Tough Kimber mainspring

alinwa: I talked with a pretty sharp local pistol tuner yesterday about your friends issue. While he's worked quite a bit with that exact issue on the Kimber Micros, he's not found any meaningful changes that don't have significant downsides. It's really an issue of mass and inertia.

For what it's worth.... -Al

yup, agreed

Last night I went out and slowly operated a bunch of different setups with an eye toward smaller weaker hands.

Add to that the hyper vel ammo and I just think the Kimber is a poor choice.

PRETTY! But a poor choice
Attorneys...think they're smarter than everybody else and simply can't wait to get up in the morning to hear what they have to say.

Thay's a pretty broad statement; also, does it apply to all occupations or just to attorneys?
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Such is life when dealing with the Jerry Miculek of the concrete basement world.
Cannot believe it took five pages to get to “get a different pistol”. Without Al would have been 1/2 page,although the comedy value is great and made several PM buddies.
Such is life when dealing with the Jerry Miculek of the concrete basement world.
Cannot believe it took five pages to get to “get a different pistol”. Without Al would have been 1/2 page,although the comedy value is great and made several PM buddies.

It's a FORUM..... maybe the long way 'round is better.

I posted on a whim from a friend's living room as I looked over a pretty new handgun...... and here we are.

win/win even for tim although I admit to being confused tim by your "Jerry Miculek of the concrete basement world"

If I'm to be lumped in with Jerry, I'm pleased!! :)
BTW I just ordered a couple 442's to keep in stock and to let the lady try with those grips of yours.... Al, what is your grip? It looks Hogue-ish but I can't read it...
Man, I'm shopping grips and am lost..... "J-Frame" I think but 'square butt' or 'round'butt' ????

I remember I just gave up on My Beloverly's Ladysmith after ordering two sets that were no better than the stock rubber ones..... do these people not SHOOT this stuff? That knockin' on the finger thing is 'YUGE!!

I remember an airweight which had a big triangular-shaped rubber grip, came right up to the trigger guard with no place for the middle finger to get behind. Looked weird, dunno how it is to grab out but shot very comfortably in my mitts. I'd forgotten all about it until now.

It would appear Alinwa’s posts have had vasectomies. They’re full of hot air. You’re out of your league. You’re good at taking verbal shots at everyone that opposes your drivel. NRA accredited range at your house? Prove it. NRA doesn’t show it. You seem to take great pleasure in bringing my name up in all your threads. My pleasure is more in ignoring you but you make that tough to do.
Your posts are better suited for the Humor Section.
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BTW I just ordered a couple 442's to keep in stock and to let the lady try with those grips of yours.... Al, what is your grip? It looks Hogue-ish but I can't read it...

It's a Hogue 'Mono Grip'. No part number on the package, just the UPC barcode and a sticker: 'S&W J frame round butt'

Good shootin' -Al
It would appear Alinwa’s posts have had vasectomies. They’re full of hot air. You’re out of your league. You’re good at taking verbal shots at everyone that opposes your drivel. NRA accredited range at your house? Prove it. NRA doesn’t show it. You seem to take great pleasure in bringing my name up in all your threads. My pleasure is more in ignoring you but you make that tough to do.
Your posts are better suited for the Humor Section.

saving, again, before it gets edited..... again
It would appear Alinwa’s posts have had vasectomies. They’re full of hot air. You’re out of your league. You’re good at taking verbal shots at everyone that opposes your drivel. NRA accredited range at your house? Prove it. NRA doesn’t show it. You seem to take great pleasure in bringing my name up in all your threads. My pleasure is more in ignoring you but you make that tough to do.
Your posts are better suited for the Humor Section.

I’ll save this one for you.
Nice try Justin but, no, no redirection by ME a'tall. I said from the start, I've got a friend with a stiff, hard to operate handgun.

She's a girl...


I'm not really sure why all the animus but........ sorry to have made you defensive....... really sorry you jumped with both feet into a comment directed straight at tim for absolutely no reason....

I'll play it again, s l o w l y

tim doesn't think i should teach anything except pouring basements

not sure exactly why now how tim gains his opinions because tim ain't listed in our teaching database

tim is no doubt better than me at most things (which is what i said in my post) bravo tim, "you da man" tim

tim has all sorts of opinions and things to say about me and others, all personal

kinda' like francis,

and now you

I teach safety.

I teach safety WELL.

I don't "train people to fight".

I don't "interview folks about fighting...."

I didn't ask for "gunfighters" to opine about "training to fight....."

In fact, I don't feel "fighting" is even a thing in this life unless you've chosen it. Which you and others here have. Whee....... Good On Ya, Thank You.

I haven't turned this into a pi$$ing contest.....!!........ You and your cop and sniper buddies all got'cher pannies in a wad re "training to kill" etc etc. Y'all wanna' crow your cred to the sky about "fighting" and "training to fight" and how many times y'all BEEN in a fight and how tough you are.....

And tim wants to be all like you.....

