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  1. L

    Great shoot River Bend, thanks

    Thanks Jerry. That's great. Jim's a great guy. Congratulations Jim. If there were other winners, then congrats to all. Hope you all had a great time. Larry Costa
  2. L

    Who won at River Bend ????

    Come on now, who won?? How did it turn out??? Larry
  3. L

    Great shoot River Bend, thanks

    Okay guys! You've got time to post nice pictures, talk about the goodies that Cheryl makes (great stuff), but WHO WON??????? Did you guys even bother to disguise the drinking, eating and talking s@#t with a little shooting this time? I wish I had been there, sure could have used some of that...
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    NBRSA 2012 Agenda item on creating an experimental class

    Thanks for claryfing that Wayne, it makes me feel better. Joe Krupa must have make a typo when he posted the "SE" region above. Larry
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    NBRSA 2012 Agenda item on creating an experimental class

    Joe, Interesting post. I am surprised that the change in Sporter was proposed by the SE region, I guess I must be getting senile...I must have been at different SE Rgional meeting. Age sucks.... Larry
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    NBRSA 2012 Agenda item on creating an experimental class

    Jerry, The idea is that the Unlimited is already the experimental class for the "any weight" goes. This is the bag gun version. It still has to ride on sand bags with no return to battery and weigh 10.5 pounds or less and the current sporter will continue to be a legal configuration, so you can...
  7. L

    2012 US World Team Qualifying Completed for WBC-12 in Sydney Australia

    Team USA, Congratulations. You all did great and, I am sure, will make us proud. It takes a lot of work and dedication to make it and you should all be feeling great. I have wished that I could have gone to at least three of the qualifiers, but now that I look at the list I don't think that...
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    NBRSA 2012 Agenda item on creating an experimental class

    Hi Charles, At the SE Regional meeting we voted not to pass the sporter change at this time because the economy sucks and we have members in poor financial shape. Everyone thought the idea was okay but the timing "not so much". I also asked a few shooters if they felt this would increase...
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    Larry Costa's on fire

    Pat, I have three point-up, 2 coreseaters and 2 squirt dies (Detsch and Ulrich). I use Charlie Hood's cores (.5% Ant.) and I have used both fellows dies and they are both good. The bullets I shot at Unaka were new and were done on a Detsch die. This was the first time that I shot them and I...
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    Larry Costa's on fire

    Mark, Same here. I do want to make sure that the other winners get their credit. I know that we had a new shooter won a yardage (old age is keeping his name blocked, sorry) and also that my Super Shoot buddy and nemesis Jeff Summers also won a yardage. We had fun.
  11. L

    Larry Costa's on fire

    Mark, Thanks for the report. I had a lot of fun. Lots of friends shooting well, I just had a couple of good and lucky days. Jim, Wish you had been here buddy, I will see you at Rachel's according to your schedule. Tom, Thanks. I have a die that is close to a Lowell bullet and it is making good...
  12. L

    Rattlesnake at Raton

    Joel, I won't miss it. Larry
  13. L

    Rattlesnake at Raton

    Tom, I know they are different organizations but I've met the Presidents and Directors of both organizations and have found them to be pretty good people. I would just ask that someone pick up a phone when important matches potentialy clash and work it out. As to going to Raton and getting...
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    Rattlesnake at Raton

    I wish they had scheduled this match so that it would not be the same weekend as the IBS nationals. It is a qualifier for the World Team. In my case I will be going to Weikert since I know and like the folks there and want to support them. If it was any other week I would go to Raton. I have...
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    Rachel's Glen in September....

    I will be there, not just because I love the place and the match, but also to talk you out of this temporary moment of insanity. It just can't happen. We'll have to find a way to cover for your problems. Anybody that can survive an aorta rupture and keep on ticking must not stop!!!!!!! Be good...
  16. L

    Unaka 4-Gun Southeast Regional July 14-15

    Mathew, See you there. Keep the 100+ degree temps away. St. Louis was hot enough to last me the year. Good to go back to Florida to COOL OFF! Larry
  17. L

    New western powders lt-32 test results

    Folks, We've got to be a little patient. Lou worked very hard in getting us a new powder and it sounds like the new manufacturer has done a good job. The government, as usual, has thrown a few monkey wrenches into the delivery process but in the end, I think we will have a great alternate to...
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    Stolen Rifles

    Hi Folks, I had 3 rifles stolen from my SUV 2 days before leaving for the Super Shoot. Stoped at a gas station, went inside to pay and they were stolen from the back of the SUV. Obviouly I did not lock the car. Two of the rifles were Bat DS with Scoville stocks and March scopes. The third was a...
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    Jean-Louis aka THE PIGMAN

    Wow, another friend gone. I got to know Jean-Louis at the Super Shoot and then again in the last 3 World Championships. He was a huge figure in the World of Benchrest, not just from his happy nature, capable of making anyone smile, but also from his ability to run an international match as was...
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    Art Kelley

    Jack, Thanks for the compliment but there were a lot of people that helped Art. I may have been more visible than some because I would set up his equipment on the range. I don't want to go into naming all the people that helped Art (because I might forget a bunch of them) but the list would be...