Would you go to an out of town match at this time??

not at this time (go outa town to a shoot)

This I find irrational....

Please explain what can possibly be accomplished by "not going out of town?" Do you really believe you're isolated from the virus?

I'm asking. Do some of you folks actually believe (I know Calvin thinks he's still clear in The Great White North) that you can keep clear of this thing? Because if you do believe you're "safe".... then by all means, STAY "SAFE!"....... belief is a powerful thing!

But for pragmatists like me...... nahhhh, I looked at the maps the day the reaction started and said "yeahh right"....and furthermore, I'm quite conversant on pandemics. I've been having this discussion for 30yrs. The idea that we can even "flatten the curve" is ludicrous.


Which I'm entitled to

I even believe my opinion in this matter is better informed than most people's who've never even CONSIDERED this sort of thing. Considering stuff like this is a passion of mine. I find questions like "would free power make or break our economy" or "what will happen if the silly little fat guy gets a nuke into DC" to be fascinating. And I learned a long time ago, "THERE AIN'T NO SMART PEOPLE UP THERE PROTECTING US!!" There aren't any "experts" out there.... we, the working men and women of our world ARE the smart people, people.

I've been passing out Orson Scott Card's 'Empire' series the last couple yrs, many would find it relevant

IF they were the type to care, enough to read a book

ain't many of us that do!

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Good luck...

I am all loaded up and ready to go to a match early tomorrow morning.

Should I?

Good luck Jackie. Our Austin match is cancelled. A tough but sane call by Steve.

Strange, I went through the Polio and TB scares in the fifties which were much bigger killers and longer lasting results to the victims. They did close the municipal swimming pools and passed March of Dimes containers out during theater intermissions...but they didn't shut down the world.
Big Al

the question was simple and the answer was too. Not sure what else I can tell you!! I just got done reading the April American Rifleman...does that count?

This I find irrational....

Please explain what can possibly be accomplished by "not going out of town?" Do you really believe you're isolated from the virus?

I'm asking. Do some of you folks actually believe (I know Calvin thinks he's still clear in The Great White North) that you can keep clear of this thing? Because if you do believe you're "safe".... then by all means, STAY "SAFE!"....... belief is a powerful thing!

But for pragmatists like me...... nahhhh, I looked at the maps the day the reaction started and said "yeahh right"....and furthermore, I'm quite conversant on pandemics. I've been having this discussion for 30yrs. The idea that we can even "flatten the curve" is ludicrous.


Which I'm entitled to

I even believe my opinion in this matter is better informed than most people's who've never even CONSIDERED this sort of thing. Considering stuff like this is a passion of mine. I find questions like "would free power make or break our economy" or "what will happen if the silly little fat guy gets a nuke into DC" to be fascinating. And I learned a long time ago, "THERE AIN'T NO SMART PEOPLE UP THERE PROTECTING US!!" There aren't any "experts" out there.... we, the working men and women of our world ARE the smart people, people.

I've been passing out Orson Scott Card's 'Empire' series the last couple yrs, many would find it relevant

IF they were the type to care, enough to read a book

ain't many of us that do!

Would any of you fine folks (about 98% of this thread) please figure out a way to UPS friend Al some common sense. Apparently every little bit helps but he is fresh out.
It is amazing that give that he spends time with machine tools and firearms, he has survived this long.
It is amazing the monumental volume of doctors on news programs saying the exact same thing about spacial distancing ( not particularly complicated given Infection proximity) and then there is Mr. American Freedom.
My only guess is, he comes from a long line of freedom defenders.....you know the ones going into battle with flashing red lights on their helmets, bright yellow flack jackets, and guys that made fox mounds( who wants to get wet in a hole).
Please, some friend/ family member swing by and pour a Pepsi in his keyboard......please.
Would any of you fine folks (about 98% of this thread) please figure out a way to UPS friend Al some common sense. Apparently every little bit helps but he is fresh out.
It is amazing that give that he spends time with machine tools and firearms, he has survived this long.
It is amazing the monumental volume of doctors on news programs saying the exact same thing about spacial distancing ( not particularly complicated given Infection proximity) and then there is Mr. American Freedom.
My only guess is, he comes from a long line of freedom defenders.....you know the ones going into battle with flashing red lights on their helmets, bright yellow flack jackets, and guys that made fox mounds( who wants to get wet in a hole).
Please, some friend/ family member swing by and pour a Pepsi in his keyboard......please.

timmy...... the virus has run it's course in Wuhan..... it's OVER...... and if you believe this is "because the govt wiped it out" then I can't fix that :)

you probably also believe masks protect you.

again I CAN'T FIX THAT!!!

and when it's over here in a week or two..... and when our goobermint is crowing about how they "kept it under control"....... and when folks like you are BELIEVING IT! And our taxes go up to cover the stupid people......And you'se finally take your mask of and venture timidly out to Walmart...

I can't fix that for you

I'm sorry numbers and facts don't "work" for you. I'm sorry "I Can Explain It To You, But I Can't Understand It For You!"

I'm even a little sorry to be continuing to completely and resolutely disagree with your stance, that I continue to ask "please people THINK and look around!"

Notice the shift already????

I see more clearly now that I'n just pissing you off and,

I can't fix that for you ! I know it now.... you still believe we're "in a crisis!"

I can't force you to think, to consider and reconsider...

But maybe I can for someone else.


