in Sw Pa and where would find a rifle to start this type of shooting?
  3. M

    Ridgeway Rifle Club ?? PA

    Where are you at in PA?
  4. M

    Mandatory Superfeet use

    Lets see you guys pound your rest points into that.
  5. M

    22 ppc

    322 works for me
  6. M

    Custom brass and bullets

    Why not turn your necks and find a Wilson NS die that way you can still seat using the dies you have and will be able to adjust the neck tension as you need if you need to
  7. M

    750-800 grain bullets??

    Try Cast Boolits
  8. M

    Bullet Seating

    Don't let some of these guys on this site get to you. They do come up with good answers to your problem but some try to make you feel dumb for asking.
  9. M

    750-800 grain bullets??

    Did you try Buffalo Arms (black powder guns)
  10. M

    chamber problem

    Try getting ahold of the gunsmith before you come here looking for a magic answer.
  11. M

    Hey Wilber

    Is there a reason the state was taken from the classifieds? The city is still there but not the state.
  12. M

    Mandatory Superfeet use

    I never saw so much nitpicking in my life. I think the bottom line will be if a clubs benches are repeatedly damaged then there is little incentive to continue holding matches, most clubs are used by multiple groups and if the other groups have to deal with real or percieved damage form BR...
  13. M

    Bench suggestions

    Thanks guys I got what I needed
  14. M

    Mandatory Superfeet use

    FBecigneul Your right it is the clubs responsibily to cater to the shooter
  15. M

    Bench suggestions

    Guess I should have added more information. We have 10 benches metal frame & wooden top. This range is used at 100,200,300, 385, 500M and 600YDS We shoot score matches, groundhog shoots and BPCR matches plus general shooting.
  16. M

    Mandatory Superfeet use

    80 shooters X $30.00 = $2400 none of which goes to the club. Cost of skim coating benches comes from club. What am I missing here?
  17. M

    Mandatory Superfeet use

    The cost factor must be the reason for all of the complaints about having to use super feet. Last time I checked on a BRC ad they were less than $30 hmm guess the cost is to high for somebody with a $3000.00 + gun and all of the other stuff.
  18. M

    Bench suggestions

    The club I belong to is having a meeting this weekend about benches. What is your favorite bench for COMPETITION and if you would post a pic.
  19. M

    Mandatory Superfeet use

    This thread is getting about as silly as can be. But I know one thing if clubs asked shooters to pay for damage to benches there would be a heck of a ruckas raised at the nerve of clubs who did this. I have watched shooters beat the heck out of because they can, not because they need to. I...
  20. M

    Mandatory Superfeet use

    I wonder if the same people who see no problem with "wacking" the feet of the rest on the bench top no matter how gentle they would do it,would be willing to let the clubs range officer "wack" their scope with the same force?