Y'know what??? Lotsa' "pistol guys" ain't never killed anyone nor even shot them. (((Ohh, and to clarify for you and francis.... that's called 'hyberbole'..... it's meant to illustrate my point)))

Jerry Miculek is a pistol guy in my world ..... I don't see him all swole about "gunfighting"

I've got a girl (woman) who has NO/ZERO/NADA interest in gunbattles.

She just wants to feel safe.

That's all.

The only "training" she does is how to get the gun into her hand.

So very sorry guys to have entered a room full of gunfighters but you have all been helpful

Thank You

Oh my God...this must be what an aneurysm feels like...


May I direct you to post #45, wherein you "Reply with Quote" to a post by Zebra13, and address your reply to somebody named Justin. Coincidentally, Zebra13 happens to be my forum name, and Justin happens to be my first name, so your whole "I was addressing my comments towards Tim" thing is complete and utter BS. So you can forwith stop the feigned innocence/what did I do to deserve this nonsense.

I don't care that your teaching a lady, nor do I care that you think one should be able order a gun through the mail. And I have no idea why you would even bring subjects like that up during a conversation that has absolutely nothing to do at all with the topic of our conversation, which was the importance of shot placement in a self defense scenario.

You made it crystal clear that you "think" shot placement is not a component of self defense shooting or stopping a human threat, and that since proper shot placement doesn't happen that often in a gun fight, that it is not a factor. Shot placement only pertains to hunting, you said.

Well, you're wrong. Not only are you wrong, you are 100%, absolutely, unequivocally dead-assed wrong. And in previous posts, I have detailed, based on my real world training and experience, why you are wrong. Correct shot placement is universally taught, regarded and proven as to be the most effective way to stop a human threat. I won't get into all of it again but if you're curious about it, go back and read through my posts on the subject, but as you seem to struggle with reading comprehension, maybe you should have somebody read them to you.

My concern is that you, as a firearms instructor, are telling students your "World According to Al" thoughts on shot placement. Students who intend to carry a handgun for self defense, or such as your lady friend who wants to carry a gun to feel safe. If you're not, great. End of story. Think what you want to think about shot placement. God knows nothing is going to change your mind...

But if your are, it is wrong, it is negligent, and you are doing your students a disservice.

And you should stop.

Oh my God...this must be what an aneurysm feels like...


May I direct you to post #45, wherein you "Reply with Quote" to a post by Zebra13, and address your reply to somebody named Justin. Coincidentally, Zebra13 happens to be my forum name, and Justin happens to be my first name, so your whole "I was addressing my comments towards Tim" thing is complete and utter BS. So you can forwith stop the feigned innocence/what did I do to deserve this nonsense.

I don't care that your teaching a lady, nor do I care that you think one should be able order a gun through the mail. And I have no idea why you would even bring subjects like that up during a conversation that has absolutely nothing to do at all with the topic of our conversation, which was the importance of shot placement in a self defense scenario.

You made it crystal clear that you "think" shot placement is not a component of self defense shooting or stopping a human threat, and that since proper shot placement doesn't happen that often in a gun fight, that it is not a factor. Shot placement only pertains to hunting, you said.

Well, you're wrong. Not only are you wrong, you are 100%, absolutely, unequivocally dead-assed wrong. And in previous posts, I have detailed, based on my real world training and experience, why you are wrong. Correct shot placement is universally taught, regarded and proven as to be the most effective way to stop a human threat. I won't get into all of it again but if you're curious about it, go back and read through my posts on the subject, but as you seem to struggle with reading comprehension, maybe you should have somebody read them to you.

My concern is that you, as a firearms instructor, are telling students your "World According to Al" thoughts on shot placement. Students who intend to carry a handgun for self defense, or such as your lady friend who wants to carry a gun to feel safe. If you're not, great. End of story. Think what you want to think about shot placement. God knows nothing is going to change your mind...

But if your are, it is wrong, it is negligent, and you are doing your students a disservice.

And you should stop.


Yeahh, about all that?? Perhaps you should reread post 45, slowly and carefully..... this isn't about "complete and utter BS"..... it's about what has been WRITTEN DOWN, on this page :)

maybe go read it


Don’t just stand there and take this bashing, Alinwa. Show him your NRA teaching certificate and your range certificate. That’ll show them.

I'm back in town and my order is in!

Thank you Al and Glenn for giving me reason to buy another gun!! Well, two actually as I buy all my guns in sets, one for me/one for her.


I found the "triangular grips" ref'd above...

As I've stated repeatedly over 20+yrs, I'm not much of a handgun guy. I have a _"few"_ LOL, and back when 'Gun Games' came out My Beloverly and I hosed our way through a few 5 gallon buckets of ammo, mainly shooting 45's and .357's.

I still have a complette set of 'Gun Games' and my 13yr-old likes JJ Racaza and is saving his money for a RazorCat, but so far we're still dabblers....

Since the Gun Games days I've gotten somewhat into Colt SAA's and hunting handguns......recently even some 9MM's..... but I'd never found reason to own a 38Spl

Now I do!!

Thanks for your info guys.


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