I AM glad they finally took "Dr Oz" down as the face of informed doctrine, at least the female they replaced heem with is slightly less supercilious.
The SHIFT oh no. Better check the cheese whiz in the bunker and get you a fresh foil hat . Maybe it's not the govt......maybe it's aliens, Al.
You better pray they never tax, obsessive keyboard misinformation.
Some events, ideas, faces and names I hope you remember to remember tim.... you can take them one by one and beat me about the head and shoulders with them as these poor infected people all DIE in misery.

You'll get to prove me wrong ;)

"DR" Anthony Fauci
"DR" Oz
Placido Domingo
Angela Merkel
Rand Paul
Bill DeBlasio
our new democrat cantidate goobernator
Dr Makary saying today we'll lose hundreds of thousands of people here in America.... "4000 per day is coming soon!!!"
Tom Hanks
Bon Jovi
Idris Elba
Germany now "banning groups larger than two"
"flatten the curve"

I loved the way they CRUSHED the whole "Hey, Andrew Cuomo might be the salvation can'idate for them poor demo's!!!"...... "he's really showing some numb"....



I'm laffing over the newest attempt at sensationalizing and inflating the numbers...basically "anyone who dies that tests positive for covid, even if they fell from a building, gets counted.

And in the news today "China, Taiwan and Korea now sending us supplies and aid"....... weird, I thought they were all DEAD over there!

huhh.... guess I was wrong, them masks DO work!

I could go ON and ON and ONNNN..... but lunchbreak's over, back to the grind...... gotta' go down and SHOOT some more cuz we got a CROWD coming over to shoot this afternoon, including my sweet middle daughter who's having us another Grandbaby in just two weeks....

The kids are showing up early.... hadda come up and dig a few thousand rounds of ammo out of the safe..... checkin' the news and saw THIS from 36min ago

36 mins ago
Navarro says mobilization 'just like in World War II' in progress as coronavirus spreads
White House trade adviser Peter Navarro told Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures" that President Trump is "now a wartime president" -- and that the country now has a "clear battle plan" reminiscent of its mobilization during World War II.

Copied and pasted the headline, AIN'T gonna' take the bait me, no, lol

Add Peter Navarro to the list....

So there ya' go tim.... rhetoric is ramping up to offset flaccid statistical data....

ohh, sorry..... to NOT tim...... please read with me, the facts, just the facts ma-am

Here's a list.... now go compare this to how many folks have slipped and died in the bathtub during this time..... DO NOT compare to flu stats, they'll freak you RTFO!!!

Ohhh, yeahhh, and they put a name on it...."outbreak-related deaths" mebbeso you din't AC'TRALLY DIE FROM covid, but it was there, watching!

States with outbreak-related deaths include:

1. Washington: 94 deaths

2. New York: 76 deaths

3. California: 27 deaths

4. Georgia: 20 deaths

5. Louisiana: 20 deaths

6. New Jersey: 16 deaths

7. Florida: 13 deaths

8. Michigan: 7 deaths

9. Colorado: 6 deaths

10. Illinois: 6 deaths

11. Oregon: 5 deaths

12. Texas: 5 deaths

13. Connecticut: 4 deaths

14. Indiana: 4 deaths

15. Wisconsin: 4 deaths

16. Kentucky: 3 deaths

17. Missouri: 3 deaths

18. Ohio: 3 deaths

19. South Carolina: 3 deaths

20. Kansas: 2 deaths

21. Virginia: 2 deaths

22. Maryland: 2 deaths

23. Nevada: 2 deaths

24. Pennsylvania: 2 deaths

25. Vermont: 2 deaths

26. Arizona: 1 death

27. Washington, D.C.: 1 death

28. Massachusetts: 1 death

29: Minnesota: 1 death

30. Mississippi: 1 death

31. Oklahoma: 1 death

32. South Dakota: 1 death

33. Tennessee: 1 death
I passed up a shoot yesterday

@ 75 I realize I am at nearing the end of my life so I want to try to hang on to as much, as is left of it, as I can. I expect to contract this virus but I am trying my best to avoid catching it; pretty much only shopping for groceries and liberally using alcohol after I come out of the store. Lost a dear friend my same age Wednesday, ergo my comment about being near the end.

One observed effect of the virus, as I see it, is that one suffers from diarrhea of the keyboard. It has hit hardest in Washington State.
Yes Al, we're in a war.....against a Virus.
Did you forget your antidepressant today?
Nice to see you and yours practicing the social distancing, you can all make tinfoil hats together.
Post a few pics of facial expressions when you review your forum activity. Should be fun time.
One observed effect of the virus, as I see it, is that one suffers from diarrhea of the keyboard. It has hit hardest in Washington State.

You might be right Francis. Give it a couple more weeks and check those numbers again. Plus I don't see how one can compare how the Chinese govt would control it's citizens to the way U.S. does..
So far he has you at one to zero.

The sad thing is.... you have no idea from whence my sentiment springs.

You have no idea what I'm saying with the phrase "hope springs eternal."

I am glad though that you trust our government, that is best. For you.
The sad thing is.... you have no idea from whence my sentiment springs.

You have no idea what I'm saying with the phrase "hope springs eternal."

I am glad though that you trust our government, that is best. For you.

No dumbass, I trust the legion of doctors saying the same thing. Apparantly your sentiment springs from crazytown.
Actually, the sad thing is, irrespective of your message, you somehow believe you become more correct if you repeat it on multiple forums about 100 times.
Every single soul is wrong, you are the sole correct perspective.

Two to zero.
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Is there any match worth the risk to life even though the risk may be slight? I am a very important person to my family. I think I would stay home.